Status: All for now, unless anyone wants more. I'm easily persuaded.


The Beginning Of Something... Haphazard.

Felix had let the stranger live in his bunker like he promised. The first night, he had forgotten that she needed a place to sleep.

“Hey, are you the only one who gets a bed,” said she, “or are you going to treat me to a four star hotel room?”

Felix was enraged for a split second, and it seemed to teem through him wholly. She could see the anger ignite in his eyes, flicker, and fade all in a very short time. He wanted the plasma pistol, and she knew that she could use this to her advantage.

“I only have the keycard to one room,” he stated with great strain, through clenched teeth.

“Perfect,” she said, plucking the key from his hand swiftly.

Felix was beside himself with anger, and quickly pursued her down to the living quarters, where she managed to lock herself in the room. The keycard lock system developed was impenetrable, only the correct keycard could open each lock. The doors were made of four inch thick titanium, so he had no way to get in. She, whilst inside, quickly found the intercom system on his computer. Felix was startled to hear her talking over the intercom, yet he couldn’t help but be impressed with her technical suavity and swindling nature.

“Thanks for the fancy room. Nice air conditioning, huge bed, fresh clothes. What more could I ask for? Oh, right. A glass of water, if you could. And a warm meal. You know where it goes, the food receptacle. I’m expecting it within the hour, mister.”

Dumbfounded, Felix sat for a moment in thought. What authority did she have? She walked right into his life (well, the opposite is closer to what actually happened), and took over. There was no way he would-

“Shift it! I can’t wait all night!”

She hacked into the damn cameras! Felix was further impressed, and further offended. Now she was spying on him, in his own home. He chuckled for a moment, then went to the warehouse to grab an MRE for her. Macaroni and cheese sounded good to him, and in taking one for her, he grabbed one for himself too. To the mess hall he went with two MREs in tow, laughing and smiling on his way. She deserved this one, he decided, through her hard work she’d earned it. He filled two canteens with fresh, cold water and prepared the MREs for eating. He left his on the table nearest to the door, and carried hers in his right hand through the metal corridors of his bunker. Once he reached his (her) room, he opened the food receptacle on the wall next to the door and placed the items in.
“Hey, thanks guy! Mac n’ cheese will do for now. Sure, it isn’t steak, but it’ll do.”

Later, after he finished his meal, he thought of where he was going to sleep. The only option in his head would be the couch down in the common room, which he often took quick catnaps on when he returned from journeying.

He slept well, and dreamed of the stranger. Somehow she was familiar to him but he couldn’t place it. It was like someone deleted his memory of her, but did shoddy work and left traces. He didn’t even know her name, or her story. Not that he should have cared... right?