Status: on hiatus.

Smoke and Mirrors.

t w o.

It was late – way later than I expected when I unlocked the front door and Max all but tackled me by jumping on me. I knew Matthew was probably asleep and Max’s barking would wake him up in a heartbeat.

“Shut up!” I harshly whispered, and Max went quiet. I dropped my bag on the couch and took off my shoes. It felt good to be home.

“Ava? That you?” Matthew’s Mississippi accent that was music to my ears filled the silence and Max let out a low whine.

“Yea, Mattie-boy, it’s me,” I said, flipping on the light switch and the living room was flooded with a dim light. I shaded my eyes with my hand, Matthew was doing the same.

“Well, good morning Ava.” Matthew said I checked my watch; it was late, almost four in the morning.

“Shit, I’m sorry Matt; I didn’t know it was this late.” I said, my apology was sincere, but Matthew just waved his hand.

“It’s fine Ava, I have to get up in an hour anyway.” Matthew said, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face.
Matthew’s smile was contagious, no matter where he was, or who he was with, he could make you smile by smiling himself. I surveyed my roommate of three years, his black hair was messy and in his bright green eyes. He looked like he hadn’t shaved in a week, but the five o’clock shadow really suited him. We looked like an odd pair, but we made it work.

“So, how was the visit with your mom?” Matt asked, sitting down on the couch. Max our Husky and German Shepard mix, jumped up and began to lick Matt in the face. I shook my head and smiled.

“It was better than the last, I’ll give it that,” I said, “I have a shitload of boxes in the trunk and backseat of my car.”

Matt yawned, “I’ll help you with it tomorrow,” He said scratching Max’s head.

I nodded my head, “I’d like that,” I said, sitting down next to Matt and began to pat Max.


It was later in the day; Matt and I were busy with unpacking the millions of boxes I had brought back.

“Matt?” I called his name, uncovering a picture. It was covered in dust over the years of never being cleaned, but it was crystal clear.

“Yeah?” Matt answered, walking into my room, where I sat in the middle of the floor, boxes open and strewn across the room.

“You remember that boy I used to hang out with? He was like what? Seven years older than me? But I had the world’s hugest crush on him?” I asked, handing over the picture to Matt.

Matt took the picture and looked it over, “Yeah, I hung out with that dude. I’m a year younger than him…shit what was his name? Jacoby something.” Matt said, handing the photo back.
I looked at the photo, it had me, a young sixteen year old. Awkward looking against Jacoby, who was twenty three at the time, he had a band together and he was leaving that day to go on tour to promote his album and whatnot.

“Jacoby Shaddix.” I said, a smile crossing my lips.

“Yeah, that’s him. He had that band together…I can’t think of their name, but they had a few good hits out.” Matt said, walking out of my room.

“Yeah, neither can I. But this photo was taken the day before he left to go do this whole tour. He broke my heart that day, and promised me he’d come back for me. Fucking liar.” I said, wiping the dust off on my shirt. I placed the photo on my bedside table.
I could forgive anyone for just about anything, but not Jacoby. He broke a promise, and when you break a promise with Ava Faith Taylor, you get on my bad side.
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second chapter! hope everyone likes it!
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