Gaijin No More

Plans and another party

Cody's POV

“So finally you have began experiencing the wonders of having a teenage crush,” my dad laughed, ruffling my hair affectionately. I let out a grunt, not seeing anything funny in the situation.

“This is a disaster,” I whimpered, pulling on my hair. Why, oh why? How and when did this happen? Why didn't I notice this sooner, when it would have been easier to prevent?

“Don't take it so seriously boy,” dad said good-naturedly. “It's normal. Now tell me, who's the one that makes you all hot and bothered?”

My face flushed ten shades of red as I thought about Aiden and what had almost happened. I cleared my throat, trying to figure out what to say.

“It's Aiden, isn't it?” My head shot up as my dad said those words. I'm not sure what I expected him to think, but I sure as hell wasn't prepared for the mischievous and gentle smile on his face.

“I... H-How...” I stuttered out, completely dumbfounded. Was I that obvious?

“It wasn't that hard to tell. Besides he really is the only possible candidate, since I know you wouldn't get a crush on someone that easily. Aiden has had the time to get under your skin.”

He was right, I had to admit.

“Wait, so you are okay with this?” I asked incredulously. Shouldn't he be at least a slightest bit shocked? It's not every day when your son decides to tell you he has a crush on a guy.

“With what?” he sounded genuinely confused, though it should have been clear what I meant.

“With me having a crush on another guy. You know, I'm sure you'd expect me to like girls.”

“The thing is Cody,” he started, giving me a serious look. “That I have never really thought about you dating anyone. You've always been my little boy and you always will be, no matter how old you are.”

I wasn't sure why he was telling me this but I nodded him to continue anyway.

“But part of growing up is starting to have romantic feelings towards another human being. And I strongly believe that the gender doesn't matter if you really care about someone. So yes, I am okay with you liking boys. Besides, Aiden is damn good catch.”

I groaned at my dad's joke. Trust him to turn serious matter into something funny. He burst out laughing and I couldn't help but smile. I was glad he understood me this well.

“Thanks dad.”

“You're welcome kiddo. But remember, if you need sex tips, you should try looking on the Internet since I have no clue how two guys can have sex.”

“Dad!” I exclaimed and covered my face in embarrassment. “I'm so not having this conversation with you!”

“What? I know it's not a current thing, as you've just realized your feelings but maybe someday you will find yourself wanting to take the next step. So it's better to be prepared,” he chuckled. How did I get a dad who can talk about these things so bluntly?

I was about to say something in protest when a new thought struck my head.

“But how do I know if Aiden likes me too? He's straight” I had been so caught up in solving my own feelings that I hadn't considered the fact that Aiden wasn't gay or even bisexual.

“Well, that's the risk you'll have to take. If I know Aiden at all, he'll be understanding about this but don't expect too much. If he rejects you, don't let it pull you down. You'll have plenty of time and chances to fall in love later.”

Once again my dad was right. The chances to get rejected were much higher than Aiden actually responding to my feelings but I don't think I could go on without telling Aiden.

I decided I would come clean as soon as I saw Aiden next time. Which would be on Monday, unless he wanted to do something with me tomorrow.

It was around six when I got a text message from Aiden.

Wanna go to a party tonight with me?

Party? As in party that some teenager decided to throw when his parents weren't at home? A party where everyone get drunk and bang each other where ever they happen to find appropriate?

My heart leaped into my throat as I remembered my little decision to tell Aiden what I felt for him. This was way too soon, I wasn't ready yet!

Excuses, excuses. I couldn't back off now. Eventually I would have to do it so I could as well do it today.

And, since we were going to a party, Aiden would most likely have something to drink. If he was a bit drunk, it would make this whole thing a lot easier.

Sure. What time? I texted back, biting my lip nervously. A couple minutes later came Aiden's reply.

I'm on my way to pick you up

I wanted to faint.

Aiden's POV

I'm not sure what came to me when I asked Cody to come to the party with me. I knew it wasn't normal way for Cody to spend his Saturday night, and he would probably feel pretty left out, but I still wanted him to come with me.

Maybe I could get the chance to seduce him tonight. Think about it, we'd be surrounded by other couples, the atmosphere would be just right to kiss him. If he didn't respond, then I could easily say it was just the party mood.

Damn I'm genius.

Anyway, I parked to the now familiar drive way and waited for Cody to come out. I was getting excited.

Cody seemed nervous when he sat down next to me. Maybe it was the party. It would be a totally new experience for him so it was understandable that he was fidgeting on his seat.

As I stopped the car in front of the house where the party was held, I placed my hand on Cody's knee, trying to reassure him.

“Don't be nervous. I'll take care of you.” Cody gave me a shy smile, but his nervousness seemed to stay.

The music was loud and most of the guests were already wasted out of their minds.

I watched with mild amusement as Cody looked around him with curiosity. His eyes were wide and he stayed quite close to me. I didn't mind at all.

“Aiden! What's up –“ Dan's slurring voice came to an abrupt stop when he saw Cody. “Oh you brought him.” I sighed in annoyance. He just couldn't stop being an asshole.

“Yes I did, now deal with it,” I said sweetly and grabbed Cody so we could continue our way deeper into the house. Dan had other plans, though.

“Hey hey hey, where do you think you two are going? Nowhere yet.” This wasn't a good sign. I turned to glare at Dan, only to notice that his eyes were glued on Cody.

“State your business,” I said, trying to get his attention to me. I would not let him bully Cody.

Dan waved his hand at my direction, telling me to shut up.

“So Cody, fancy a drink?” Dan said, a fake smile spreading on his face. This took me by surprise. Did Dan actually try to be civilized with Cody?

“No thanks. I don't drink,” Cody replied, not taking the red plastic cup Dan was offering.

“Really? This stuff is pretty good,” Dan tried to persuade.

“Thanks, but no.”

“Aaw, why not? Come on, just a small sip. I promise you will like it.” I could see Cody was starting to get fed up.

“I said no.”

Dan still didn't give up. He brought the cup closer to Cody, urging him to take it.

“Just a tiny sip, that's all. I promise I won't bother you after that.” I was ready to step in and tell Dan to fuck off when Cody did something surprising. He calmly grabbed the cup and took a huge gulp from it.

My eyes widened and my body froze in shock but nothing could prepare me for what Cody did next. He spat the drink right back at Dan's face.

Dan let out a several curses as he wiped the alcohol from his eyes.

“When I say no it means no,” Cody snarled and threw the cup away.

“You little shit,” Dan growled and swung his fist towards Cody. Luckily Cody ducked down in time and Dan's fist hit some other guy who had been unfortunate enough to walk past us at the same moment.

I could only stand there and watch as a full blown fight began, more and more people joining in.

I got out of my little daze as someone pushed me. Without much thought I grabbed Cody and left the house.

“Holy shit you are good. We were there barely five minutes and already you started a fight,” I said admiringly as we got into the car. Cody blushed at my words.

“I'm sorry,” he said quietly, leaving me to look at him in confusion.

“What for? That was amazing what you did back there.”

“But I ruined your night,” he said softly, regret evident in his voice.

“No you didn't. If anything, you made it more entertaining.” I didn't want him to feel bad about this. It was only Dan's fault. He hadn't believed when Cody said no, so he was the only one to blame.

We drove in silence for a while, and I tried to think a way to make this night last a bit longer. I didn't want to take Cody back to his home yet.

“Aiden, please pull over,” Cody's voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned my head to look at him. He was leaning against the window, eyes closed and sweat trickling down his forehead.

“Why? Are you okay?” I asked, worry filling my mind.

“Just please... pull over,” he pleaded and I did so instantly. The car hadn't fully stopped before Cody was already out, puking the contents of his stomach on the side of the road.