Gaijin No More

Massage and a close call

Cody's POV

I'm glad Aiden had decided to call me before coming to get me since I had slept incredibly late. It was past noon when my cell phone began ringing, bringing me back to consciousness.

Aiden said he'd be here in ten minutes, and I mumbled him a tired 'yes'. Only after the call had ended and I almost gone back to sleep I realized what just had happened.

I moved faster than I had ever done in my life, and I was dressed in two minutes and thirty four seconds. A new record for me.

A touch of eyeliner and I was ready. Wait, no. I almost forgot my cell phone and camera.

I skipped into the kitchen, grabbing an apple for my late breakfast, almost tripping over April as she tried to rub her fur against my legs. She let out a resentful mewl, moving back into living room.

“Finally you're awake. I was just about to go and check if you were still breathing up there,” my dad teased me, ruffling my already messed up hair.

“Well, I would've slept longer if Aiden hadn't called.”

“Aiden and Aiden. I'm starting to think you have a crush on him,” he quipped, laughter visible in his voice. I was glad I had my back towards him, otherwise he would've noticed my reddened cheeks.

“So what if I have?” I challenged playfully, taking a bit from my apple.

“Nothing, it's just I don't know a thing about gay sex.” I started coughing violently, the piece of apple going down the wrong pipe.

“I so did not need to know that,” I wheezed, trying to get my breathing back to normal and calm my razing heart. The mental imagines not helping it at all.

My dad was laughing with tears in his eyes, cackling something incoherent about my priceless face.

I would've smacked him if Aiden's car hadn't turned to our driveway at that moment.

“If you excuse me,” I said sarcastically, leaving my dad to laugh his ass off.

“You okay? Your face is all red,” Aiden asked once I got into his car.

“I'm fine, dad's just being an idiot,” I said dismissively, forcing the mental images away. Aiden gave me a funny look but didn't say anything.

“So are you ready to meet my family?” he asked as we got to his house.

“As ready as I'm going to be,” I answered with a smile.

“I'm home!” Aiden yelled as we entered, kicking our shoes off.

“We are in the living room!” a female voice replied. Aiden grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the direction where the voice came from.

“Mom, Steward this is Cody, my friend. Cody, my mom and Steward.” I almost didn't have a chance to say hi since Aiden was already dragging me back towards his room.

“Aiden! Don't be so rude!” his mom exclaimed, her hands on her hips. “Don't mind him sweetheart, he was the most difficult to raise,” she said, earning a indignant snort from Aiden.

“Nice to meet you ma'am,” I said politely and shook her outstretched hand.

“Oh please, just call me Clara.”

She was a nice woman, I could tell. She had chocolate brown hair that reached her shoulders, her eyes were the same as Aiden and she was a bit chubby. It didn't matter though, since it fitted her just right.

Steward on the other hand was pretty short man with grayish eyes and a balding head. He had a strong jaw and he was fairly muscular.

“So are you new here?” Steward asked as I shook his hand.

“Actually I have lived here my whole life,” I answered, stuffing my hand back into my pocket.

“Oh, I see. How old are you?”

“Sixteen, sir.” I had been ready for this kind of interrogation so I didn't mind it, but Aiden seemed to be getting impatient.

“Okay that's enough. Cody and I have some things to do,” Aiden interrupted, pulling me away.

“Tell me if you need anything!” his mom yelled after us, Aiden mumbling something in response.

“Man my shoulders are sore,” he complained as we reached his room, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I'm not sure if I dare to ask why,” I said tantalizingly, smirking as Aiden stuck his tongue out.

“For your information smart-ass, I fell asleep on the couch when I came home last night. And let me tell you, it wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep on.”

“You just didn't sleep in the right position,” I shot back, grinning.

“Oh and you know how to sleep on uncomfortable surface without getting sore?” Aiden asked, with a good natured sarcasm in his tone.

“I most certainly do. When I was a kid I slept most of the nights under my bed.”

“What? Why?” Aiden chuckled.

“No reason. I just liked it,” I shrugged. “You know, I could give you a massage if you wanted,” I added.

“Ah, a massage, what a fantastic idea!” Aiden exclaimed, his eyes sparkling. “Wait a second, I'll go get some oil.” Aiden basically ran out of his room, and within ten seconds he was back with a bottle of massage oil with him.

“Have you done this before?” he asked with a doubt in his voice.

“Pff, I've been giving my dad massages ever since I could walk,” I said and caught the bottle as he tossed it to me. “Now take your shirt off.”

Aiden did as he was told and laid down on his bed on his stomach. I straddled his back and squirted some of the oil on my hands. I placed my hands on his shoulders and slowly started to rub his aching muscles.

This gave me the perfect opportunity to admire his muscular back without anything covering it. I was a bit jealous of how good looking he was.

“Holy shit you're good,” Aiden moaned, his eyes shut and mouth spread into a content smile. I didn't reply, my mind was on one particularly hard knob located on his back. Geez, how did he get his muscles so tense by sleeping on a couch?

“You are so tense...” I murmured, stroking my hands over his back. Aiden let out a sound that I wasn't sure if it was a moan or what. But I think it was still good kind of a sound.

After twenty minutes I was pretty sure I had relaxed his muscles completely. I still didn't stop caressing his skin. It felt too good under my hands.

Too bad we were interrupted when the door flew open and a guy who looked slightly like Aiden entered.

“Aiden have you seen -- who the hell are you?” The guy gawked at me like he had never seen a human before. I assumed this was Aiden's little brother.

“Seen what Josh? And don't talk so disrespectfully to Cody,” Aiden grunted from under me and I shifted so he could turn to look at his brother. I was still straddling him, though.

“Cody who?” Josh pressed, eying me skeptically.

“Cody Adams, my friend, now tell me why you are here or get the fuck out,” Aiden snarled, rubbing his forehead.

Josh looked around the room for a moment before he spotted what he had been looking for.

“I just came to get these,” he said and grabbed a pair of sunglasses from Aiden's desk. He was gone as quickly as he had come.

“Don't care about him, he's immature little bastard,” Aiden said and turned himself so he was now lying on his back, and I was now sitting on his lower stomach.

I found myself staring into Aiden's brown eyes, and he was staring right back. We were both quiet, his hands on my hips and my hands resting on his chest.

I have no idea how long we just gazed each other, and I most certainly didn't realize I had started to learn forwards. My nose was almost touching Aiden's when I finally snapped back in to reality.

Faster than a stressed lightning I was off Aiden and out of his room, hastily saying that I had to go.

I was already out of the house and a few blocks away before I allowed myself to think what had almost happened.

Did I just try to kiss him?!