The Memory

The Chemicals React

I was restless that night. I needed to feed on something, anything. I couldnt sleep, there was no way that was going to happen. I felt sick. Every emotion inside of me was going crazy. I could feel my face burning, my small veins were showing, pulsing red strands all around my eyes and cheeks. I had to leave the room. I went into my bathroom and sat down on the floor. I had to get controll of myself. I had a few bottles of rum in my cabinet downstairs, alcohol usually help subside my temptations, atleast long enough till I could feed again. It would calm me down and stop me from changing rapidly. I looked in the mirror, my appearance was horrible. My eyes were dark, it was normal for them to be dark at a time like this. Small red veins appeared all over my face, I was fighting this badly. My skin was pale and my body was shaky. It was almost like withdraw, blood was like a drug to me. But I wasnt going to let it controll me, not right now. I went down for the bottle, cracked it open and drank it as fast as I could. It helped almost instantly. I felt stronger, all the pressure I had building inside of me slowly eased down. I would be ok for now. I went back upstairs to the bathroom mirror. I looked back to my old self, sort of. My eyes still looked strange, they were turning into an orange color like they did when I was in direct sunlight. They were still dark so the orange wasnt that noticable. I looked exhausted, worn down, and strunge out, but I had to make the best of it. I looked around, everything was quiet. I figured I should go back to the bedroom and lay back down. Tate was still alseep, right there on my bed. He was perfection at its best, atleast to me he was. I walked over and slowly layed back into bed. I knew I wasnt gonna fall asleep, because it would be morning soon, and Tate would be waking up. So I layed there with him till morning.

I must have dozed off for a little while because when I woke back up I was all snuggled up to Tate, and he was awake. This was akward. I slowly sat up. "Sleep good?" Tate said looking over at me sitting up. "Uhm, Sort of." I said back with a chuckle. He sat up on the bed with me. It was 12 in the afternoon. We slept through most of the school day. "So I guess we're not going to school today." I said yawning. "Fuck it." He said laying back into the bed. "We can find something better to do than sit in that shit hole all day." He said with a smile. I layed back with him on my bed. He turned twords me and just smiled. "You look so peacful when you sleep." He said quietly. "Do you usually watch people in their sleep?" I giggled. "Well, I didnt really have anything else to do, you kinda just made yourself compfy on me." He replied, he had a comforting look in his eyes that made me want to melt right then and there. Its been so long since Ive been close to someone, and I knew I shouldnt be doing it again. The outcome is always bad, but it was too late for that. It was too late to stop what was already happening. I felt something for this kid. Something ive never felt in my overly long lifetime, and something inside me knew he felt something too. Now usually I could sense people's emotions, I could see their true self in some ways, but not him, not Tate. I liked it that way though, I didnt want to overly know him, not without him wanting me to. "So what are we gonna do today?" I asked. Tate got up a little and reached into his pocket. "We can start our day like this?" He questioned pulling out a small bag with a joint in it. I didnt oblige. "Alright, Im down for that." I said happily. He grabbed a lighter and lit it up. He sure did smoke alot, I assumed it was because of his family history, his little get away from all the bullshit. After we smoked I put on some music and looked around my room for some clothes. "We should go swimming at the beach?" I said looking back to him. "We can, I want to stop at my house though to get swimming clothes." He said back to me. "Alright, Im gonna get around a little bit, Ill be quick though, Ok?" I asked. He nodded and layed back on the bed smoking the rest of the joint. I went into my bathroom. My skin was still pretty pale. When I was full, my skin was tan and glowing,but today it wasn't. I brought my clothes in with me to change, with my bathing suit to put underneith. It was hot pink and black. I slipped into that and then started dressing myself in normal clothes. I put on a pair of my black ripped skinny jeans and a pink tank to match my bathing suit. I put on my make up and brushed my teeth. I studied my teeth in the mirror, They were normal for the time being. I forgot all about not feeding, but I figured if I bring some alchohol along, I would be just fine. I got out of the bathroom to find Tate going through my music collection. "You like what you see?" I asked looking for my pink flip flops. "Do you really listen to all this? You have records from before we were even born?" He asked me. "I do actually, it depends what mood Im in, alot of those arent even mine, they came from relatives." I lied. "Thats crazy that you have all these, I mean dont get me wronge, you listen to alot of shit I do, Its cool, not many girls around here like this kind of stuff." He said walking over to me. I was infront of my body mirror making sure every part of me looked perfect. He stood behind me, he was taller than me. "Dont we just look cute." I said to him still looking in the mirror. "You do, I cant say much about myself though." He said giving me a small laugh. "Well I think you are, so be happy." I said smiling at him as I walked away from the mirror to grab my car keys off the night stand. He smiled back. Even when he was stoned out of his mind, he was still the cutest thing to me. "You ready?"I asked him. "Yeah, lets go." He replied. I turned off the music and let him go first. We got downstairs and I went into the kitchen. Tate followed me there. I went into my cabinet and grabbed another bottle of liqure out. "You wanna drink a little?" I asked him. He looked amazed that I had as much alcohol as I did under the cabinet. "How do you even get all that!" He asked. "I have my ways." I fluttered my eyes at him. "Lets go." I said grabbing his hand to follow me out and he did.

We drove until we reached his house. "Do you want me to wait out here?" I asked him. "You probably should, not that I dont want you to come in, but I dont want my mother to interogate you with her pointless questions, she tries to pretend shes mother of the year when someone new comes over." He said to me. "Thats fine, trust me, Ill pass on that any day." I said laughing. "Ill hurry up." He said getting out. "Ill be waiting." I said and smiled at him. As I was waiting for him I seen someone come out of his house. I assumed it was his mother. "Addie!" I heard her yelling for Tates sister. She started walking over to the house next door. Why would she go there for her? I watched as she dissapeared behind the bushes. I kept watching to see what she was doing, expecially since that house had some kind of power, some type of energy, and it wasnt good. I jumped when I heard my car door open. "What are you doing, zoning out?" Tate said laughing at me a little. "Oh shut it." I said nudging him. "Did you get everything you needed?" I asked. "No, I thought we'd get to the beach and come back for the rest of it." He joked. "Alright smartass." I joked back and started the car up. "We should get Kevin to come, he was really cool." I said to him. "Hes in school, I already called him." Tate said. "His loss." I replied and started to drive. "Didnt your mom say anything to you about not being in school?" I asked him. He shrugged, she could probably care less, and right now shes probably too drunk to even know its a school day." "Thats horrible, Im sorry Tate." I said sypathetically. "Nah, its cool, shes been like this since I can remember, Im used to it. Fuck it." He said back to me.

We finally got to the beach and I parked my car. We both got out and started walking up to it. It was a warm day and the sun was out a real little bit. I had my fix with me though, so the sun wouldnt bother me too badly. We got to where the ocean came up to the sand, the water was cold, but it didnt bother me at all. "Come on!" I said going out into the water. "Are you kidding me? Dont you feel the water!?"He yelled out to me. "Dont be a pussy!" I yelled back going out deeper. It really did feel amazing to me. I didnt do this very often. Tate looked out at me and then back to where the water was hitting his foot. "If you come out here, Ill give you something special." I yelled up to him. He looked at me smiling. "What is it?" He said. "Youll have to come here and find out." I said twirling around in the water. He hesitently came out to where I was."You are fucking crazy Khloee." He said shivering a little. "I got you to come out though, didnt I?" I said smiling at him. He came closer to me. "So now what do I get in return?" He said with a smirk. "Come here." I replied. He came to me right away, still freezing in the water. I put my arms around his neck. "Are you nervous?" I said to him. "No, just really cold." He said smiling back at me. I leaned up and kissed him. "You warm now?" I smirked at him. He took a minute to reply, almost as if he was shocked that I kissed him. "Not quite yet." He replied and put his arms around me. I leaned up again but this time he came to me. He kissed me, and it felt like sparks were flying all around us. It was perfect. I pulled away, "Lets get out of here." I whispered. We got out of the water and back onto the beach. We went and sat on the blanket I brought from my house. I layed back and grabbed his arm to lay with me. "Your so perfect Khloee."He said getting closer to me. Little did he know I felt that way about him since I layed eyes on him. "No ones ever said that to me before." I said and pulled him closer to me. I wrapped myself around him and started kissing him again. Our kisses were so passionate and extreeme. It was like something ive never felt before. We made out on the beach for what felt like hours. He was like a drug to me, I didnt want to stop, but I had to. There was a group of other teenagers approaching the beach, school must have been out now. We looked at each other and smiled. I sat up and Tate did as well. He gave me another long, amazing kiss. "So does this mean we're together now?" Tate said smiling at me. "Is that your way of asking me?" I replied back, grabbing his hand. "Khloee, will you please do the honor of being my girlfriend? Is that better?" Tate said pulling me closer to him. "Id love to." I said giving him a small kiss and laying my head on his shoulder. At that moment I grabbed the bottle out of my bag and popped it open. "Cheers." I said. "To what?" He replied back. "To us, silly." I smiled at him, taking a swig out of the bottle. I handed it over to him and he did the same thing I did. We sat there on that beach, sipping out of the bottle, hand in hand, watching the waves crash back and forth. It was like something you would see in a movie. Tate layed back, proping his head up with his arms. I layed back with him, my head laying on his chest."Im so happy I found you Tate." I whispered. "Me too, more than you know." He said kissing my head. I had a connection with him that I didnt understand, but I knew I had to have him, all of him, forever.
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