Gaijin No More

His little show and child-like nature

Aiden's POV

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as I stared at the scene before me. Cody had his back turned towards me so he didn't notice, which was good. That only meant I could enjoy this show a bit longer.

Cody was in the middle of his room, dancing and dressed up in a yellow t-shirt that was way too big for him. I assumed he had his boxers on, though I couldn't see them since Cody's t-shirt reached his knees.

But that wasn't all. Guess what was the best part?

He was also singing.

Pokemon! A heart so true, our courage will pull us through! You teach me and I'll teach you, Pokemon!” Cody's voice sang in unison with his CD player. He was using his hairbrush as a microphone.

Then when the solo part came Cody threw the hairbrush away and started playing air guitar, swinging his head up and down.

That was the last straw and I broke down laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Cody stopped moving as he froze into his spot, my laughter startling him from his little show. Cody sprinted to his CD player, turning it off quickly before turning around to face me.

“Aiden!” he yelled, his face red from embarrassment. Now that he was facing me I could see the picture on his t-shirt. It had Pikachu and Ash on it, with the text 'Pokemon' on the bottom. If possible, this only made me laugh harder so I had to lean against the door frame, otherwise I would've collapsed on the floor.

Cody seemed to realize why my laughter increased since he wrapped his arms over his shirt, trying to hide the picture but it was too late. “How long have you been there?”

“Long enough,” I was able to answer as I wiped tears from my eyes. “I never thought you were a closet pop star,” I teased, causing Cody to blush even deeper. Holy fuck, how could anyone look so cute?

“Shut up!” he whined and came over to me so he could smack my head. “You're never going to talk about this, understand?” he glared at me and tried to look scary. He failed miserably though. I mean, how could anyone look threatening while wearing a Pokemon t-shirt?

“Whatever Pikachu says,” I replied, earning another smack from Cody. “Aaw, is my little Pokemon angry?” I couldn't help but tease him. He was just so adorable.

“Shut up shut up shut up!” Cody whined and covered his ears, his eyes closed. I laughed again but Cody put his hand over my mouth to shut me up.

“What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be at school?” he asked, changing the subject. I thought about pointing this out but decided not to. I had teased him enough for one day.

But that didn't mean I had forgotten his cute little show.

“I was bored so I decided to skip and come over here,” I said. “But what are you doing out of bed? Shouldn't you be resting?”

“I didn't feel like lying in bed whole day.”

“Still, it was only yesterday you had a fever, it can't be down yet.” I put my hand on his forehead, testing the temperature. Yup, he was still warm. “Back to bed or do I have to carry you?”

“But I feel fine!”

“I don't care, you need to rest,” I said and pointed his bed with a stern look on my face. Cody sighed but complied, crawling under the covers.

“Happy now?”

“Very,” I sat down on his bed. “But I do admit, you look much better. Do you always get better so fast?”

“Green tea works wonderfully,” Cody said and pulled a stuffed duck from under him. Only now I realized how many stuffed toys he had. His bed was filled with them.

“How can you sleep with all these things?” I asked and grabbed a stuffed cat from his bed.

“The question is: how can I sleep without them,” Cody replied and snuggled a stuffed giraffe to his chest. “They are my cuddlebuddies.”

I was starting to think there was a toddler trapped in Cody's body.

“So do you have any Pokemon toys?” I grinned as a small blush appeared on Cody's cheeks as I mentioned Pokemons again.

“We are so not discussing about this, but to answer your question: yes I have.” Oh you can think this is over Cody, but just for your information, it isn't.

“Care to tell me where did you get that shirt of yours?” I asked casually.

“I bought it from some shop in Raleigh.”

“And there wasn't any of your size?”

“Well, yeah, but I wanted to have XXL sized.”


“Because I like to wear them when I sleep. This one is my cuddly shirt,” Cody said, picking up a light blue t-shirt from the floor. It was also XXL sized and it had a text on it saying: Hug me and feed me chocolate.

I chuckled and Cody stuck his tongue out. I would've done the same but my beeping cell phone distracted me.

I had gotten a text message from my brother, telling me to go home. Apparently my mom needed me for something.

“Sorry but I have to go now,” I said, a bit disappointed I couldn't stay with Cody longer. “But I'll come again later today or tomorrow at last."

“Okay, but I'm coming to school tomorrow,” Cody said, his eyes daring me to disagree.

“No you're not,” I said, trying to not leave any room for arguments. Somehow I knew Cody wouldn't give up that easily so I did something unexpected, wishing it would shut him up.

So I went and kissed his forehead.

“See you,” I said, smirking at Cody's blushing face. He mumbled something in return, his hand touching the spot I had kissed. I couldn't help but feel a bit smug. It boosted my ego to know how I had affected Cody with just one kiss on the forehead.

That made me wonder, how would he react to a full kiss on the lips.