Bedtime Story Time With Corian and Amerrickat #1

Gettin' Serious Here/Day 5

C- And it's that time agaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

The train stopped, and impossibly more people got on, shoving and pushing and tightening the non-existent space in between Netty and Zack.
She could feel her whole body get warm from the crowd of people, and especially in her face where his breaths were flying around.
There was a quiet hum swinging along in the buzz of the car, and the vibrations came from the middle of Zack's chest. She knew because there was no other place to put her head but on Zack.

"Are you humming?" she asked him.

"Why? Does it bother you? 'Cause I can stop," Zack worried.
"No, it's just a little strange, you know, we're in public."
"But humming's so much fun! You cannot restrict my lovely hums!" Zack announced.
"You are the most awkward turtle-person I have ever met," complained a smiling Netty.



C- He kept looking forward since he didn't hear, but the humming continued. Netty didn't complain about it again, because she knew that Zack was just one of those amazing people, whose amazing deeds were what they did in public without giving a fuck.
As they finally came out at their stop, Netty started to get cold from the lack of people on all sides. It was still that warm time of the year, where nights were hot. She didn't think it was hot at the moment. It was pretty chilly.
"So where are we Zachary?" she asked him, wanting to know how in the world she was going to get back to her dorm.
"All we need to do is walk around for like five minutes, and you'll be home, don't worry," he replied calmly, like he knew the area like the back of his hand.

a- I'm slowly dying of gut feels

C- "Alright...Just you know that I want to get home quick. I'm cold."
"How could you possibly be cold?!" Zack shouted to the nearly empty streets and sidewalks.
"I don't know," Netty replied all sassy-like. "Maybe it's because my heart is forever a frozen block of ice."
"Jeez! Okay, okay, don't take that tone with me! It's scary! Here-"
Whoa. Zack hugged Netty.
"-Will this get you warm?"
"Hmmm, I still feel a little chilly..." she said, her voice cracking. Netty liked the feel of his body pressed on hers too much to say she was getting hot again. She recalled something he explained before: "I work ouuuuuuuuuuut!"
"Okay, well, as long as it takes," he concluded.
"Mm-kay," she allowed, taking a deep breath of stinging cinnamon that he always smelled like. It was so powerful that she tasted it, too.

Suddenly, Zack let go and grabbed a hand onto Netty's wrist tightly.
"Hey! I didn't say-" she started.
Zack had a dark look on his face. Like he was angry. At her. Oh God...No...What did she do?


C- He pulled her around the streets and tall windowed buildings with random ac units sticking out. Zack wouldn't look at her, much less respond in any other way to her questions.
"Hey! Stop! This hurts!" she whined. Netty was afraid. What was going to happen?! What was he going to do with her?!

Was she going to die?!



C- Zack whipped her up a small greeting of familiar stairs. He got up real close to her face and whispered, "Open the door."
Terrified, she did his bidding. Zack pushed her through and slammed her against the wall immediately.
"To your room," he commanded. Netty led him up the three flights of stairs. Down the hallways. With many steps. And knocked on her room.

a- O.O

C- Tasha opened the door with a carefree swinging style.
Her eyes widened when they spotted Zack. Netty wanted to xcream at Tasha to get out, for help and to beat her for bringing a dude in the room again.
"So...I see how it is. I guess we have to go, Mark...She finally brought a man of her own..." Tasha sighed.
Netty looked at her, trying to use facial expressions to communicate her fear, but Tasha just didn't get it.
"They want us put bad, sweetie, hurry on up!" she called out to Mark.
Netty's stomach turned. This was completely terrible.
And frightening.
She screamed for help in her head, for the guy she had gotten close with over the past days held onto her arm until the point to which she felt it go numb.

The only thing wrong with her was that her face was still hot feeling. Which meant she was blushing, which TOTALLY defined her mood at the moment.

a- Dude holy shit is he going to kill her

C- When they were clearly a ways down the hall, Zack pushed her gently inside with loose hands on her back.

Netty hadn't been able to see his face for a while. It was as dark as before. Dark with an absence of emotion.

She backed away to her bed, which came under a clear panel of glass.

Zack kept taking steps closer to her, until suddenly, he was tight on her again, and grasping her shoulders with care.

a- Dude what is up with him is HE DYING NOOO

C- "I don't care anymore," he whispered, and Netty saw deep into his lovely eyes, surrounded by white hair.