Status: In motion and ready for action!

If I Ever Leave This World Alive (Daryl Dixon)

Well *** Me

Slam! The door rattles on its hinges as it bangs against the wall. "Natalie!" I hear the familiar voice of my husband yell. "Daryl? What are you doing home so early?" Usually they're gone until nightfall. "Did something happen?" I round the corner and come face to face with a sweaty, dirty, panicked looking Daryl. He sees me and instantly pulls me into his strong grip. "What's wrong!?!" Daryl is starting to scare me, what the fuck happened to make him act like this? "Daryl?" He pulls away and kisses my forehead. "Darlin we have to leave." The look in his eyes made me know he was dead serious. "Why?"

"People have gone batshit crazy. Fuck, they're eatin' each other babe. We gotta go. The radio said Atlanta has a refugee camp or some shit. We're gonna head up there and see what happens." He hugs me one more time and pushes me towards our bedroom. "Go pack, bring our shit to the truck n' me n' Merle will load it up." "Alright." I said shakily. Oh fuck, this is actually happening. It has to be bad shit if Daryl is panicking. I run into our bedroom and start throwing Daryl's clothing into his black duffle bag, once its full I zip it up and throw it into the hallway. Grabbing up all of my clothes and throwing them into my blue bag, I grab another bag and put all of our photo albums, keepsakes, and the necklace Daryl got me for a wedding present. I put the two bags into the hall way with Daryl's black bag. Pulling out yet another bag I stuffed my boots, sneakers and a few of Daryl's into it. Zip. Toss. Okay now Masons room. I run through and pack everything, he needs more shit than me and Daryl do. Diapers, check. Formula, check. Baby food, check. Toys, check. Clothes, check. Wipes, check. Okay, I have everything. I grab all of the bags and hull ass out of the house. "Daryl, I think I got everything!" I call to him. He looks up and smirks, "How about Mason?". I slap my forehead "GODDAMNIT!" He laughs and points to the open passenger door where Mason is strapped into his car seat. "DARYL YOU ASS HOLE! YOU MADE ME THINK I FORGOT OUR BABY!" I screech at him. I can't believe him sometimes! And he's laughing! Grrrrrr.

Merle heard the commotion I guess cause he comes running outta the house lookin for a threat. When he sees Daryl laughing and me banging my head against the truck he lowers his gun and looks confused. "Wa?" "Your brother is a fucking ass hole!" And with that I turn and run into the house to get more supplies from the kitchen. Just before the door slams I hear Daryl and Merle laughing at my expense. Ass holes. I gather all of the nonperishable foods in the house, thank God I just went shopping...

"Sugar titts!" Merle calls, "We gotta move!". I bring out the last bag and hand it to Daryl to load into the truck. I feel his arm wrap around my waist and pull me into his chest. I look up at him and he kisses me softly. "Sorry." I giggle at him, "It's okay, I guess. You'll have to make it up to me though." I wink at him and walk to the front of the truck. I see our neighbor, Annabelle, walking this way. "Hey Annie!" I wave. She doesn't respond but just walks, well more like limps, faster. "Ya'll right?" She gets closer and I see her face clearly, she has blood running down from a bite on her neck. "Annie?" She gets about a foot away from me and lunges. I scream as she lands on top of me, and hold her by her neck cause she's trying to bite me. Her face is distorted and there's no life in her once vibrant green eyes. Her face twist and she lets out an animalistic growl, still trying to get her teeth into me. An arrow flies into her forehead and Annie's body goes limp, landing her full weight on top of me. I whimper as she lays on me, wondering why my friend had attacked me. I'm vaguely aware of my name being called, more focused on my dead friend's head resting on my shoulder. When Annie is lifted off of me I snap back to reality and Daryl is holding me. "Nat? Come on darlin' we gotta go." I sniffle, now very much aware of the tears streaming down my face. Fuck, I hate cryin.

Daryl sets me in the back seat next to Mason in his carseat. Merle is in the drivers seat and Daryl's next to him in the passenger seat. I cuddle next to Mason, who is now playing with my hair again, and try to calm myself down.
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I'M SOOOOO SORRY! Finals killed most of my free time and I've been working third shift too D: But now that school is over I will have tons and tons of time to write! woooo! Norman Reedus is sexy. That is all. :D