Wild Spirit




"Botany. I want to pursue a career in botany."

I pulled my eyes away from my dirty, bitten nails and up to face the woman in front of me. Incredulous eyes stared back at me, causing a light flush to spread.

"You what? Since when?"

"Since, like, um, tod- this morning. Yep, this very morning."

The woman, incidentally also my mother, sighed.



She sighed and stared me down.

"Didn't you just say you wanted to go into Bio Chemistry? What happened to that?"

It was my turn to sigh.

"Mother, I said that, like, two eons ago!"

"Two eons? More like last week!"

I attempted to make a dismissive-sounding noise. It ended up sounding more like a baby dinosaur...

"Same difference! Anyway, I already talked to Mrs. Hopkins and she said it was an absolutely darling decision."

My mother snorted.

"A baby dinosaur could shit in her office and she'd say it was the absolute, most loveliest thing she'd ever seen. Let's be real, Audrey."

"Whatever... And you're not being a supportive parent right now, Mother."

She narrowed her eyes at me before rolling them and sighing, for the 54th time that day.

"Fine, fine. Go pursue your botanical career. I better get some discount petunia's from this."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not Wal-Mart, Mother."