Status: This should be short and will be updated when i can

Find Me

Such Dirty Minds

A week and a half later, Teagan was more than ready to go home. She loved being in England and seeing her dad, uncle, and Watson (as awkward as it could be at times), but this was not her home and she wished to return to her loved ones. Mycroft had come to visit like he had in the ten days, and she smiled happily; hospitals were boring.
"How are you doing today, Teagan?" Mycroft asked as he entered her room.
"Bored." Teagan sighed, "But fine. No more headaches and my body doesn't hurt anymore." He nodded as he stayed standing.
"Would you like to go for a walk?"
Teagan's eyes lit up, "Yes, please!" She swung her legs off the bed. "Let me change and we can go." She quickly grabbed her clothes and changed in the bathroom. Once the pair was outside, Mycroft offered his arm and Teagan easily took it.
"The nurse was telling me you are to be released tomorrow." Myrcoft commented as they walked the hospital grounds.
"Finally, bein' in thair for so long is turnin' my brain to mush."
"You never did like being in one place for too long."
"Nope, school was torture until we started switchin' classes. But even then, I was bored. I'm pretty sure mum was glad I graduated and didn't get expelled." Teagan chuckled, remembering her school years.
"Yes, I recall Shannon calling me a few times about you."
"We'll, that's embaressin'. I tried, but I just couldn't focus."
"More important things to think about?" Mycroft smiled down at his daughter.
"You know."
"You remind me at times of Sherlock."
"Really?" She grinned.
Mycroft nodded and looked forward. "When do you plan on going back to America?"
"In two days. I'll be takin' the midday flight." She replied. For the rest of the afternoon, Mycroft and Teagan talked and spent their limited time together, before he had to leave for work.
Teagan was once again alone in the hospital with a full night to kill. So being the social butterfly she was, walked the halls and visited different people, whether she had met them before or not. Some of the patients got annoyed with her visit, but many people were happy to have her come by. Over the course of the night, she had pudding with two elderly gentlemen, two elderly ladies, and three kids who found it funny that they were eating a snack with a big kid. She had dinner with three people she never met before and talked with nine other people ranging from the ages of 23 to 76. It was the most entertainment she had in all the time she had spent at the hospital. The nurses got a little irritated when they could not find her, but overall they did not mind her wandering about as long as she stayed in the hospital.
The next morning, she was pleasantly surprised to see that Sherlock and Watson had come to pick her up. "Hey, what are you doing here?" She smiled at the two men as she packed her things.
"Mycroft could not come so he asked us to pick you up." Sherlock answered, a little uncomfortable.
"Cool. Thanks for doin' it, you didn't have to."
"Nonsense, of course we did." Watson frowned.
"Well, thank you."
"Do you need help with anything?"
"No, I'm good. Let's get me checked out, I've grown tired of this place." As the three walked the halls, Teagan said goodbye to everyone she met. They wished her a safe ride home and to stay safe. Finally after twenty mintues, she was released from the hospital and climbed into the cab.
"Where are you staying?" Sherlock asked.
"Knightbridge Hotel, I'm still registered as stayin' there." It did not take long to get to the hotel and after paying the cabbie, they stood outside the hotel for a sec to try and find her key card.
"That man over there has been staring at you for the past two minutes." Sherlock observed. "He seems to think he might know you."
Teagan turned to see a tall man (rivaling Sherlock's height) with messy black hair, a well build muscular frame, a bit of a shadow of facial hair, and the most gorgeous blue eyes she has ever seen. She immediatly smiled as the man shyly walked over to them. "Hey Jay." She cooed and wrapped her arms around him.
"Hey Tea." He smiled back.
"What are you doing here?"
"Your mom sent me to make sure you were okay." Teagan rolled her eyes. "And I'm glad she did, what happened to you?" His voice was colored with concern as he lightly touched the fading bruises on face.
"Work got rough. Oh, how rude of me." Teagan turned and looped her arm through his as she tugged him over to her uncle and friend. "Jay, this is my uncle Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. John Watson. Uncle, Dr. Watson, this is my boyfriend Jayce Nilsen."
"Hello, pleasure to meet you." Jayce sticks out his hand.
Watson grabs it tighly and gives it a firm shake, "Pleasure to meet you too."
Sherlock is staring at him intensely, but does not shake his hand right away. After awkwardly standing there, Sherlock finally shakes Jayce's hand. "Hello."
"Is everything okay?" Jayce asks uncomfortable.
Sherlock shifts his eyes to Teagan and comments, "He seems like a good man, no lovers."
Jayce's mouth drops a little as Teagan smiles fondly at her uncle; quite use to him. "Good to know you approve, now we just need dad's." Jay paled slightly, "Oh don't worry, better to get it ova with all in one fail swoop. Also, you got mum's approval, she's a lot harder."
"Don't remind me." Jay scrubbed his face with his hand. As the group talked, Sherlock got a phone call from Lestrad.
"We have to go, there is murderer we must find." Sherlock informed.
"Okay, well thank you for helping me." Teagan smiled and opened her arms to hug both men. Watson nonchalantly hugged back while Sherlock was a bit more stiff.
"What are you going to do?" Watson pointed the question at Jay.
"I was going to get a room. I'm not leaving until Tea does." He replied.
"Nonsense, why pay for a room when I have a perfectly good one?" Teagan rolled her eyes.
"I do not think Mycroft will appreciate you sharing a room." Sherlock commented.
Teagan shrugged, "I don't care, I haven't seen Jay in a while. We have a lot catching up to do."
Watson's eyes widened as Jay groaned, "Tea, you are going to get me killed one of these days!"
Teagan raised a brow, "Such dirty minds, I was merely hinting at talking." She grinned and bend down to pick up her bag.
"I got it." Jay said, beating her to it.
"Fine by me." She smiled up at her boyfriend. "Thanks again. Will I see you before I leave?"
"When are you leaving?" Watson asked.
"Tomorrow, mid-day flight."
"Perhaps, if we finish this case." Sherlock said.
"Kay, go catch a bad guy." Teagan smiled and looping her arm through Jay's as she headed into the hotel.