Love Is Eternal


"I love you so much, Bailee."

The girl smiled. "I love you too, Patrick."

With that, they left for their date. It was their one year anniversary, and Patrick was taking Bailee to one of the most expensive restaurants in Indianapolis. He saved up for quite a while so he could afford it. That and the present he was giving her that night.

The car ride was long. They listened to One Direction the whole way there. When they finally arrived, it was nearing nine o'clock.

Patrick ordered some kind of steak, and Bailee ordered a fancy vegetarian meal. The couple ate, having light conversation the whole way through. When they finished the main course, they ordered a piece of cake to share.

In the middle of eating, Patrick suddenly said, "Bailee, I've got to ask you something."

She gave him a confused look. "What is it?"

He swallowed nervously. "Bailee, I love you so much. You're beautiful, kind, generous, and loving. You're the greatest girl I've ever met. I'm so unbelievably happy that Michaela set us up a year ago."

He gave him a look, pleading to see where this was going.

"So, Bailee Nichole Poore," He smiled weakly before getting on one knee, "Will you do me the honers of becoming my wife?"

He pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring, probably the most beautiful thing Bailee had ever seen.

Bailee just stared at him with tears welling in her eyes before nodding eagerly. "Of course I will, Patrick. I love you so much."

He smiled brightly. "I love you too."

The others in the restaurant applauded and the couple could hardly keep their hands off each other. They paid for the meal and left, wanting to get home more than anything.

On the way to their home, they got stopped by a red light. When it turned green, Patrick put his foot on the gas, but he didn't get far. A truck crashed into the side of their car.

Ambulances and police surrounded the area quickly. The driver of the truck was drunk. Way above the legal limit. Kira Theesman drank way to much at the bar and didn't think of the consequences. She lived.

Patrick and Bailee, on the other hand, weren't so lucky. Bailee died on impact. Patrick died later that night in the hospital. The newly engaged couple were buried next to each other five days later. Bailee was still wearing the ring.

Two lives were cut too short, and one girl sentenced to prison due to drinking while intoxicated and involuntary manslaughter. When she was released years later, she went to the graves of the lives she ruined. A girl, who couldn't be more than twenty-five, was at the graves. Kira waited behind a tree.

"It's still hard to believe you guys are gone. You're my best friends. I miss you more and more everyday. Randall proposed the other day. We're getting married in June. Bailee, you would be my maid of honor. Pat, I'm sure you'd have been Randall's best man. You guys better be there anyway." The girl sniffled. "Sarah had the babies. Twins. Her and Luke named them Bailee and Patrick. Who would have thought that they'd end up together? Now they have a family. It's crazy. Bailee, Randall got me a puppy for Christmas. One of those Pomskies I always wanted. We named him Sodapop." She wiped the tears from her eyes. "Speaking of The Outsiders, I finally got that tattoo I wanted. "Stay Gold" is now permanently on my skin. Hurt like a bitch though."

She chuckled for a moment before standing up. "Well I ought to get going. Randall's probably wondering where I am, my shift ended an hour ago. I love you guys, and I'll be back next week."

That being said, the girl walked slowly to her car, leaving Kira alone in the graveyard. She sighed before walking towards the graves. She knew she made a mistake. It was all her fault. Patrick and Bailee were supposed to get married, have kids, and live a full life filled with love. Those things didn't happen though, all because of her. A pang of guilt made her stomachs sick as she saw the graves for the first time.

Love is eternal.