Status: I can't promise an update within a few days of each other. I'm a very busy person.


Cause All I Want is You, Nobody But You.

When she woke up, she smelled bacon, and got excited. She hopped out of bed at the aspects of a yummy breakfast before her afternoon shift.

She ran through the shower just to get the night before off of her and then made her way into the kitchen; where Nick was standing, making eggs and bacon.

“Good morning.” She smiled wide at him.

“Good morning, babe.” His smile could cure world hunger, or at least that’s what Zoe thought. When they sat down to eat, waffles were waiting on the table and Zoe officially had forgotten all about last night. “I want to apologize about last night.” Nick started off before even picking up his fork.

“No no, it’s okay. I’m over it, hopefully me standing in a white dress at an altar will wipe that smug look off her face.” Zoe took a second to grasp what she had just spit out in front of him.

“What was that?” His grin grew wide, almost touching his ears.

“Nothing, my mind…wandering…I’ve gone crazy.” She giggled manically and took a bite of waffles big enough to cover up any answer to any question he had.

“Sounded like to me you want to wear white…I can make that happen.”

“Hhuggllfffpppmmmm…waffles…” She finally spit out after some serious chewing through an answer. Nick chuckled and sipped the hot, steaming coffee.

They ate breakfast in silence until he said he had to leave, they kissed, and he was on his way. She took more time that usual to get ready, and that was when it hit her.

He said he could make that happen.

She thought about how she hopes he’s not going and buying a ring, it was just a thought that she thought was funny. Once it was flapping out in the air though, she was afraid he took her a little too seriously.

Work was slower than normal. It being Sunday, most people were at home with their families. Joanna was the only other person working, so Zoe sat behind the counter on a stool while Joanna worked the few customers that came through.

“Last night was the night.” Zoe said, cryptically.

“What night? OH…that night.” Joanna chuckled and smiled. “How’d things go? I was listening to my police scanner, no reports of crazed female at high end restaurant.”

“Actually, he was the one that freaked out. His mom’s a TOTAL cunt, but his dad is really cool. I’m loving him. His mom was all butt hurt that the South has a general feeling of not caring about money, I mean it really got her goose.”

“Sounds like a cunt.” Joanna wiped the counter a little before turning around and looking at Zoe sitting on the stool. “You’re glowing, and you’re hiding something; tell me now.”

“Well…” Zoe didn’t really know if she wanted to tell Joanna yet, it only happened this morning, but then she rememberd how long her and Joanna had been friends, there is nothing Joanna doesn’t know about Zoe. “I kind of let it slip this morning that it would really get her melon if she saw me in a white dress at an altar.”

Joanna made an ‘oh’ face and smiled all in one, “And what did he say?”

“He said he could make it happen then left in a rush after breakfast, which he cooked.” Zoe didn’t know how to feel, but a happiness resonated down in her soul and bones.

“Wow.” Was all Joanna could get out before another customer came in.

Wow was all Zoe could think too. Her phone buzzed and it was a text message from Nick. It read ‘Meet me at the Mexican place tonight. Seven on the dot.’ A little heart followed the message and her heart sank. She sent back a simple ‘okay’ and went on with her day.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't even begin to apologize enough, and this was a REALLY weak chapter to make my come back appearance with. Do you know how hard accounting college is? I mean, do you really know? lol.

Anyway, I know it was sucky, and I apologize, but I'm going to try and have another update sometime tomorrow.

Ooo...I wonder what's going to happen, keep your eyes peeled for the update O_O.

>.< - HammiSanz