Gaijin No More

Confessions and the kiss

Aiden's POV

A ray of sunshine woke me up in the morning, shining right to my eyes. Frowning I tried to turn around, wanting to get away from the light, but I soon noticed an unfamiliar weight on my chest.

Lazily I peeked through my half lidded eyes, wanting to know what was holding me in place.

Oh, it's just Cody. I thought and closed my eyes again, trying to get back to sleep. Five seconds later my eyes snapped back open as the realization sunk in.

Cody was in bed with me, sleeping like a baby on my chest.

The best thing I've ever woken up to, I have to say.

A wide grin slowly spread on my face as I stared at Cody's sleeping figure on me. His hair felt soft on my naked chest, his warm breath making goosebumps appear on my skin.

I lay there a long time, softly stroking Cody's back as he continued to sleep. I most certainly wasn't going to wake him up yet, I wanted to enjoy this feeling as long as I could. Who knows when is the next time I'd get to hold him like this?

While Cody was away from this world, I had some time to think. I had to come up with another plan to seduce him, seeing as my previous plan failed before it had even started.

Then my bladder decided it was time for me to get up from the bed. Carefully, and quite reluctantly, I moved Cody so he wasn't lying on me anymore and stood up, walking out of my room and towards the bathroom.

Cody's POV

The bed shifting woke me up from my sleep, making me frown. Since when had April gained so much weight she could make the mattress dip so much?

But I was too comfortable to care. It had been a while since I had slept this well and I wanted to enjoy this a bit more.

Sighing I spread my arms around me, noticing my bed was a bit wider than usually. And hey, where were my stuffed toys? Had I kicked them all down on the floor again?

I felt around me in confusion, not finding anything except another pillow. Guess what's the funny thing?

I only had one pillow.

Slowly I allowed my eyelids to slid open, taking in my surroundings. It didn't take long for my brain to register that I wasn't in my bed or in my room. I did recognize the room as Aiden's, but what the hell was I doing in there? And why was I sleeping in his bed? Not to mention why I had such a bad headache?

I sat up on the bed, attempting to remember what I had done last night. I remembered talking with my dad, then Aiden texting me and asking me to go to a party with him.

The party... Oh right, that Dan guy had bugged me and I had spat the drink back to him. After that came the awful feeling in my stomach and I had vomited. The rest was quite blur.

I assume that Aiden brought me here to sleep. But the question is, if I slept in his bed, where did he sleep? Did he spent the night right next to me?

That thought brought a slight pink on my cheeks. I liked to think that he had slept next to me. It made me feel warm and fuzzy.

Okay, that's enough of that. Now I need to figure out where the hell is Aiden.

I got up from the bed, only to notice that I wasn't wearing the clothes I had last night. Instead I had an unfamiliar t-shirt on, and to my embarrassment, my favorite Care Bear boxers.

Holy shit, don't tell me Aiden changed my clothes for me. If so, then he most certainly saw my more than childish pair of boxers.

I groaned quietly burying my face into my hands. And here I thought I could do nothing more embarrassing in front of Aiden.

Shaking my head I quickly grabbed my jeans from the chair and pulled them on, then removing the t-shirt. Though I couldn't stop myself from inhaling the scent on it. A mixture of Aiden and me. It smelled pretty nice.

Footsteps from the hallway made me to throw the shirt back on the bed and pull my hoodie over my naked upper body. I silently cursed myself for not having a shirt to wear underneath it. It would've been more comfortable.

“Oh you're awake,” Aiden said from the doorway as I turned to look at him. I'm not sure whether I should've fainted or started drooling at the sight.

Aiden was without a shirt and a few water drops were slowly sliding down from his face to his torso. Apparently he had just washed his face or something like that.

Aiden caught me staring. I visibly flinched at his smirk, blood rushing to my cheeks. Why couldn't I control my blushing? Seriously, I was acting like a love sick girl!

“Like what you see?” Aiden teased me and stepped closer.

“I... uhm...” I stammered, my brain unable to think anything smart to say back.

The last night's nervousness came back on full force as I recalled what I had meant to confess yesterday. Oh dear, now I wasn't sure at all if I should come clean or not.

Aiden was now standing right in front of me, that knowing smirk still on his face. I shyly looked at him, trying to gather the ruins of my courage.

“Aiden... I... I have to c-confess something.” My mouth felt dry and my hands trembled uncontrollably.

Aiden tilted his head to the side, crossing his arms over his muscular chest.

“Go on,” he urged, his voice soft.

“I think I'm... I mean that...” Great, now I didn't know how to say it. Should I say I had a crush on him? Or that I liked him?

Or maybe I should try the classic 'I have this friend who likes this one guy' -approach?

No, definitely not. Aiden wouldn't buy that one.

“On the other hand... Never mind.” Yes, I'm pathetic, I chickened out! “I should probably leave now,” I said in a rush and headed towards the door, leaving Aiden to stand there dumbfounded.

“Wait a second.” He recovered quicker than I thought, placing his hand on my shoulder. “What were you trying to tell me?” Was it just me or did his voice sound the slightest bit teasing?

“It's nothing important, just forget it,” I tried to dismiss the subject, but Aiden was persistent.

“No, I will not forget it. And you're not leaving before you tell me,” he whispered into my ear, pressing his body against my back.

I shuddered violently, fighting back the wonderful emotions his closeness made me feel.

“It's just... I think I have...” Oh, how do I get out of this situation? Stupid dad, I should've never even considered about telling Aiden about my feelings.

Aiden wrapped one of his arms around my stomach, trapping me against his solid body.

“Want to know what I think?” he breathed against my head, making me feel dizzy. “I think someone has a crush on me.”

I could feel blood draining from my face as those words reached my ears. How did he know? Oh no, he's going to be mad!

I opened my mouth, only succeeding in letting out incoherent small voices. The lump in my throat grew and my breathing quickened.

“It's true then,” Aiden chuckled and loosened his arm a bit so he could turn me to look at him. I kept my eyes down, not daring to look into his eyes.

But of course Aiden didn't allow that. He took a hold from my chin and lifted my chin so he could see my eyes.

“Guess what? I have feelings for you too.” Oh God, now he's telling me to get the fuck out of his house... Wait a fucking second. He said what?!

“W-What did you say?” I asked in disbelief, my eyes wide as saucers. Tell me I heard correctly, please please please!

“You heard me Cody,” he said gently.

“But... You're not gay,” I asked in confusion.

“I don't have to be. I like you and you like me, that's all that matters.” I liked Aiden's logic. No wonder I got a crush on him.

“So... If we both like each other, what happens next?”

“Well, do you want to be my boyfriend?”

I was taken aback at his question.

“I... Yeah. It would be nice, I guess.” Damn my lack of experience was really starting to bug me.

“Then it's settled. We are now officially a couple.”

A couple... I liked the sound of it.

“Sounds nice.” I smiled, placing my hands on Aiden's chest as I didn't know what else to do with them.

“Have you dated anyone before?” Aiden asked casually.

“Uh, no. You are my first.” It was a bit embarrassing to admit this small fact. I knew that Aiden was much more experienced than I was. I hope he wasn't bothered by this.

“So you've never kissed anyone?” he kept going.

I decided to just shake my head.

“That means you are completely and utterly virgin. In every sense of that word,” Aiden said in delighted tone, though I found his remark mortifying.

“Please don't say that,” I groaned and hid my face into his neck, where I could feel the vibrations of his laughter.

“I think it's adorable,” he said and pulled my head away from his neck. We stared at each other for a moment before Aiden broke the silence. “Can I kiss you?”

Those words awoke a million butterflies in my stomach.

“I don't know what to do. I've never kissed anyone,” I admitted, scared that I'd ruin everything if we kissed.

“Yeah, I kinda thought that much,” Aiden said, as if it wasn't big deal. “Will I get the honor to have your first kiss?”

My voice seemed to have abandoned me so all I could do was nod. Aiden's face broke into a tender grin and he placed one of his hands on my cheek, keeping the other one on the small of my back.

He leaned in and I closed my eyes, welcoming the unknown feeling of his lips on mine.

There was no fireworks as I had read in the books, but the tenderness and softness literally melted my heart. The gentle caressing of Aiden's lips felt incredibly good on my sensitive lips, and I felt pleasure I had never experienced in my life before.

Way too soon Aiden pulled away, leaving me craving for more.

“How was that? Did you like it?” he held me so affectionately that I would've died a happy man if I had died right then. Who would've thought that another person could make one feel this good?

“That was incredible. Now gimme more,” I answered breathlessly, wrapping my arms around Aiden's neck.

Aiden wasted no time, and before I knew it his lips were back on mine.