Status: Ongoing

The Beginning of the End

A Healthier Me

Working out, sounds simple, right? But it isn't. Working out can involve a variety of different routines and daily regimens. Some people say there are secrets to working out, but I have yet to believe that. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about why, why I decided to start working out and what made me push myself that much harder.

After the breakup, depression hit hard and I found it hard to be happy again. The things I once looked forward to, were now gone and out of reach. I had to find a way to feel accomplished and happy again. Working out seemed like the best way to do that. Just by walking the treadmill or lifting weights for a bit, my body would build endorphins and leave me feeling much better.

Everyday, I went to the gym and did my usual routine. I would run or walk on the treadmill for anywhere between ten and thirty minutes. I would lift the dumbbells for a bit, working on my biceps. I decided to do some of the machines that focused on your legs and feet. These machines focused on your quads, triceps, calf muscles, and more. I found that this workout routine worked best for me and so I stuck with it! When I came home from the gym , I felt sweaty but a feeling of euphoria was present. I would take a shower, watch TV, and relax for the rest of the night. Not only did working out get my mind off of Adam, it made me feel good too. I told myself working out was for my own benefit, not for anyone else. I prided myself in challenging myself when the workout routine became too easy. I worked out for a month, once before, and knew what I was doing. It had only been a week of working out at the local gym but I was feeling great!

The worst part about the breakup was seeing him nearly every day. We were still in chemistry and I had requested that the teacher not seat us close together. He asked why and I told him I'd explain after class. I told him the whole story, how Adam and I dated but ended too soon. Adam was a senior, in a junior chemistry class because he got behind on his credits and didn't have to take it his junior year, at his old school. Mr. Jacobs listened intently and offered the best advice any teacher could give: Don't stress about love and relationships right now, high school is not the best time for that. College is the right time for falling in love and embracing who you are. Find yourself through college, but improve yourself in the present.

His wise words were part of what motivated me to start working out. The other reason was that depression had hit me hard before and I was not ready to fall back into that trap. You see, Adam lifted me out of depression and made me feel like myself again. With him gone, I fell back to where I was before. It wasn't a good feeling and I did not want to become lost, hopeless, hungry, and tired again. I took steps to better myself and become a healthier version of myself.
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A jump into the future, about a week or two after the breakup had happened. This chapter is a little modified from what actually happened but is pretty accurate nonetheless The next chapter will be from the past, but I'm not sure how far into the past or the relationship it will go. So, look forward to that and sit tight until my next update. Thanks for reading!