Gaijin No More

Sickness and tender, loving care

Cody's POV

On Monday morning I woke up with a killer headache. It took me over ten minutes to get up from the bed, the pain almost knocking me back down. Getting dressed and ready for school took me surprisingly long and I had to hurry so I could catch the bus on time.

The first two lessons were blur to me. The headache only got worse and I had started feeling dizzy. Being focused was hard and I felt slightly nauseous.

I staggered to my locker and with much effort I got it open. After I had retrieved the books I needed for my next lessons, a sudden wave of dizziness forced me to rest my head against the locker for a moment.

Apparently I had almost fallen asleep since I hadn't noticed Aiden arriving next to me.

“Hey Cody are you alright?” his concerned voice finally woke me up from my slight slumber.

“Uh, what?” I had trouble speaking because my throat felt extremely dry and it was a bit sore too.

“Shit, man you look awful. Are you sick?” Aiden placed his hand on my forehead to find out if I had a fever. “Holy crap Cody, you're burning up!”

“I am?” Shit, when did Aiden get a twin brother? Why was everything suddenly so blurry? Was the hallway spinning or was it just me? “Aiden I don't feel too good." Was that really my voice that whimpered out those words?

“That's it, I'm taking you to the nurse.” Aiden grabbed me and half dragged, half carried me to the nurse's room.

If I hadn't felt so weak I would've noticed that I dropped something very important to the ground and I most likely would've heard someone whisper:

“You should take better care of your belongings, Cody-boy.”

“Hello dearies, how can I help you?” Lorelai Jenkins, the nurse of our school asked as we entered her room. Sweet woman, and a good with her job too.

“I think my friend is sick,” Aiden explained and helped me to sit down. Nurse Jenkins came to me and tried my forehead just like Aiden had done only minutes ago.

“My my, you are quite warm. Let me get a thermometer.” I zoned out, completely forgetting the world around me as the nurse checked my temperature. I didn't hear how warm I was, the only thing I paid attention to was when the nurse told Aiden to take me home to rest. I was too weak to protest so I let Aiden to drag me to his car and back to my home.

Aiden's POV

Although the nurse had said Cody would be alright after some rest, it didn't stop me from worrying. Cody looked really pale and I was sure he would pass out soon. Luckily we soon arrived to his house and he could lie down and rest.

“Okay Cody, we are here.” All I got for a response was some incoherent mumbling. I got out of the car and helped Cody out too. He leaned against me like a rag doll so I decided it would be easier if I just carried him.

I hoisted him up on my arms and noticed that he was surprisingly light. Or then I was just strong. Or both maybe. Anyway I didn't have any trouble carrying him.

“Mmm, you're warm,” Cody mumbled as his head rested against my shoulder and buried his face to my neck.

“Am I?” I asked in amused tone, and I couldn't help but shudder in pleasure of having Cody's smaller body pressed against me.

“Yes you are.” Did Cody just purr? Oh shit, how could that small sound bring so many unholy thoughts into my head? Why was my mind so dirty? Thank God Cody had his eyes closed, otherwise he would've seen the blush on my face. It would've been hard to explain and the result would most likely be an very awkward silence.

I needed something to distract me from my dirty thoughts.

“Uh, hey Cody, where are your keys?” I asked and looked at him, forcing myself to think something not so pervert.

“In my pocket.” Was Cody's quiet reply as he snuggled even closer to me.

“In your pocket,” I repeated. This wasn't helping at all. Now I'd have to put my hand into his pocket and fish out the keys.

I took a deep breath and just when I was about to slip my hand into Cody's pocket the door opened. There I stood with Cody in my arms, face to face with a man I assumed was Cody's father.

“Ah there you two are!” Cody's father exclaimed and smiled. “I got a call from school telling me you were sick Cody.”

“Hi dad,” Cody croaked and lifted his head, smiling weakly.

“You look like shit, boy.”

“Thanks for stating the obvious.” Cody's father only chuckled and shook his head.

“And you must be Aiden.”

“Yes and you are Mr. Adams, right? I'd shake your hand but as you see, my hands are a bit full.”

“Oh right! Let's get him to bed.” Mr. Adams let me in and told me to follow him to upstairs.

Cody hadn't been kidding when he had said he had the best father in the whole wide world. He had this friendly aura around him and the way his eyes sparkled when he spoke made me feel at ease. He had the same eyes as Cody.

“Just drop him on the bed, I'll go get some medicine,” he told me and carefully I lowered Cody on to his bed, making sure he was comfortable. Again he let out a sound that I could've sworn was a purr. This time, though, I kept my mind clean.

“Okay son, open up,” Mr. Adams said cheerily and poured some kind of liquid from a bottle on to a spoon.

“Oh no dad, I will not swallow that crap!” Cody protested, placing his hand over his mouth.

“Don't be such a baby Cody, you need to take this if you want to get better.” Mr. Adams offered the medicine to Cody but he was stubborn.

“That's only going to make me even sicker dad,” he whined. It was funny to watch how Mr. Adams would offer the medicine and Cody would refuse to take it.

“Oh for heaven's sake Cody, just take it!” Mr. Adams was starting to get frustrated so I decided to try. Now Cody had put the pillow over his face, still whining about the medicine. I took the spoon and gestured Mr. Adams to take the pillow away.

With one quick move the pillow was gone, this catching Cody off guard. While he was surprised I quickly pinched his nose between my fingers and shoved the spoon into his mouth. Cody had no choice but to swallow, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to breathe.

“You were supposed to be on my side!” he coughed and looked at me weakly with accusing eyes.

“If I weren't on your side I would've been glad you got sick,” I pointed out and Cody raised his middle finger. Mr. Adams laughed heartily and patted me on the back.

“Yeah Cody can be an ass when he's sick. Good thing that doesn't happen that often,” Mr. Adams said and Cody mumbled something that sounded like 'shut up' though his voice was muffled by the covers he had pulled over his head.

“Well, let's go downstairs and have a cup of coffee. Let the little patient rest for a while.”

“Sounds good,” I agreed and so we left Cody to sleep.