The Memory

Creatures Lie Here

It was a monday morning when I hoped out of bed, and yes I too, even sleep. It was raining ouside, foggy, the sun was covered with clouds. I liked these days, these were the days I could be free, free to go outside of this place, to see other people without them seeing me as I really am. It was nice. Most days in this city were like this, it was a good thing now, expecially since sun contact changed my appearance. Around my eyes my skin would turn red, tiny vessels of blood, kind of like if you havent slept in days but in a different appearance. My skin would become pale as a sheet of note paper. On occasions, if in the sun too long, my eyes would turn colors,from my ice baby blues to a deep orange color. I wasnt welcome around other people like that, so I lived off these types of days.

I got up and around, scrounging around for clothes, something a teenager would wear in this generation. I put on a pair of jeans and a pink band shirt that fit perfectly, my diamond white belt and a pair of moccasins. I was ready to go to this school. Meet new people, try to be normal again. My long black hair was straight, i applied a smokey eye and my liner, then topped it off with mascara. I was gorgeous, and I knew it. I walked to my car and off I went.

Driving through this neighborhood was all too familiar, just another dark city. The darkness was all I had to keep my sanity, to interact with others, to live in the world. I was lonely, it had been awhile since I had done this kind of thing, put myself out there with normal people. I was nervous. As I pulled up to the school I looked around.There on the front of the school in huge letters, Westfeild High.I looked around again. There were kids all out front, hanging out in there little cliques. It was normality at its best, and I fit in just perfectly.I had enrolled myself a few weeks before and they were waiting for me in the office when I walked in. As they were giving me my classes there was a boy comming out of one of the office rooms.He was carrying a bag with what looked like track clothes. The one attendant who was helping me out asked the boy to stop. She asked him to show me to my classes and told him I was new and needed help figuring things out around here. He agreed and off we went into the hallways of the highschool.

"What grade are you in?" He said to me.
I answered, "12th, how bout you?"
He smilled at me and said 12th as well.
We walked down the rest of the hall not speaking. He would glance over at me with a shy smile, I dont think he noticed that I saw him. He was cute. He had curly dirty blonde hair. He was very laid back it seemed, he had a grungy appearance but then again that was the style these days. I liked him, and I felt comfortable in his presence. It was strange, foe me atleast.

We finally got to the class when he turned to me.
"Here we are." He said.
"Thanks." I said with a smile.
I turned to walk into the classroom when he turned back to me.
"Hey, Khloee, I know you dont know me or anything, but since your new and all, I could show you around more and we could hang out if you wanted to?"
I looked up at him and smiled again.
"I would love that, do you have a pen?"
He dropped his duffle bag to the floor and got one out for me. I grabbed his hand and wrote down a number.
"Just call me sometime." I said with an overly large smile. Then I walked into the classroom and closed the door.
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