The Randomness Of The Armstrong's.

Traumatized at the age of five.

Joey was only five years old when he walked in on Billie Joe and Adrienne "hugging" each other, or at least that's what he thought.

"What is the camera's for mommy, daddy?" Joey asked, stepping into the room. Billie suddenly jumped off of his wife with his birthday suit on. "put some clothes on daddy."

"I'm going to," said the 28 year old, while throwing on his Raider's jersey.

"Daddy why do you like hugging mommy like that?"

"Well we weren't really hugging," Billie said.

"Shut up!" Adrienne screamed.

"Well, we weren't," Billie screamed back.

"Daddy, you're scaring me," Joey whispered, covering his small ears up with his hands.

"Hunny, that's enough," Adrienne stated.

"Joey, we'll talk about this when you're older." Joey had uncovered his ears and walked up to his father.

"Okay daddy. Will you make my a bologna sandwich mommy, please mommy," Joey asked, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, go downstairs and I will be down in a second." Joey nodded at his mother and walked downstairs to the kitchen. He plopped down at the kitchen table and waited for his mommy to come down.

Adrienne came downstairs in a red silky robe, with her husband in tow, who was wearing a pair of plain black boxers. Adie made her five year old son a bologna sandwich.