Gaijin No More

Kissing and new sensations

Aiden's POV

Kissing a guy wasn't very different from kissing girl. Sure it felt pretty weird in the beginning to hold someone who didn't have boobs, but I soon got used to it.

Cody's body was leaner than girls' and it wasn't as soft. He was also stiff as a statue at first but it didn't surprise me that much. After all, he had never been kissed before. The feeling must've been foreign.

But with my amazing kissing skills he soon relaxed, hesitantly moving his lips against mine. I had to force back a smile. It was just so achingly cute how he was like Bambi on ice.

In a weird way it boosted my ego a bit as I now knew I was the one who'd teach Cody everything about kissing and the other stuff that included in dating. Virginal Cody was for me to taint.

I let go of Cody's lower lip which I had been gently sucking, and slowly ran my tongue over his soft lips, trying to slip it inside his mouth.

Cody let out a gasp and jerked away from me, leaving me to stand there confused and Cody-less.

I blinked a few times, trying to comprehend how just a second ago we had been in the middle of kissing session and the next moment Cody is a good few feet away from me.

“S-Sorry!” he apologized immediately with that blush of his on his cheeks once again. “I-It's just... y-your tongue...It f-feels weird...” he was making barely any sense, but I understood why he so suddenly pulled away.

Grinning I pulled him back into my arms. I guess I had to be really slow with him and not be so eager. As we already saw, Cody got startled when I tried to put my tongue into his mouth.

“It's okay,” I cooed, silencing his incoherent speech. “I should have known. I bet the thought of someone else's tongue in your mouth seems disgusting in the beginning.”

“It's not disgusting, it's just... strange,” he muttered, apparently embarrassed since he didn't look at me while he spoke.

I began to plant soft kisses on his cheek, calming him down a bit.

“Sorry. I ruined the mood,” he apologized once again.

“You did nothing like that. You did the right thing when you pulled away. If you don't feel comfortable doing something, I want you to tell me.”

This seemed to put Cody at ease. He placed his head against my shoulder and we stood there just holding each other.

“You are without a shirt,” Cody broke the silence by stating the obvious and I was pretty sure he was blushing again.

“Does it bother you? I thought you liked me without a shirt on,” I teased him, earning a small slap from Cody.

“Don't make fun of me,” he whined like a child, pouting his lips which were slightly swollen from the kissing.

“I can't help it! I just love the reaction I get when I tease you.” I laughed, pecking his pink lips gently.

“You meanie!” he exclaimed, but I could tell he wasn't really mad. The sparkle in his eyes gave him away. “I should kick your ass for that.”

I snorted at the thought.

“Yeah, and how would you do that, considering how you have the physical strength of a kitten?”

“I am not that weak!” he scowled at me. Obviously I had damaged his pride, but I felt no regret. This was way too fun.

“Oh really?” I mocked him, smiling affectionately.

“Really! And don't give me that look!” he said, trying to free himself from my embrace. I squeezed him tighter, making it clear he was not going anywhere.

He let out a small growl and then he gave me a mischievous grin. I only had a moment to think what he was doing before I felt him sink his teeth on my shoulder.

I gasped in surprise as the slight pain registered in my mind, making me loose my grip on Cody a little.

“Did you just bite me?” I asked in disbelief, rubbing the sore spot on my shoulder. Cody gave me his most innocent look, as if he had no idea what I was talking about.

“Don't you know that even kittens bite if you annoy them?” he said smartly.

“You little shit,” I growled playfully, throwing him over my shoulder. He let out a shriek, telling me to put him back down.

“What are you, a caveman?” he laughed as I threw him on my bed, crawling on the top of him.

“Yep, and you're my bitch.”

“Hey! Who said I was the girl in this relationship?”

“It's kinda obvious, don't you think. You're smaller than me, you are submissive and you have more feminine body than I have.”

“That's bullshit!” For a moment I thought this was going to turn out to be our first fight, but luckily that wasn't the case. “I do not have feminine body.”

I burst out laughing as I realized Cody had taken my little joke seriously.

“Cody, babe, I was only joking. If you haven't noticed, there's no girl in this relationship.”

Cody's mouth made a small 'oh' as he understood that I had been kidding, his cheeks flushing pink.

“I knew that,” he tried to cover it, but I had already caught him.

Instead of replying with words, I began to kiss his neck. Cody let out a small moan, tilting his head to the side, giving me more room to explore his skin with my lips.

“Mm, that feels good...” he mumbled and ran his fingers through my hair. I sucked lightly on one spot of his neck, not hard enough to leave a mark but close enough.

I covered every bit of his neck with my kisses and when I reached the spot right under his ear, Cody let out a loud gasp. His body arched under me as he breathed out my name.

I lifted my head so I could see Cody's face. I was a bit confused, not knowing what had caused him to react so strongly since I had just brushed my lips over the skin. I did it again, earning the same reaction.

Cody's eyes were closed and his breathing was slightly heavier than normally. Grinning I attached my lips on the spot, sucking on it feverishly.

Cody let out a sound of pleasure, gripping my hair tightly with his fingers. His whole body started to tremble as I licked and sucked the spot.

I bit down on the spot, wondering what kind of response it would give me. Cody moaned my name again, panting for air now.

I pulled away from his neck, admiring the mark I left for a second. That bruise would stay on Cody's neck for a week at least.

“I think I found your spot,” I said in delight. Cody's reaction amazed me. I never though such a simple touch could reduce him into panting and moaning mess. Hmm... I could use this knowledge in the future.

“Spot?” he finally opened his eyes, weak from the new sensations.

“The spot that makes you like you're right now,” I explained, stroking his cheek.

“Mmh...” he sighed and snuggled closer to me. Had I tired him out already? “It felt good,” he murmured, looking in to my eyes. He still looked like he had just smoked pot.

“Yeah, I noticed,” I chuckled and lay on my side, pulling Cody closer. I wonder what else I could do to make him into such a sensual creature.