Join Me in Eternity.


Dark hair, light eyes. He was mysterious and sexy. Every time I saw him, he was alone. He would stare down attractive women and I never saw him leave; I would turn around and he'd be gone. All the girls flocked to serve him. I'd wanted to, but never did, even if I did feel compelled to him. In more ways than one.
On multiple occasions I felt him watching me, felt his blue gaze upon me. Sometimes I'd turn and he'd just be gone, just like that. He always sat and watched, observed; almost as if looking for prey. Sometimes girls would go home with him and act weird the following day. But it never failed, they'd always run right back to him the next time they saw him. Words travels fast in bars and he was known as Damon, and with a last name like Salvatore he was no doubt Italian.
We were understaffed one night, and I was forced to serve him. He looked up at me through the dark hair falling over his eyes. He offered up a half smirk upon my approach.
I hadn't even gotten a chance to say anything before he had me fulfilling his order. I felt his eyes on me as I stood in front of him, filling his glass. He grabbed it just as I finished and brought it to his lips. He raised an eyebrow, "Damon." He took a drink.
"Kennadee." I replied back, over the loud background of the bar.
"That your real name, or your name here?"
"Does it make a difference?"
He shrugged, swallowing another sip and holding his drink around mouth level for quicker access, "Guess not."
I returned to my place at the end of the bar with the rest of the girls on shift.
"Damon's got eyes for you." Sarah, a small blonde said from behind me.
"Yeah, me and every other girl here."
She smirked as she left to wait on other tables.
I glanced back at Damon, he looked broodingly in my direction, a smug, half-grin present on his face.
I left the bar late, later than usual at least. The darkness was all-consuming and the streetlights provided little lighting except illuminating the fog hanging in the thick air. In the night lingered an eerie feeling. The blackness was silent, and the moon gave a pale yellow tinge to the moisture residing on the ground. Odd sounds could be heard here and there.
Approaching the near empty parking lot, a silhouetted figure stood, leaning against my car, arms crossed, and light glinting ever so slightly from the leather jacket.
"I don't know if I should feel threatened by your stalker-like actions or honored that you waited for my shift to end." Even in my most drowsy state, I was still ridiculously sarcastic.
Even in the dark, his signature half smile was still so charming.
"You're quick." He pushed himself from my car, and began walking around me.
"What do you want?"
"Let's just say," his voice trailed, and then suddenly it was right next to my ear, "I'm curious."
When I didn't reply he continued, "About you."
"That so?"
"I don't get it." He gestured his hands, matching what he was saying as he continued to circle me, "Out of all the girls here," he indicated the bar, "I can't seem to compel you."
"Maybe you're just not my type. Or vice versa."
He paused for a moment or two maybe glaring at me, but then continued, ultimately ignoring my comment, "I don't understand it, I can get anyone," he stopped in front of me, "Except you." He pointed at me.
"I'm sorry you can't figure out why I don't swoon over you, I really am, but look, I'm tired, it's been a long day, if you'd like we can discuss this over my shift tomorrow night." I said sarcastically, but knowing somewhere inside I hoped to see him again the following day. I pushed passed him, and got in my car. Looking back up to see him a last time, he wasn't there, I even checked all around me just to make sure he wasn't close, but to no avail; he was gone. I hadn't even seen him leave.
There was something so off about him, but he was stupendously charming. Truth be told, I had no idea what he meant by anything he said, if he even meant anything at all. I thought not a second longer about the strange encounter with the strange womanizer, and headed to my small apartment I called home.