
Chapter Ten.

I stifled a yawn and stretched.
Thats when I noticed.
Franni was gone!
"Franni!?" I yelled.
I jumped out of bed.
I ran down the corridor calling her name.
I checked the cafeteria and the bathrooms.
She was no-where.
I walked back to my room defeated.
To my surprise pom-pom was sitting on my bed.
"What do you want?" I asked.
Naturally, I was hostile towards my new visitor.
"They took her, even though she's not eighteen yet."
I knew what this meant.
"Thank you."
I ran out the door and down the corridor, away from the cafeteria.
The door was unprotected, by humans anyway.
I dashed through the surprisingly unlocked doors.
I ran through corridors until I was completely lost and disorientated.
I sat down.
Tears poured down my face.
Suddenly something hard came down on the top of my head.
When I didn't pass out, it came down twice, three times more.
I tried to look up at my assailant, but he, or she, just kept beating me with that hard object.
I passed out from pain, but I think I must have had, be having an out of body experience.
Because I saw the person hitting me, and hitting me over, and over again until I was sure I was dead.
Perhaps that was it?
I was dead, doomed to wander the earth forevermore.
Perhaps this, my written work, will be found and read by my dear, sweet Franni some day.
If you are reading this my dear, I need you to understand -
I love you, I will always love you, and one day I will find you, and I will watch over you from that day forward.
That was the point of this I suppose, to tell you I love you.
And goodbye.
♠ ♠ ♠


Thanks to all who commented and stuck with me through the whole story.
Huggles for all of you!
