I Always Go Back to You

Chapter 1: Burses & Scars

she had me on the ground as she aggressively makes out with me and I love the pain she puts me through...its like it gives me a rush how she hurts me and she knows it and that's why she does it so much and that explains the reason I keep going back to her...she grabbed it hard it hurt and she made me moan....she tried to scratch my chest but she didn't have nails so she bit my neck hard and she left her love burse on my neck and I try to be rough back and she got rougher and she got on top of me and she grabbed my hair and pulled and I moaned even in pain and she let out her hair and I grabbed her hair and I brought her close as I nibbled on her lips and she did it back...she pined my hands down as I went inside and her body trembling because it hurts so good and I smiled and looked at her and she looked at me as we roughly do each other....we were arguing before this and I forgot what it was hate sex is my favorite part of this relationship...after we got dressed and I went in the bathroom and tooked a hot shower it burned a little but I got use to it the burses was burning and also the bite...after I was done in the shower I looked at my body the burses and scars are all over...some healed and are gonna heal but some stay...I went to Aly and she touched my face "sorry babes" she says "for what a great time?"i said and she smiled and kissed my lips "for hurting you"she said and I smiled and looked at her"your realizing that it wrong how we do this"i "yes...so i'm sorry"she said and I looked at her"it's fine...you know i'll always come back if it get to the point I leave again"i said"okay"she said and I smiled"there's times we don't fight...we pretty normal except the fact if Aly wants she gets and if she don't get it she gets mad and kinda takes it out on me...but I love her so I deal and i'm not innocent I hurt her too....