
My happiness is measured by the number of bones I can see on my body. Society takes it from there.

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting something like this. It is about a very serious, very real topic. Eating disorders affect a staggering number of people, women and men alike, on this planet. Having a number on a scale dictate someone's life is tragic and heartbreaking. Maybe this short little one-shot will help inspire someone to help raise awareness etc. in any way they can. I don't know. I personally don't suffer from an eating disorder, but I know people who do and it breaks my heart. This is the product of my heartbreak. I guess it's just me trying to figure it out. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone. It wasn't my intention. If you suffer from an eating disorder, you should know you are beautiful and the world wants you alive and healthy. There is always someone who will be willing to help you if you need it. Do not fear speaking out for help. You will find it, I promise.