Gaijin No More

Skipping school and the theme song

Aiden's POV

Who the hell took the liberty to stop the time? It felt like I had been in that one lesson for days, when in reality it had been only nine minutes and twelve seconds. And I had three more lessons before I was free.

I knew that if Cody was here right now, I wouldn't be so restless.

But he wasn't here. He was at home, sleeping most likely, sick with a fever. Poor Cody. Wait, in fact, poor me. I was the one stuck in this shit hole school without any kind of entertainment while Cody could just snuggle under the covers and rest.

Why should he be the only one allowed to do that?

I decided to skip the rest of the day. I would go over Cody's house and keep him company. After all he must be really lonely.

Yeah right, keep telling yourself that Miller.

Doesn't matter, I'm still going to skip. There's no point in being here when I can't hang out with Cody during the breaks. It sucks that we don't have any lessons together.

I had absolutely nothing to do since Cody was sick. I hadn't even bothered to hang out with my other friends because I knew me and Dan were only going to get into another fight.

I glanced the clock again. Only 22 minutes left. Fuck. That's way too long. But there was nothing I could do but wait.

Sighing I dropped my gaze to look my notebook, which was filled with random scribbles about stuff that made no sense.

Then, finally, the fucking bell rang. I was out of the classroom faster than a panicked cheetah, stuffing my books into my back bag.

I had almost reached my car when a hand grabbed my arm and stopped me, almost making me fall backwards.

At first I thought it was a teacher so I quickly came up with a good excuse to why I was leaving but then I turned around and saw it wasn't a teacher.

It was someone worse.

“What do you want Dan?” I asked, annoyance clear in my voice. I really didn't feel like putting up with his shit just now. “I'm in a hurry”.

“Oh I'm so sorry Aiden, I didn't know I needed to have an appointment in order to talk to you,” Dan growled, the sarcasm in his voice so thick I felt like choking. He let go of my arm and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at me lightly. “I just wanted to know where the hell you think you're going. We have Mr. Simmons next and you know how he gets when someone is late.”

I winced slightly as I thought our Chemistry teacher. He was the worst teacher ever, always angry and always ready to punish his students. He was without doubt the most hated teacher in our school. I didn't want to think what he would do if he caught me skipping. I was already on his hit list.

“I'm going to skip, if that interests you so much,” I answered and tried to leave but Dan grabbed the back of my shirt before I could take a step towards my car.

“And why would you do that?”

“Because I feel like it.”

“Uh huh, but shouldn't you be with Cody? Considering how he's like your twin nowadays.”

I decided to ignore Dan's remark.

“Cody is exactly the reason why I am skipping.” Dan's eyes brightened remarkably and for a moment it felt like he was my friend again.

“So you've finally had enough of him? About fucking time, I was starting to think I'd have to do something for the situation.” I didn't want to know what he meant by that. I had a feeling it wasn't anything pretty.

“Wrong again Dan. You see, Cody's sick so I'm going over his house and keep him company.” It was interesting to see how quickly the bright look on Dan's face was replaced by a much gloomier look.

“What the fuck is happening to you? You never skipped when one of us was sick.” The bitterness in Dan's voice made me flinch.

“That's different,” I tried to argue, but Dan had none of it.

“Yeah, since you weren't in love with one of us.” I was starting to lose my temper.

“Oh for fuck's sake, what's the big deal here? Who cares if I loved Cody?” The look on Dan's face was priceless, but I didn't feel like laughing.

“I knew it,” Dan whispered. “But just so you know, we are not giving up.” And after he said those words, he turned around and strode back towards the school.

“Fucker,” I whispered after him and continued my way to my car. If he wanted to act like a child about this then it was his problem. See if I care.

My bad mood instantly disappeared as I reached Cody's house. I couldn't wait to see him, although it hadn't even been 24 hours since we last time saw.

I knocked the door loudly, but nobody answered. Frowning I knocked again but still I got no answer. I placed my hand on the door handle and tried to open it. It wasn't locked, so I allowed myself in.

“Hello, is anybody home?” I called, but all I heard was a faint sound of music, coming from upstairs. Shrugging I removed my shoes and climbed up the stairs, stopping behind the door of Cody's room. The music was coming from there and a smile spread on my face when I recognized the song.

"Pokemon theme song," I whispered to myself and let out a small laugh. I had no idea why Cody would be listening to that song, but it was incredibly cute.

The door was slightly ajar so I gave it a slight push so I could see inside. Unfortunately nothing could prepare me for the scene I came face to face with.