The Memory

The Past and The Present

A few months went by for us, and we were practically inseperable. We spent our days mostly at my place, considering there were never any adults there and we could do whatever we wanted. We didnt ditch school so much, I talked Tate into going as much as I could, I wanted him to suceed in life, to do everything he told me he wanted to do when we first met. My feelings for him grew rapidly over the last couple months we were together, as did his for me. He was very protective over me, and I loved that about him. He still didnt know my secret, I hid that really good. I always waited for him to be asleep or just went out on the nights he didnt stay at my house. Kevin became a big part of our relationship too, he was a friend to both of us, no matter what. He was always very understanding. I didnt have many friends besides him and Tate of course, but there was one girl I became friends with, not close friends but we were friends. Her name was Alaina, she was a senior in our school and always knew the best parties to go to on the weekends. Me, Tate and Kevin never missed one of them, either. I had yet to meet Tates mother, although he told me stories about her all the time. She wasnt drinking as much anymore, and that was a good thing. He told me about the people that moved next door to him. It was a family, with two younge girls that lived there. He told me some strange things involving them. He would have horrible dreams about the family burning alive inside the house as he watched from afar. There were times when he would stay at my house and he'd talk in his sleep about the fire. I would end up waking him up and he wouldnt remember saying anything or even the dream he was having. It was stressful for him, but I told him it would all be okay, it was just a dream anyways.

It was a friday night in January. We were meeting up with Kevin in an hour to go to one of Alaina's friends parties. It was going to be fun, like they always were. I was at my house with Tate getting ready to go out, making sure I looked perfect like I always did. Tate of course didnt have to try, he always looked perfect to me. I was full, so that meant I was glowing, I looked refreshed. Every strand of hair fell perfectly from my head, my make up was perfect. I looked amazing. Tate walked over to me. "Your so beautiful." He said kissing the back of my head and placing his arms around me. I turned to face him and kissed him. "Thanks baby." I replied to him and gave him more kisses running my fingers threw his blonde hair. "I love you." He said between kisses. "I love you too babe." I said breaking away from him. "Now lets go, were gonna be late to pick up Kevin." I said anxiously. He gave me one more kiss, a passionate one, and started to walk downstairs. I grabbed my car keys and I followed him down. We went to Kevins and beeped for him to come out to the car. "Hey Kev!" I said to him. "Hey you two, are ya ready to get shit faced and forget each others names again." He said laughing. "Fucking right." Tate said looking back at him. Kevin pulled a blunt out and lit it up. "Lets toke before we go dude, start the party before we even get there." He said passing it to the front. "Kevin, you are the party before we even get there!" I said laughing and taking the blunt from Tate. I took a long drag off the blunt and passed it back to kevin and started driving to the party. When we got there we seen tons of people from our school, all completely drunk and running around like idiots. It was fun though, none the less. We were there for a few hours and I could tell Tate was drunk. He couldnt keep his hands off of me. Kevin was out and about doing his own thing, hitting on all the girls he wanted to. Me and Tate went into the house the party was held at to get more drinks. "I love you so much baby, your so fucking hot, I just want you to know that, do you know that." Tate said completely fucked up from the alcohol. "I know babe, just calm down we're not home yet." I said kissing him. He put his arms around me and started kissing my neck. "Lets go then, Kevin will be fine, come on." He begged. He was so adorable, I couldnt resist. I gave in and kissed him, biting his lip a little. "Ok, lets go." I said smiling and grabbing his hand. We got to my car and got in. Tate put his seat back to lay down on the ride to my house, I assumed he didnt want to get car sick from being so drunk. We made it my house within minutes it seemed and I nudged Tate to get up. I got out and went to open the door for him and help him out. He was black out drunk, he didnt get like this very often. I helped him into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom. Once we were in there, he put his arms around me and kissed me intensly.I kissed him back and placed my arms around his neck like I always did. He picked me up still kissing me and placed me onto the bed. I pulled him on with me and brought him on top of me. He kissed me some more, then moved down to my collar bone. I rolled him over so I could be the one on the top. I sat up above him and he put his arms on my waist and slowly pulled my shirt up, I had to help him a little bit because he was that drunk. He unhooked my bra and I leaned back down to kiss him. He grabbed onto me and rolled me over yet again so that he could be in control. I nudged him to sit up a little so I could take off the rest of his clothes. Once I accomplished that he pushed me back down and tore off the rest of mine. He leaned back down to me and kissed my neck intensely, I let out a small moan in pleasure. He gave me another kiss before finally placing himself inside of me. He felt amazing and I couldnt resist moaning over it. I pulled him closer as he started to thrust himself in and out. I clawed at his back, wrapping my legs around him tightly. He was going faster, at this speed I could feel something was about to happen for me. I clawed his back hard and he moaned at that, it was getting close, for both of us, I could tell by the way he was pounding into me. I wrapped my fingers into his hair and pulled him down to kiss me, still going the same pace. I let out a loud moan, as it was finally happening for me, and that triggered it for him too. I could feel the cum pumping out of him and into me. We were both out of breath and he relaxed himself ontop of me. I put my arms around him, kissing his head. "Baby, your amazing." I said breathlessly. "I wouldnt be if I didnt have you." He said back to me, sitting himself up a little. He kissed me on the forehead and we both started getting up. I went to my bathroom to clean myself up and Tate got into his boxers and layed back down on the bed, waiting for me. I knew he was going to fall asleep, and that was a good thing, because I needed to go out and get my fix for the night.

I went back to the room and layed with him, wrapping myself in his arms. He was the only thing that made me feel something in my whole life, it scared me, but I wasnt going to let him go. He fell asleep holding me, and I gave him a soft kiss before I got up to leave. I got out of my room as quiet as I could and went down to my front door. Something didnt seem right to me, I had a bad feeling, and usually the feeling was always right. I left the house and started off on my destination to feed, and like any other night, I found someone rather quickly. Id drag them to an alley or a dark corner and do it and be done with it. I finished up and went on my way back home. I passed that house while I was walking, still being drawn to it. Tonight it felt stronger, fiercer. It felt like the darkness inside of me was being attracted to the darkness inside of that house. I wanted to be there, I wanted to know what was in that house, but I couldnt, I controlled myself. I knew that if I let it get to me nothing good would come from it, I knew it would destroy me, whatever it was. Whatever this curse was that was given to me, I controlled, I kept the darkness at ease inside of me, and that house, it made me want to let it all out, made me want to let every inch of the darkness inside of me out, to be released into the world and not give a damn about anyone. If it wasnt for me meeting Tate, I think I probably wouldve let go that night, and let the darkness take controll of me. I was deffinately no saint, but I couldnt imagine what kinds of bad would have happened if I wouldve done that. I made my way back home, trying to ignore the feelings inside of me. When I got there I didnt go upstairs, instead I went out back and sat down in the lawn. The moon shining down on me, just pondering about everything. Why was I here? Why is there even a such thing as a person like me? What was the point? I didnt get why anyone would want to be like me, having to keep the temptations at ease, seeing everyone you love die as you remain the same, having no one to depend on, it was pretty crappy, especially when you were alone. But I wasnt alone, I had Tate, the only thing was that I knew it wasnt going to last, eventually he would grow older and I wouldnt. Everything would change, it was only a matter of time. The thought of it made me sad, and I looked back up to the sky. Dark clouds were now gently covering the moonlight. I layed back into the grass and closed my eyes. "I dont want this anymore." I whispered outloud. I heard someone behind me walking twords me. I sat up and turned my head. It was nothing but a stray cat stubling into my yard. It came to me and rubbed against my side. It wasnt strange for animals to come to me, almost every animal ive ever came across was not afraid to come near me. I had some kind of bond with animals, well, since the day I got changed I have. I layed back down and the cat sat next to me, just watching everything around it. It had been a long time since I had layed out and thought to myself like this. The stars were going away now, it was extreemely late at this point. The cat suddenly got up and ran into the night. I sat up looking behind me. The back door opened and Tate came out. "You okay? What are you doing its 4 in the morning?" He said standing at the door. ""Yeah Im, Im okay, lets just go inside."I said getting up walking to the door. We went back upstairs and layed back down. He didnt ask anymore questions, which was starnge to me. We just layed there and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up alone. Tate left a note that he had gone to his house to do some things. He never left without telling me. I got up and got around for the day. My appearance was tired. I looked sad and uneasy. I was wearing down. I didnt want to do this forever, to live life like this. It was depressing. I went into the kitchen and sat down with my head in my hands. I felt so alone, even though I had Tate, I was still alone. I heard a knock on the door. No body ever knocked on my door. I wasnt sure about getting up and getting it, but I did. I walked to the front door and slowly opened it. "Long time no see?" A familiar voice said to me. There standing in front of me was Gina, and I had no hope that anything good was gonna be coming out of this.