Gaijin No More

Offerings and forbidden substance

Cody's POV

My shock quickly turned into confusion as I stared at the three guys in front of me. I only recognized one of them, he was that Coleman kid that Aiden didn't like. The other two were complete strangers to me. They looked awful. They had dark shadows under their eyes, their eyes were reddish, hair was messy and greasy and it was like they hadn't eaten in months.

I didn't know what to say so I just lifted my eyebrow, silently asking what they wanted from me. Kirk's face broke into a wide grin as he watched me.

“Cody my man! Lovely to see you here!” he said to me and slapped my shoulder, making my knees buckle. What had he been smoking?

“And you're talking to me because..?” I asked, waiting for him to fill my sentence.

“Well, to be honest, you were invited here so I could offer you something... mind blowing.”

Right now there were at least three things I didn't like about Kirk.

One: the way he had his arm over my shoulder. Only Aiden and a few others were allowed to do that. And Kirk wasn't one of them.

Two: the tone of his voice. I didn't know much about flirting but I could've sworn he had a suggestive tone.

Three: the look in his eyes just screamed trouble.

“What makes you think I'd be interested in anything that you can offer me?” I crossed my arms over my chest, shrugging Kirk's arm away from my shoulder. That stubborn little asshole just put it back there.

“You are a teenager Cody. A teenage boy. And every teenage boy wants to try this for once in a life,” he said and reached his arm behind him, signaling one of the other guys to give him something.

Soon he brought the item for me to see. And I didn't like what I saw.

It was a needle. A drug needle.

“Sorry, but I most certainly am not interested.” I tried to walk away but Kirk took a hold from my hoodie.

“Oh don't say that Cody baby, I'm sure you have thought about doing drugs sometime,” Kirk cooed next to my ear, bringing the needle closer to me. Annoyed I pushed him away.

“I already told you I'm not interested. Now if you excuse me, I'm waiting for someone.” Again I tried to get away and succeeded in getting a few steps back.

“Oh you mean Miller, don't you? Well, to be honest, he has no idea that you're here.”

“What are you talking about? He sent me the text message and asked me to come here.” This whole situation was getting more and more confusing.

“It was an acquaintance of mine who sent the message. You see, Aiden doesn't take very good care of his belongings.” As Kirk's words sunk in I became a bit nervous. Aiden wasn't coming? Fucking great, that meant I was alone in this creepy place with three druggies.

“Whatever. I'm going home.”

“Are you sure you don't want to try? I can guarantee, once you feel the wonders this little needle can make you feel, you'll forget your every worry.” I stopped in my tracks and turned back around to look at Kirk and the needle.

I had never really given much thought to drugs. I knew a bit about them and how they affected but that was it.

What would one time hurt?

A lot. It could hurt a lot of things.

But I decided to play along for a while.

“What's in the needle?” I asked and eyed the needle with fake interest. That thing wasn't going anywhere near my veins, but I still could show them that it wasn't the smartest thing to offer me drugs.

“It's just heroin, nothing too strong. After all, you are a first timer, right?” Eagerness shone from Kirk's brown eyes, knowing smirk making its way on his face.

Uh huh, heroin. That sounded really safe. Not.

“Are you sure heroin is a best option for me? I mean, there seems to be quite a lot of it,” I said, taking a step towards Kirk and the needle. The syringe was pretty full of the brownish liquid.

“Don't worry, this stuff isn't from the strongest end. You'll experience the most wonderful feeling of euphoria, there will be nothing but paradise after the drug starts taking its effect.”

I pretended to think for a moment, acting like I was really considering taking the needle. Kirk saw this and stepped closer.

“Come on Cody. You only have to try it. And if you like it, I can get you more. It won't cost you much.” I could see that the other two guys were starting to get a little impatient. They kept glancing around, like they waited for someone to emerge from the bushes and attack them.

“Are you sure this is completely safe?” I asked and looked at Kirk doubtfully.

“Absolutely. I wouldn't give a potential customer anything dangerous.” Potential customer, yeah right. This guy had to be nuts if he thought I would ever use drugs. I knew better than that.

“But why me though? Shouldn't there be someone better to be your customer?”

“Well, I've always gotten this certain vibe from you. It's like something in you just tells me you could be one to try this. And I felt like offering this to someone different this time.”

So now I'm signaling to other people that I am a potential junkie? Please, that's so not true.

Kirk reached his arm out towards me, and I cautiously took the syringe, twirling it around in my fingers. It was exciting to get this close look of a forbidden substance.

“Kirk, let's go already,” one of the guys said, his voice sounding like it hadn't been used in months.

“Just a few more minutes,” Kirk shot back over his shoulder, then turning his eyes back to look at me.

I was just about to push the end of the syringe and let the drug drip down on the grass and tell the guys to fuck off, when the needle was knocked down from my hand. I jumped and turned around, coming face to face with Aiden.

A furious Aiden.