Keeping the Family Strong

That Was Fast.

Megan's P.O.V

I have been with my dad for 5 hours and have already made a friend. Drew (He told me to call him that) is awesome. Now Zak and I are on our way home. I hope we get there soon. I have a pizza on my lap and I'm starving.

I slowly inch my hand right hand to the top of the box.

"Hey!" Zak said which made me jump. "I saw that hand."

"Come on Zak. One sniff or bite." I begged playfully. Yeah Zak and I are joking terms.

"I don't think your going to starve with in 3min." Zak said.

"3min your time is 3 days my time." I told him.

"Then we better not let it get to 20min." He said with a laugh.

"Ha Ha HA, Funny Zak." I said with a fake attitude.

2 min later we were in the drive-way. Zak took the pizza boxes off my lap before I got in to them. We got two because I can eat at least half by myself and he said he could eat a whole one. we went in to the house. He let Gracie out of her crate. We sat at his island in the kitchen.

"So what is your favorite color or colors?" Zak asked me while taking a bite.

"Pink and black. Yours?" I said taking a drink of my Root Beer.

"Do you ever have to ask that." He said with a smile. "What kind of pop do you like?"

"Root Beer." I said pointing to the bottle.

"Mine too." Zak said taking it from me. He took a drink out of it. Normally I would have freaked out but he's my dad so I don't care.

"Can I have it back?" I said reaching for it.

"Nope, Not till you finish that slice." Zak said putting it on the counter behind him. Yeah I was still on my first slice. what can I say I'm in a new place I'm a little scared.

After dinner we sat in the living-room watching TV. We were watching my favorite movie ' The Outsiders'. When we were flipping through the channels we stopped on this one. I had said 'I love this movie' so he stayed on the channel. I think he likes it but we started the movie when they were in the hospital. So I could bring it out of my bag if he wants to see the whole thing.

"I have the DVDs if you want watch it from the beginning" I said staring at the screen.

"This movie came out in 1983. How do you it on DVD?" He asked.

"I'll show you. Be right back." I said running up to my room. When I walked in I saw lots of balloons and a sign that said 'Welcome Home'. Zak must have done it when he said he had to make a phone call. I grabbed both version and went back down stairs.

"See, I have them." I said handing them to him.

"Ok, why do you have two?" He asked looking at them.

"One is longer and has more add-ons." I said sitting down.

"Did you like what I did to your room?" Zak asked with a smile.

"Yeah, Thanks...Dad." I said.

I saw him give me a double take. His eyes were in a shock look.

"D-did you just call me Dad?" He asked. The shock was in his voice.

"Yeah, I did. Is that bad?" I said a little scared but I don't regret saying it at all.

"No not at all. You don't know how long I have waited to hear you say that to me. I have waited ever since we found out we were expecting." He said.

I saw a tear slid down his cheek. I slid over next to him and gave him a hug. I felt him wrap his arms around me. I knew I was safe. I could hear him crying. After about 5mins everything calmed down.

"Hey Megan, Can you tell me why your afraid of dogs?" Dad asked.

"Well when I was like 12 or 13 I was bite by my neighbor's small dog." I said looking at the scar I had.

"If it was a small dog where did it bite you?" He asked looking at me with eyes that said he cared.

"Right here." I said pointing to my inner thigh.

"Wow, Alright time for bed." He said turning off the TV.

"But Dad it's only 12:30." I said.

"yeah, I know but we have had a long day." Dad said getting off the couch. we went up to our rooms. I changed into a pair of shorts and an old T-shirt. After I was dressed I heard a knock on my door.

"Um, I was going to say good-night and I don't know what your mom does so good-night." Dad said dressed in only a pair of pajama pants.

"Mom normally gives me a kiss and says good-night." I told him. I didn't care what he did but he needed to know something only my mom knows.

"Alright, good-night Megan." He said kissing my head.

"Dad." I said as he turned away.

"Yeah?" He asked turning to look at me.

"Um, There is something you need to know." I said looking at the ground.

"Alright, Tell me." He said pushing us toward my bed. We sat down on the bad.

"I have these night-mares that tend to have me sleep walk and/or talk." I said. I didn't bother looking at him.

"Alright, Just remember if you need me I'm right across the hall. I'm also a light sleeper so don't be afraid to wake me ok." Dad said. He stood up and turned off the lights. I laid in my bed and fell asleep with in minutes.
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I'm soooo sorry it took so long to update. I have had a lot on my mind. Also every time I went to type I got a headache because the screen is screwed up.
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