Wild Spirit


"So, technically you're just going into Biology?"

"No! Botany! Plant science!"

This is the second incredulous look I've gotten in the last 24 hours, a record perhaps?



"Don't look at me like that. Besides, you're one to talk, Ms I-Want-To-Major-In-English!"

Emma snorted, quite unattractively. I let her know.

"Bitch, my snort's are beautiful."

"So is dinosaur shit," I deadpanned.

She rolled her eyes.

"You're such a weirdo. I mean really, botany? Of all things you could've chosen, Audi..."

"Excuse you! You're the weirdo calling me Audi," I said, as I shoved my pointer finger at her face obnoxiously.

"It's a nickname, and it's cute."

"Being nicknamed after a German car company is not cute, Emmaline."

"THAT'S NOT EVEN MY NAME!" Wow, who knew her face could contort like that...

"Geez, chill Emmaroo."

Emma stared at me unimpressed.

"Stop with the tragic nicknames."

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"No. Not until you stop with this 'Audi' shit."



"Ew, Audrey, no. Ugh, you are so disgusting."

Well... that's what happens when you're raised by your single mother and terrifyingly Neanderthal-like older brother.