The Memory

You Are Like A sunset To Me

It was finally 2:45, 15 minutes and school was out. I was exicited to get out of there and get home. I needed to be away from all the temptations I faced being in a building full of living human beings. I walked to my car and put the keys in the ignition. I began to pull out, and as I looked back at the school, there he was, the cute boy from earlier, just staring at me. Watching me, almost observing me in a way. It was like he was being in a trance. I pretended I didnt notice and drove off to my house.

Once I got home I did my usual, Got myself cleaned up, cleaned up the house a little, and just listened to music for awhile. It was about six o' clock when my phone rang. I was shocked. I hesitatley answered.

"Hello?" I answered.
Nothing, I heard no one on the other end.
I asked again, "hello?"
Still nothing. I hung up, and shrugged it off as it was nothing. It was still daylight outside so I got up and went outside to look around at the new place I would call home for a few years. I sat down on my porch steps, and let my eyes wonder the place. The houses were so perfect, like out of a magazine. The neighborhood was nice, it was small, it reminded me of home, my first home. I decided to take a walk and see a little bit more of the place.

The street was long, full of beautiful houses, big and small;. I came upon one house that caught my attention. I didnt know what it was but I felt drawn there. It was like there was some force pulling me twords it, waiting for me. I got closer to get a better look.

"Khloee?" I heard a voice yell over to me.
There, walking up from behind the house was the boy I met in school.
"Uhm, hey, do you live here?" I said back to him. He made his way over to where I was at. "Well, no, not really, I mean I used to." He looked embarassed. He was cute when he looked that way. "I see, So your just scoping out on your neighbors?" I said with a giggle. "From my pint of veiw it looked like you were doing the same thing." He said smirking at me. "Guess we both have a secret" I said slightly sarcastically. He came out from the property and we started walking. "I actually live next door, right there." He pointed to the somewhat small house beside it. It looked nice from the outside. "You moved next door from the house you used to live in?" I said puzzled. "Well, my moms kind of obsessed with this house, the bitch cant get it out of her head that its not hers anymore, but I wont get into all that with you." He said staring at his house. "Ya know, I never got your name yet? I think it's about time I know it." I said laughing a little. "Oh wow, I really didnt introduce myself, Im not used to meeting new people around here"He said with a slight laugh also. "Its Tate." I smiled, "Thats unique, Ive never actually met someone with that one yet." I said a bit too seriously. "So, Tate, whats there to do in this neighborhood?" He looked around and back at me. "Well we could go to the beach and hangout, Its not too far from here." I was excited,"A beach sounds amazing to me." I smiled and he urged me to follow him.

As we were walking I thought about how long it had been since Id actually been at a beach. Most beaches weren't dull and dim lighted, so I rarely got to visit them unlike most people in the world. We walked for about 10 minutes or so. "Its just down this road and we'll be there." Tate said to me. It was pretty late out by this time. The sun was almost going down and the air was perfect. "Here we are" I heard from bedside me. I looked around. It was beautiful. The waves were crashing in such a way that it looked like it was from a painting. The sand was slightly cold. The air smelt of the ocean and faint sounds of birds filled the air. "This is amazing!" I said calmly. "Haven't you ever seen a beach before?" He said sarcastically. "Not like this, not for a long time, Thanks Tate, for bringing me here." I said while staring out into the ocean. We sat there for awhile and talked, we talked about him mostly. About the things that have happened in his life. He was strangely open to me, but I liked it. I didnt know what it was about this boy, but all I knew was that I deffinately didnt want him to go away, not anytime soon.

Ok so I hope its getting better for you guys.
Once again thanks for reading, Sorry if theres spelling
erors, I tend to type too fast lol
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