

"Alright class, I'd like you to hand in your work" Mrs.McGill said to the students just as the bell rang to signal lunch time. Alex and Violet both stood to hand in their paper and then collected their things to leave class.

As soon as they got in the hall Violet heard some random people calling Alex's name, leaving him distracted by the hollering students. Leaving him behind, Violet decided to walk down the hallway toward the cafeteria. She was almost there when she felt a hand grab her around the arm yanking her back and throwing her right into a locker. Figures.

Violet wasn't the least bit surprised when she saw that it was Elizabeth, she had been expecting this confrontation. Just as she had planned last night, she put on her game face, not willing to back down.

"I don't know what that little stunt was you decided to pull yesterday, but I think you owe me an apology. You made such a scene." she spat at Violet.

"I'm not sorry for anything" Violet replied, stepping up to face the blonde haired girl standing in front of her. "I'm not afraid of girls like you." she finished, shoving off Elizabeth's hand that was still gripping her arm.

"The whole school thinks you're a psycho bitch who attacked me for no reason. I can break your reputation in a second," she growled back.

"You think I give a shit what you losers think of me?" Violet replied.

"Maybe not, but I know you care what your brother and his friends think of you, and if you want to keep those friendships in tact you better watch it," she responded with a snarl.

"Okay whatever you say Queen, I bow to your every command" Violet said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"You're nothing but a little slu--hey!" Elizabeth started, taking a step back from Violet to face Alex and Zack who were walking down the hall. She had realized they were coming and abruptly stopped what she was about to say. Violet couldn't help but think that she sounded like a completely different person when she went to greet the other boys.

"I was just having a quick word with our little Violet here" she said sweetly, motioning over to Violet.

"Oh give it a rest" Violet retaliated.

"No need to be so rude!" Elizabeth said in a surprised voice, putting on a complete show. "I was about to tell Violet about the party at my house on Friday, my older sister is inviting her college friends so feel free to invite everyone you know" she said with a grin.

"Sounds fun" Alex said, a little confused by the whole situation.

"We'll be there" Zack said with a faint smile, watching Elizabeth as she walked away.

Violet just rolled her eyes again, walking ahead to the cafeteria to get in line. She wanted a chocolate milk but by the looks of it she would be waiting a while.

"Hey Vi wait up" Alex called, jogging into the cafeteria behind her.

She turned to face him.

"What was that all about?" he asked getting into line beside her.



"Just a whole lot of empty threats" she replied, shrugging.

"Threats to do what?" he prodded.

"Ha I don't know ruin my reputation, spread rumours about how I'm a psycho, turn you guys against me" she replied, laughing at how stupid this girl was to say these things.

"Wow, I never knew she was so..."

"Crazy?" Violet finished for him.

"Yeah I guess. She's never been anything but nice to us before now"

"She's still being nice to you, its me she hates remember? Whatever, I don't care anymore."

"You cared yesterday" he replied.

"Yeah well I was being stupid yesterday" she mumbled, remembering her break down on the bleachers.

"You weren't being stupid, you don't have to deny being hurt by it." he replied simply.

"I'm fine, okay Alex? I'm still dealing with this whole 'my mom is dead' thing so I'm sorry I broke down yesterday." she blurted out, looking away from him.

"That's not what I was trying to say" he replied with frustration.

"Well what were you trying to say?" she asked, turning to face him again.

"I was trying to tell you that you can talk about it if its bothering you" Alex replied.

"I don't need your help figuring out if some stupid girl is 'hurting my feelings'," she said, regretting it. It came out more rude than she had intended.

"Whatever Violet" Alex huffed, storming out of the cafeteria. Violet crossed her arms over her chest, not wanting that chocolate milk anymore.

Alex walked all the way out of the cafeteria, almost knocking his friends over that were standing just outside the doors.

"Alex, whats up?" Rian asked having seen Alex and his sister talking in the cafeteria.

"Nothing" he just shrugged, "You guys want to go sit outside or something?"

The boys left the school, going to find a picnic table out in the courtyard. Rian was curious as to what was going on with Alex and Violet. He knew that they had quite a few classes together and they seemed to get along pretty well. He knew how Alex was with girls though, and he didn't want to have to pick up the broken pieces of Violet after he decided to move on. Not that there was anything going on between them at this point as far as he knew.

"So we going to that party on Friday?" Zack asked once they'd landed a table to sit at.

"There's a party on Friday?" Rian and Jack asked in unison.

"Yeah Elizabeth's" Alex replied, "Her older sister is having a bunch of college friends over or something. You know her, it will probably be massive."

"Older babes? I'm in!" Jack replied excitedly.

"First party of the year! My parents are out of town this weekend anyway so we can all crash at my house afterward." Rian offered.

"Sweet, my parents probably wouldn't like the idea of me coming home drunk" Jack said.

"Mine either" Zack added.

"Perfect! Lets get fucked up!" Alex cheered.


Back in the cafeteria Violet decided to sit at one of the empty tables and pull out the book she had been reading. Although she tried to read, her mind was still fixated on how she'd snapped at Alex. She didn't want to chase after him though, she'd see him in art class and apologize.

"Is this seat taken?" she heard a guy's voice say from above her.

Looking up, he was the most attractive high school boy she'd ever seen. Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, a black leather jacket and an award wining smile.

"Well there's a few more empty tables" she laughed motioning to the other seats around her, "but no, that seat seat is not taken."

"Excellent" he said with a crooked smile, pulling out the chair and sitting down.

Looking back down at her book, Violet couldn't help but smile, why was this beautiful boy trying to get her attention?

"So you're new here?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah, just started yesterday" she replied.

"Why did you move here?" he questioned her, his blue eyes cutting through her it seemed.

"Uhh..uhm my brother, Rian Dawson lives here. I had to move in with him after my mom died," she replied, trying not to stumble on her words.

"Rian, he's a junior right?"

"Yeah, so I am I. We're twins" she replied, shyly looking away from the boy seated across the table from her.

"Violet right?" he asked,

"Yeah. I guess the whole school knows that or something" she replied, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Something like that, I'm Austin by the way" she said, extending a hand across the table to her and shooting her another grin.

"Nice to meet you" Violet replied, quickly shaking his hand and returning his smile.

They made small talk for the rest of lunch, but soon enough the bell rang and Violet headed to the art room. Taking her seat next to Alex again, she gave him a sheepish smile as she sat down.

"I'm sorry" she said quietly, looking down at her feet and then looking up to meet his gaze, "I didn't mean to snap at you. I hope you're not mad at me."

"With a face like that I couldn't be mad at you," he said playfully, kicking her foot with his. She just smiled and kicked him back.

The day went by pretty quickly, and aside from a few rotten looks from Elizabeth in gym class, Violet made it through the rest of the day without any more fat lips. Before she knew it she was walking home with the guys, back to their place for band practice.