Gaijin No More

Lost and found

Cody's POV

It was very sweet from Aiden to skip school just so he could see me. No one had ever done something like that to me before.

And he kissed my forehead.

That's right, as unreal as it sounds. Aiden fucking Miller kissed me on the forehead. And it made my heart flutter.

I wish he would do that again. He has really soft lips, y'know.

I fell asleep soon after Aiden had left and to my and my dad's surprise I slept 'till morning. I would've gone to school if it hadn't been around one o'clock when I woke up.

My fever was gone, but I felt a bit dizzy when I got up. I hadn't eaten almost anything during the days I was sick, thanks to the lack of appetite. So the first thing I went to the kitchen and fixed myself a huge sandwich. I went back to my room to eat it, April following me. She jumped on my bed and curled up on the spot I had been lying just a moment ago. Apparently it was still warm.

A quick glance around my room told me I should probably tidy up the place. Most of my clothes were on the floor and at first I didn't see my laptop. It was hidden under a pile of papers on my desk.

I finished my sandwich and picked up all my dirty clothes, taking them to the laundry basket.

After half an hour my room looked much better, making it seem like there actually lived a human and not a bunch of pigs.

That was when I noticed something. Where was my camera?

My first thought was to check my messenger bag, but there were only the school books I would've needed on Monday.

Then I looked through my drawers and closet but still the camera stayed hidden.

I tried to remember when was the last time I saw my treasured camera. I vaguely recalled it was Monday morning I last time had it. Since I couldn't find it in my room, I went to look for it downstairs.

Yet again I found myself standing in my room, empty handed. I had turned the whole house upside down but there was no trace of my camera.

Now I was starting to worry. Where could it be if it wasn't here? It couldn't just disappear into the air, could it?

The sound of the front door slamming brought me back from my thoughts and I skipped back down to ask if my dad had seen the lost item.

“Hey dad, have you seen my camera?” I asked as soon as I spotted him in the kitchen.

“Nope, can't say that I have,” he replied after thinking for a moment. “Why do you ask?”

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

“I can't find it anywhere. I've already searched the whole house.”

“Well, could it be in your locker?” That was possible actually. I didn't remember much what I had done at school before Aiden had taken me home so it was very likely my camera was in my locker.

“Yeah, it just might be,” I said, trying to bring back the memories of that morning.

“So, how are you feeling? Do you still have a fever?”

“Our thermometer says I don't and I feel fantastic,” I answered, jumping on the counter so I could reach the cereal box. I was still hungry, the sandwich hadn't satisfied me.

Why did we keep the cereal on the top shelf when I was the only one who ate those? And I couldn't reach them without climbing up on a chair or counter.

“That's good. So you're going to school tomorrow? Or would you like to spend one more day at home?”

“Hell no. I won't be able to relax before I find my camera.”

“Any other teenager would be happy if they could skip school for a day,” dad sighed and walked out of the kitchen, heading towards the bathroom. He always complained how his work was so messy. He was a car mechanic you see.

“But I'm not like any other teenager!” I yelled after him and munched my cereal. My dad shouted something back but I didn't listen. I was too concerned about my camera. I didn't like the feeling I got when it wasn't with me.

It wasn't in my locker. Now I felt really anxious, trying desperately to think where it could be. But I had no idea. I had checked every single possible place where my camera could be and I still couldn't find it.

Sighing in frustration I slammed my locker door shut and began to walk towards the science classroom. Although being in school would most likely be complete waste of time since there was no way I would've been able to concentrate.

I was startled shitless when Aiden sneaked up on me and grabbed my shoulders, whispering 'boo' into my ear.

“Why so jumpy today Cody? Someone put ants in your boxers?” Aiden laughed and ruffled my hair. Even though I was feeling down I couldn't contain my smile.

“There are no ants in my boxers.” Aiden seemed to notice my gloomy mood since his face turned serious.

“Hey what's with the long face? You're not getting sick again, are you?” I shook my head, staring at the wall, not really seeing it. My thoughts were again stealing my attention.

“Codyyy...” Aiden called and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. “What's wrong?”

“I'm just worried, that's all.”


“Because I can't find my camera.” Aiden frowned and let go of my chin.

“When was the last time you saw it? Have you looked from your locker yet?”

“Last Monday and yes I have. I honestly have no idea where it is.” I felt really bad. Just the thought of losing my camera was scary and now that it was reality I didn't know what to do.

“I'm sure you'll find it eventually. You've probably just misplaced it,” Aiden tried to cheer me up and I hoped he was right.

“Yeah, I think you're right.”

“Of course I am. Now wipe that face away and give me a smile,” Aiden grinned and looked at me with the usual mischievous glint in his eyes.

How can you not smile when he does that?

“That's the spirit. Now let's go. I'll walk you to your class,” he said and placed a soft kiss on my head. If I hadn't been smiling before, I sure as hell was now.

Sure it may have looked weird when Aiden did it in the middle of the hallway, but I loved it. It made me feel warm and suddenly I wasn't so worried anymore.

I spent the day with Aiden like usually and when the school was over I went back to my locker to get some books, I realized Aiden had been right about finding my camera.

If you could call it a camera anymore.