Gaijin No More

Fake text messages and set up meeting

Cody's POV

Aiden was crazy, I can tell you that much. Who in their right mind goes and buys their friend a camera? An expensive one too.

Though, I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. The camera Aiden got me was much better than the one that got broken. But still, he didn't have to go through that much trouble, even if he was trying to cheer me up.

And then that picture in the camera. Aiden had told me he wanted to have a copy of that, so I had decided to go and get a picture frame for it after school. I thought I looked ridiculous in the photo, but it was least I could give Aiden back.

I was on my way to my next class when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I fished it out and smiled a bit to myself. We had seen each other only a five minutes ago and Aiden was already messaging me.

Meet me in the park behind the old factory five o'clock sharp. I have something to show you ; ) the message said.

Again with the secrets? : D Fine, I'll be there. This is better be good! I texted him back. What did he had in mind now? I should be used to Aiden's little surprises already but every time he brought butterflies into my stomach when he acted all secretive and mischievous.

My phone vibrated again, signaling that Aiden had sent me another message.

Don't worry babe, it is

Babe? Since when does he call me babe?

I didn't bother to answer him so I just pocketed my phone again and entered the classroom. One hour of math and then I'd be free.

Free so I could wait impatiently for the clock to turn five.

Aiden's POV

I was sweating like a pig when I walked in to boys' locker room. We had played basketball for the last two hours and I was exhausted, but also relaxed. It felt good to put my body to its limit since I hadn't been doing that for a while. I had kinda forgotten sports since I met Cody.

I didn't mind that, not at all. Hanging out with Cody beat every sport possible.

I put the combination to the lock of my locker and opened it, grabbing my towel. I was about to head to the showers when I noticed my phone on the top of my clothes.

I found it weird since that wasn't the place I had left it. I always put my phone into my back bag when I had gym.

Thinking I must've misplaced it, I shut the locker door and made my way to the showers.

I never spent much time in school showers, mainly because the water was almost always cold. So five minutes later I was back at my locker, pulling my jeans on.

Cody had gotten out an hour earlier than me so I couldn't give him a ride home today.

I gathered my stuff from my locker and began walking towards the door, exchanging a few words with the other guys.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Dan talking to the guy I loathed more than I ever could loathe someone.

Kirk Coleman.

God just thinking him made my blood boil.

Anyway, I couldn't understand why Dan would be talking with him, as far as I knew Dan hated him just as much as I did.

It really wasn't any of my business anymore since I hadn't been in contact with Dan in a long time. Maybe we could get back to normal once he accepted my friendship with Cody.

Though I didn't see that happening any time soon.

I left school and drove home, considering if I should ask Cody to go to the movies with me. There was this one action film going and I had been wanting to see it ever since it came to the theaters.

But I decided not to. We could go watch the movie during the weekend.

I laid down on my bed and took my phone out of my pocket. It had been complaining that my message folders were full so I decided to delete some of them.

At first I went to the 'Sent' folder and immediately noticed there was two messages that I had never seen before. I frowned and opened the first one, reading it quickly. It was addressed to Cody and it had been sent when I had been in the gym.

“Don't worry babe, it is,” I read out loud, wondering how that message was in my folder. I was positive I hadn't sent it to Cody.

The second was even more confusing. Meet me in the park? Behind the old factory? What the hell?

I sat up on my bed and tried to figure what was going on. I most certainly hadn't sent these messages to Cody so how come they were in my 'Sent' folder?

Next I checked the 'Inbox'. There was one message from Cody that I hadn't read before.

Then I realized why my phone hadn't been where I had left it and why there was messages in my phone that I had never seen.

Someone had used my phone to text Cody and asked him to meet 'me' in that park.

I quickly left my room and rushed downstairs. I put my shoes on and in a blink of an eye I was in my car, driving towards the place Cody was supposed to meet me. The clock was two minutes past five already.

I had incredibly bad feeling about this.

Cody's POV

I glanced around me, examining my new surroundings. I had never been to that old park before and to be honest it looked a bit creepy. What would Aiden want to show me in a place like this? It looked like all the hookers and gangsters would hang around there.

There was no one other in the park, but that wasn't so surprising. Once Aiden got here, I would ask him if we could go somewhere else. This place gave me chills.

I was about to text Aiden and ask where he was when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and my jaw dropped.

The one behind me definitely wasn't Aiden.