The Memory


We sat at the beach for a long time and it was getting late. I could tell Tate
was getting tired by the way he would talk to me in a tired voice and his often yawns.
We stopped talking for a while, and we both just stared out into the now dark ocean.
The waves crashed loudly and the air was getting colder. I glanced over at him, he was perfection.
I decided I would be the one to get up first. "Its getting late out, we should probably go?" I said looking
down to him. He got up and stood in front of me. "Yeah your right, I dont even know what time it is." He said with a yawn.
We started walking away from the beach and back onto the road. The walk back seemed slower than the walk there. I didnt
mind it though, I liked being in his presence.

We arrived at Tates house first, and I stopped walking. "What are you doing?" He asked me. "What do you mean?" I said with a giggle. "Dont you want me to walk you home, ya know, just to be safe?"He looked so cute when he said that to me.
"I think Ill be fine Tate, Ive been walking alone for a long time, trust me, Ill be okay." I said and smiled at him. He gave me a puzzled look and I could tell he didnt want me to walk alone. I gave hime another reasuring look. "Itll be okay, Ill see you tomorow?" I said to him. "Yeah you will, just promise you'll be careful?" He said. "I promise." I smiled and turned away and started walking twords my house. I didnt go home that night, instead I did what I had to do everynight, I fed. I had to, it was how I survived. Unlike alot of others like me, I didnt have to kill people, I didnt need to and I could control it enough to let them live. Dont get me wronge, I didnt always like the person I fed from, and in those cases, most of them werent as lucky. But tonight, in this town I wasnt going to do that, I liked being here, I liked Tate. I wasnt going to ruin it by causing attention to myself, not the good kind of attention either. I left my victim alongside an alleyway. He would wake up anytime soon and walk it off, he would be fine. I made my way home finally. I cleaned myself off and layed down for awhile. It was 3:00AM, and I layed there until morning. Until I got to see his face again.

The sun started coming up behind the clouds, I could see daylight outside. It was morning. I got around and did my usual, got dressed, put on makeup, listened to music, that type of thing. I walked around my house, the sound of my music filling every room. It relaxed me completely. I eventually got around to leaving for school. I drove down the street, past the house Tate said he onced lived in. Why did it draw me here, why did it have that kind of energy? It was strange, it worried me a little bit. There was just something wronge about it. I pulled up to the school, got out and looked around. I didnt see Tate yet, but I was sure I would. I went into the school and starting walking to my first class, still no sight of him. The time went by so slow, with every class I went through, no sign of Tate at all, not once. 5 minutes left of the schoolday and I was overly ready to get out of there. The bell went off, and so did everyone else. I got into the hallway and started off twords the door. I was confused as to why I didnt see Tate at all, I wondered where he was. I got to my car and opened the door, threw all my school shit in the back and closed it. I looked up to be surprised by Tate, standing on the other side of my car. "You just scared the shit out of me!" I said jokingly. "Are you ready?" He said opening my car door. "Wait, what are you doing, ready for what?" I said confused. He got in the drivers seat. "Can you even drive?" I said opening the passenger door. "Well, not legally, but yes." He looked at me with his hand out waiting for me to hand him the keys. "Do you trust me?" He said looking at me in eyes. "Well, yes I suppose so." I replied back. "But where are we going anyway?" I said again. "I want you to meet some people." He said starting the car up. "Your friends?" I stated. "Well duh?" He said with a laugh. We started driving to a part of town I had yet to see yet. The houses were still nice, but not as nice as the ones on our street. "So why didnt I see you at school?" I asked him. He shrugged, "I was hanging out at Kevins, thats where we're going." "Ohhh, so you blew it off?" I said to him. He looked at me in a weird way. "Your not all straight edge are you?" He said back to me. I smirked at him,"well no, but damn you couldve at least told me I wouldve been down to chill."I gave him a sly look and smiled. "Your pretty cool, you know that?" He said slowing the car down to a small drive way. "I try." I said looking at the house were now pulled up to. Tate got out and motioned for me to also, and I did.

We walked around to the back of the house. There was a large garage in the back, it looked fixed up and clean. Tate nudged me to follow him back to it. We walked to the door and he opened it, inside there was a boy, his hair was sorta long and he looked real grungy or something along those lines. Loud music filled the room, I knew this music, it was Nirvana. "This is Kevin!" Tate said over the music. "Well Hi Kevin, Im Khloee, nice to meet you." I practically yelled over the music. Kevin grabbed a remote and the volume of the music slowly turned down. "So your the chick that my dude wont shut up about." He said smiling. Tate kicked him telling him to shut his mouth but it was in a jokinly way. He blushed a little bit. He was so cute. Kevin was extreemely laid back. He was very chill and I felt comfortable hanging out with him. "So is that what you usually do for fun, Tate?" I said sitting next to him on a couch. "Well no, but if you can keep a secret and be cool Ill show you what we do for fun?" He said smiling at me. Kevin got up from the chair he was in and pulled something out from under the cushion. It was a bag of weed. He walked across the room and got something out of an old chest that he used as a small table. He came back over to us and laid the weed and a pipe on the table in front of us all.

"So, Khloee, are you still down?" Kevin said to me. I wasnt sure about it, but I was already fucked in life, and I really liked Tate, so I thought what the hell. "Fuck yea, Im down." I said to him, and grabbed the bag. "But can we do it my way?" I said looking back to Kevin. "Whats that?" He said. "Lets roll it into a joint instead, Im not really a pipe person." I said smiling deviously. "Dude this chick is awesome!" Kevin said to Tate. "Yeah I know, she really is." He said and looked at me. The rest of the night we hung out, talked about pretty much anything, and just had fun. I learned alot about Kevin, He was in the same grade as Tate, and him and Tate were pretty much like brothers, although they werent friends for more than a year. Kevins phone started ringing, it was his mom. "She's tellign me to come in the house to help her do something, you guys can chill here if you want to, till im done." Kevin said getting up to leave the garage. "I think we should probably just head out." Tate said back to him. "Yeah It is getting late." I said standing up. "Alright, thats cool, dude just come over tomorow or something, we'll chill again." Kevin said to Tate. "Ill be here." Tate said walking with me twords the door. Kevin went into his house and me and Tate walked to my car. "So did you have fun?" Tate said opening my door for me. "Well yeah, of course I did." I said to him with a smile. "Good, thats good, Im glad you did." He said closing my door and getting in the passenger seat. We didnt talk much on the drive back to our street, just glances here and there, exchanging small smiles. "Im taking you to your house right?" I said to him, just to make sure. "Unless you wanna go to yours first." He said and smiled at me. "Are you asking to stay at my house?" I said with a small giggle. "We could, if your not tired or anything." He said back to me. "Lets do it, im sure we can find something to do there." I said and smiled. I picked up the speed and drove till we got to my house. It was going to be an interesting night.