Keeping the Family Strong

The New Start.

Megan's P.O.V

Zak 'My dad' is looking at me.

"Ready to go kid." Zak said.

"Sure." I say in a low voice. To be honest I was scared. I don't know him. He could be a killer for all I know. We walked to his sports car. I stood there like a dork.

"For us to leave you have to get in the car." Zak said to me with a smile.

"Um, Sorry." I said getting in the car covering me face.

"Megan, I'm not going to hurt you. For now or in till you get ok with everything call me Zak ok." He said driving down the Vegas stripe.

"Alright." I said looking at him. I just kept staring at him.

"Megan, I feel you staring at me." Zak said looking at me when we stopped at a red light.

"How could you be my father?" I ask hoping he wouldn't take it wrong.

"Has your mother given you 'The Talk' yet?" Zak asked with a worried look.

"Kind of." I said.

"So, you know how babies are made?" He asked.

"That's not what I meant. I mean how do you know my father?" I said hoping he wouldn't get angry.

"Fine, I'll tell you. But you can't tell anyone else ok." He said pulling to the side of the road. "When you were born I had the doctors test you and I so I knew. Your mom never found out, Thank God. That is how I know your mine." He looked like it was a relief to get it off his chest.

"Wow, At first you didn't think I was yours? I asked.

"No, I never thought you weren't mine. I just needed proof." He said getting back on the road. After that discussion we sat there in silence.

15 minutes later we pulled into his driveway. He grabbed my bags from the trunk. As he was unlocking the door I heard a dog bark. I jumped back which did not go unnoticed by Zak at all.

"Megan, Are you alright?" He asked looking at me strangely.

"Yeah, I just have a little fear of dogs. I have since I was 12 or 13." I told him.

"Oh, Gracie won't hurt you." Zak said opening the door. "Besides she's in her crate because I came home to shredded paper yesterday." He added walking inside.

I stepped inside after him and started looking around.

"Wow." I said. I walked into what looked like a living room and saw a cage with a dog in it. She looked friendly. I walked over to it and put my hand near her and let her sniff me. I saw her tail go crazy which was cute. I never had a dog. Mom didn't like them.

"She looks like she likes you. May I let her out?" Zak asked going up to the cage.

"Yeah, I think I can trust her. At least I hope I can." I said getting closer to Zak just in case. He let her and right away she went up to him. I could see she was a loving dog. After Greeting him she came to me. It made me nervous.

"Megan, Get down on your knees and she won't jump on you." Zak told me watching carefully. I did what he told me to do.

Gracie came closer and sniffed me then started licking my face. It made me laugh. I also heard Zak laughing. She finally stopped and walked away.

"Looks like she remembered you." Zak said coming over to me helping me up.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking into his eyes. Hey there the same as mine.

"I got her before you were born. The day we brought you home she slept next to your crib that was in mine and your mom's room." He said looking at me with a huge smile. "Let me show you your room." He said changing the subject.

I followed him up the stairs into a room that was painted light pink with flowers all over.

"We can go shopping and get some paint to paint your room whatever color you want." He said putting his hand on the wall.

"Alright." I said noticing my bags were already up her. Cool.

"My room is right across the hall if you need me in the night." He said right before his phone went off.
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