Status: In motion and ready for action!

If I Ever Leave This World Alive (Daryl Dixon)

Day Off

“Daryl, where are the diapers?” I call down the hall. “I’m comin’” He called. He came around the corner, diapers in one hand wipes in the other. “Oh, you’re fantastic!” I exclaim as he chuckles. I lead him into the nursery, and lay Mason down on his changing table. Daryl walks over and puts the diapers in the diaper basket and hands me the wipes. “Thank you, darlin’” I say as I kiss his cheek. Daryl kisses my head as I change Mason’s diaper, while Mason is playing with his feet and giggling at his daddy. A loud engine sounds outside of the house. “That’ll be Merle, go let him in”, Daryl shoots me a look and says “yes mama”.

I giggle at his back and turn back to Mason, who is currently drooling on his foot. I take his foot out of his mouth, and start dressing him in a red plaid button down shirt, and a pair of blue jeans. “Don’t you look handsome?” I look down at him as he giggles and pulls my long red hair with his wet fingers. “Charming” I giggle at his antics. As I’m talking to my baby I hear footsteps out side of the nursery door. “Sugar tiiiiiits!” Merles voice comes through the door, followed by the sound of Daryl smacking him upside the head. “Stop calling me thaaaaat!” I whined. The door swings open to reveal my favorite rednecks, and the old dog pulls Mason into his arms before handing him off to his daddy. And he pulled me into a bone crushing hug, “Eeeeeeeep!”. He laughed and spun me around in a small circle. “I missed ya ma!”

“Then stop getting arrested!” I laughed and he shrugged. “So ya’ll goin’ hunting?” I asked my wonderful husband. “Ya, we should be back by tonight.” “Hopefully we’ll catch a buck!” Merle barged in. And left the room cheering “Buck! Buck! Buck!” Chuckling, Daryl turned to me and kissed my forehead. “So what are ya’ll gonna do today?”

“Well since it’s my day off, I have to stop by the bank and then I’m going to take Mason shopping, he’s growing really quickly.” I stated, tickling my baby’s exposed belly, receiving an adorable giggle in return. “Oh! And Mason has his last round of shots today, so we have to go to the doctor’s too.”
“Good luck with that one.” Daryl chuckled. I just punched him in the arm playfully, what a smartass. Daryl and Merle said goodbye once more and left to go snag a buck.

Strapping my little six month old into his car seat I make sure he won’t kick off his boots, like the stinker he is, and when I’m satisfied I climb into the driver’s seat of my Chevy and drive to town. First stop is the bank to pay off some bills and pull some cash out. Next stop is the grocery store, picking us up some milk, beer, baby food, diapers, wipes, and some fresh veggies. Then the real task begins, the mall. I pick up some new shirts, pants and cute little converse that look adorable on Mason, from Carters. Of course Mason was being fussy the entire time, and after I paid he broke out into full blown wails. Sighing I take him to the restroom and discover he crapped his pants. While I’m cleaning him up I sing to him to calm him down.

“Hey there little boy, Itty bitty baby calm your tears..” He starts giggling and I know everything is better. We go to a few more stores and I buy some clothes for myself and Daryl along with some toys and books for Mason. I make sure to buy teething toys too. After we leave the mall I go to the hunting store to buy Daryl some new arrows for his beloved crossbow. Yesterday he was complaining that his arrows were getting brittle. So this should be a nice little surprise for him. Now we are driving to the doctor, much to Masons displeasure, I swear it’s like he knows what’s about to happen.

Holding my screaming baby I check in with the receptionist who sent me a sympathetic look. The nurse came out and got us and led us to the examination room. Doctor Hall came in and quickly gave poor Mason four shots, at least these are the last ones. In the car the radio announcer announced rapidly that a flu epidemic was sweeping over the United States. “Well Mason, good thing you’re vaccinated.” I giggle as he stared at me with a dumbfounded look on his face. Hopefully Daryl doesn’t get sick; he’s a god awful patient. He always whines for more water or that he’s too cold/ too hot, though he might do it just to irritate me. Shithead.

I smile as I think of my husband and notice I’m pulling onto the dirt road that leads to our one story house. I should probably pay attention when I’m driving… oooh well. When I park I take Mason out of his carseat and take him the house. I strap him into his bouncy chair, and go get the crap from the trunk. I hull it all in one trip, so I feel like a boss.”I’M WONDERWOMAN!” I yell running into the house. Mason giggles and tries to bounce himself towards me. “Well, I reckon it’s time for lunch.”

So I push his chair along into the kitchen were a I set off to make some grilled cheese for myself and to grab mashed peas and carrots for Mason, they’re his favorite. He wolfs down the entire jar and burps loudly, causing him to giggle at himself. “Oh you’re sooooo silly” I coo. My grilled cheese are done so I take Mason into the living room and put on a kids show. This show is so weird, I bet the guy who made it was on acid or something. But Mas is enjoying it so I guess it’s alright. I’m just about to start on my second sandwich when I hear a car door slam and someone yelling.
What the fuck?
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FIRST CHAPTER YAAAAY comments are very welcome