Gaijin No More

Saving him and beating up the culprit

Cody's POV

Uh oh, this didn't look good. I'd have some serious explaining to do. I wouldn't want Aiden to think that I had thought about taking that needle.

“A-Aiden...” I started but he quickly silenced me.

“Get in the car Cody,” he said in monotone voice, not taking his angry glare away from Kirk.

“But...” I tried to protest, not making any success.

“In the car Cody.” This time Aiden turned his eyes to me, the look in them telling me not to argue with him.

I stood in my spot for a second before yielding to Aiden's will. With one quick glance to Kirk and the other two, I started jogging towards Aiden's car. Although I was dying to know what Aiden was going to say to them, I didn't want to make him even madder at me.

I already had enough trouble to find a way to convince him I was only playing with Kirk's mind.

When I reached the car I quickly looked back at Aiden, catching him watching me. I noticed that one of the other guys was gone. I thought nothing of it and got into the passenger's side.

Aiden's POV

I was overwhelmed with emotions. While I had been driving, all I could think was what if Cody was hurt. But when I arrived here, the scene was much worse.

As an ex drug addict, seeing Cody with a drug needle was a living nightmare. For many reasons.

First, it brought every single bad memory back. The day I first tried drugs, all the trouble I got into because of drugs, the relationships that were destroyed by drugs and the horrible feeling of withdrawal once I got myself into rehab.

And then the thought of Cody on the ground with a needle stuck in his arm. It didn't take a genius to realize there was way too much heroin in that needle. I was certain Cody would've died if he had taken the drug.

Not to mention Kirk never used anything mild when it came to drugs.

I was so relieved when I got here in time to stop Cody from taking the drug, though I was a bit disappointed in him. I thought he was smarter.

I watched as Cody made his way to my car. I wanted to make sure he got in. What I was going to say and do was not going to be pretty.

When I was sure Cody was in, I turned to glare at Kirk. I noticed one of his companions had disappeared, but it didn't matter. It was Kirk who I wanted to kill.

“What the fuck do you think you're doing?” I snarled and stepped forward, so we were standing chest to chest. Now that Cody was a safe distance away I could show my anger freely.

“Nothing, just trying to get myself another customer,” Kirk replied, his nonchalant voice only increasing my anger.

“That's bullshit Coleman!” I spat. “We both know that would've been way too strong fix for Cody.”

This didn't seem to affect Kirk at all.

“We can't be sure of that. Maybe Cody can handle stronger stuff than you think.” By now the other dude had hit the road too, leaving just Kirk and me stand in the park.

“Frankly I don't want to find out how much he can handle! If I ever again see you somewhere near Cody, I'll kick your ass so hard your grandmother will feel it.”

“Oh come on Miller. We both know you wouldn't do that. After all, I was just trying to do you a favor.”

That was the last drop. I swung my fist back and then punched Kirk straight to his face. I didn't stop there. Kirk had fallen to the ground so I straddled his chest and kept pummeling his face.

“Stay...away...from... him,” I said between the punches before I stood up. I looked at Kirk's bleeding nose and blackening eye with satisfaction.

“This is not over Aiden,” Kirk groaned and held his face in pain.

“Trust me, it is,” I spat on him and took off towards my car. Now that I had gotten rid of most of my anger, I could sort out the next one in line.

I got into the driver's seat, not glancing at Cody. I didn't want to talk to him here.

I started the engine and began driving towards the place where we had went to look at the stars. It was secluded and peaceful place for me to make sure Cody would never again think about drugs.

Though I was a bit nervous of what I was going to tell him. Hopefully he wouldn't think any less of me.

Cody's POV

I had never in my life felt so uncomfortable and nervous. The silence was killing me but I didn't have the guts to break it, the fear of Aiden's reaction keeping my mouth shut.

Aiden kept his eyes on the road, and I had no idea where we were going. After what seemed like forever I finally realized we were back at the hill we had used for stargazing. Aiden stopped the car, making me even more nervous.

We sat in silence for a long time before suddenly Aiden grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap. I sat there shocked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into my neck.

I felt myself blush deeply as his breath tickled my neck. This was not the reaction I had been expecting.

“Aiden?” I asked carefully, placing my arms around his neck. He didn't say anything, just squeezed me to him tighter.

And then I felt something wet touch my neck.

Was Aiden crying?