Gaijin No More

Girlfriend and a crush

Aiden's POV

I just lay on my bed, dumbfounded, staring at the door of my room. When I finally had realized that Cody had left, it had been too late for me to go after him.

Slowly a wide grin made its way on my face as I fully realized what had happened just a moment ago.

I could swear on my brother's manhood that Cody had been going to kiss me. It had been clear as Cody had been leaning down towards me.

Oh fuck, this was going better than I could've imagined. Since he had taken the first step, well, kinda anyway, all I had to do was to finish it. I wanted it, he wanted it. I would be filling our desires as Cody was too shy to do it.

Laughing quietly I put my hands behind my head and got comfortable on my bed. I could still faintly feel Cody's hands massaging my muscles into relaxation. That boy had hands made in heaven. I think it was one of the most erotic things that I've ever experienced. Thank God Cody didn't notice my hard on, though.

Just as I was about to let myself to be engulfed in a fantasy about me and Cody, a blur of blond curls ran through my door and jumped on me.

“Who was that cute boy?” Came an excited voice of my lovely little sister Lizabeth. She smiled widely and her eyes were shining in curiosity.

“Oh him? That was Cody,” I answered and ruffled her hair affectionately. She let out a high-pitched squeal, starting to giggle madly.

“Oh gosh he was so cute! Can you ask him to be my boyfriend?” If I hadn't been lying on my bed I would've most certainly fallen down in shock.

“What!? No way!” I pushed Liz gently off me, emphasizing my words. I was the only one Cody was allowed to date from our family. “He's way too old for you.”

“Aaw, don't be such an ass Aiden! We would look so good together,” she said in dreamy voice. How did she get a crush on Cody when she hasn't even talked to him? Pff, girls.

“No you wouldn't. You are way too young to be dating anyway.” She would never have Cody, not if it was up to me. Cody was mine, dammit.

“For the record, I turn twelve in a few months,” Liz huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Try eight months,” I muttered, earning a slap from her.

“Age is just a number!” True, but she was still not going to be Cody's girlfriend. “How old is he anyways?”

“Sixteen.” I didn't like it where this conversation was going. The thought of Cody and Liz together bothered me a lot.

“That's only five years! Mom and Steward have seven year age difference.”

“They are adults. It's normal. Try dating someone of your own age, like Robby or Marcus.” Liz snorted as I mentioned the two boys from her class.

“They are both idiots. I want someone more... mature.”

“Whatever, Cody won't date you,” I said, indicating that this little chat was over.

“You don't know it! Next time he comes here, I'll ask!” she said stubbornly and left my room. I shook my head and decided to take nap when Liz came back.

“By the way, why are you without a shirt?” I rolled my eyes at her question.

“My shoulders were sore so Cody gave me a massage.”

“He had his hands on you?!” her voice literally cut through my brain. Why did girls have so shrill voices? Unlike Cody. He had a nice voice, it practically caressed my ears. “I'm so jealous!”

“Yeah. Now get lost.” Finally she stomped away, probably to tell her girl friends about her newest crush. I swear girls of her age had crushes every other day.

Thank God I was a guy.

Cody's POV

What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I got the urge to kiss Aiden? This is so confusing, I've absolutely never felt like this before.

It seemed like someone had put a permanent heater under my cheeks. They were flushed and felt warm. My heart was beating faster than normally and I had this weird fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Was I getting sick again?

But it didn't feel bad. It felt pretty good actually. Like I was floating a few inches above the ground.

I was pacing in my room, trying to figure out what was going on. Now that I thought about it, I had felt like this for a while now. But only today I actually acknowledged these strange feelings. But what in seven hells caused me to feel this way?

And I still couldn't understand why I had tried to kiss Aiden.

Hmm, to kiss Aiden... I wonder how that would feel. The sad thing is that I have never kissed anyone. I have no idea what it feels like. I guess it has to feel nice since people do that all the time.

But isn't kissing a thing that couples do? It isn't normal just to get an urge to kiss your friend right on the lips, is it?

But I'd want to kiss Aiden. Wait, no. We are both guys!

Or should that matter? It's completely acceptable to be gay.

Argh, I need to talk to someone or my head will explode. Where's my dad when he's needed?

“Dad!” I yelled and rushed downstairs. He would definitely know how to help me, he always does.

“What's the matter?” came his lazy voice from the couch. He was watching some kind of a comedy.

“I... I need to talk to you,” I said and fiddled with my sleeve nervously. I wasn't sure how to approach the subject.

My dad seemed to notice my nervousness as he turned off the TV so he could give me his full attention.

“About what?” he asked, standing up and walking to kitchen. Probably to make some tea, as he thought tea would always solve everything.

“Well...” I started, but the words seemed to get stuck on my throat. I sighed in frustration and sat down by the kitchen table.

“Are you in trouble?” dad asked gently, placing a cup of jasmine tea in front of me.

“No! Or... kinda, actually.”

“So what law have you broken this time?” his attempt to lighten the atmosphere worked and I relaxed a bit.

“None. I'm in trouble with my... feelings.” I wasn't sure if that was the correct word but right now it felt like the best.

“Uh oh, seems like you have a crush on somebody,” my dad exclaimed suddenly, a look of realization spreading on his face.

“Wait, what? A crush? Why do you say that?” Thanks dad, you just made me even more confused.

“It's obvious. Your face is flushed, you are fidgeting on your seat and you have this certain look in your eyes. Now tell me, do you feel weird on your stomach or does it feel like you're high? Is your heart beating faster than usually?”

I felt my face go pale as I understood what my dad was saying.

“Oh my God, I'm so screwed!” I moaned and banged my head against the table.