Status: I have no idea what I'm doing


Burst into Flames

Chaos is the only word the continuously popped into Steve Roger’s mind as he raced down the broken street. Buildings were decaying all around, bodies were bloody and broken at his feet, and all he could think is that he had failed.

He had failed his country, his home, his people.

”Captain! Get down here now!” The ear piece dangling from his head was full of static and for a moment he wondered if this was going to be the end.

Four men were kneeling behind upturned cars or trucks, their guns loaded and at the ready to attack the enemy currently showering them with bullets. One man swung the gun over the hood of a car and fired as much as he could before one of the bullets went straight through his skull, killing him instantly.

“We’re fucked! We’re fucking fucked!” One of the remaining three soldiers screamed. Steve knelt down beside him and put a hard hand on his shoulder.

“It’s not over yet.” He offered a kind smile when the soldier nodded in agreement. “How many men are there?”

“Just on that side of the street? Maybe 5, 6 tops,” an older soldier replied while checking his ammo.

“They’ve got one guy sitting on an automatic and a sniper snatching anyone who bothers to get into view.”

“I’ll take care of the snip-“ The words were barely off his lips when an explosion rattled the entire street sending everyone ten feet back from where they were. Pieces of the vehicles they had been using as shields crumbled and littered the ground. Steve slowly sat up and tried to shake the ringing from his ears, his blue eyes searching to find the remaining soldiers.

All he found were their body parts and weapons.

“Sir, I don’t know how many are left,” Steve wheezed with a finger pressed to his ear piece, “but I’m the only one within two blocks.”

”Get to high ground.”

“Why woul-“

”That’s an order, soldier. Get to higher ground now.” Static echoed in his ear before it cut out and a deep voice said, ”dropping the Phoenix.”

Steve trotted over to a nearby building and made his way to the roof careful to avoid any open windows along the way. Ducking behind the foot high wall that lined the building, Steve peered over the side to find several tanks advancing along the street he had just been on.

Faster than the tank guns could move, a jet wove through the sky overhead and dropped a container. Steve watched the small container crash into the asphalt and splinter. The approaching tanker stopped just short of the remains of the container, a few soldiers popping out to investigate.

What Steve saw next completely took his breath away.

A girl burst into flames engulfing anything and anyone within a fifty foot radius.

And survived.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've decided this is going to be a short story.
Maybe 5 or 6 chapters. Just because.
