Gaijin No More

Friday and the baby video

Cody's POV

On Friday Aiden came to my house straight from school, thus giving my dad an opportunity to leave an hour earlier than he thought.

Aiden and I were currently on my bed, Aiden lying on his stomach and me sitting cross-legged with my back leaning against the headboard. We were talking about what we would do after my dad left. Neither of us really felt like going anywhere, so we decided to stay at the house and watch a movie or something.

The discussion moved on to what we should watch when dad came in (without knocking) with a video cassette in his hand.

“If you guys get bored, you can watch this,” he said and tossed the video to Aiden, “I have a feeling you'll like it Aiden,” he continued and grinned.

“What's that?” I asked and crept over to Aiden, trying to get closer look of the video.

“It's your baby video,” dad answered and disappeared from the doorway.

“My WHAT?” I asked in disbelief and tried to snatch the video from Aiden, failing miserably when Aiden moved his hand away. “We are so not watching that!” I tried to protest, remembering all the embarrassing stuff the video contained.

“Oh I believe we are,” Aiden said and smiled slyly, “I'm not going to pass an opportunity to see you as a baby!” He jumped off the bed and ran downstairs, with me right behind him.

“Dad! Where did you find that video? I thought it had been lost long ago,” I asked while trying to get Aiden to give the video to me.

“You think I'd let it get lost? I was just waiting for a perfect chance to reveal I still had it.”

“But I don't want Aiden to see it!”

“Exactly the reason I brought it up now. Don't you know it's my duty to embarrass you in front of your boyfriend?”

I growled in annoyance and went back to getting the video back. To my horror, Aiden was already in the living room, inserting the video into the VCR.

“Don't you dare!” I warned him and tried to get past him, but he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me on the couch.

“Easy there tiger. We are watching this, and you can do nothing about it.” Aiden held me firmly, and I knew he was grinning though I couldn't see his face.

“I'm going now boys, be good! Don't burn the house down!” dad yelled from the hall.

“Have a nice trip! Don't hurry back!” Aiden responded, and we heard the front door close. “Now let's take a look of your childhood,” he said and pressed the play button on the remote control. I sighed and decided to give up. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

Wrong. It was even worse than I had imagined.

A couple months old me appeared on the screen. I was lying on a light green quilt, trying to turn on my stomach. Dad was talking on the background, encouraging me while I let out grunts and puffs as the task turned out to be quite difficult.

“Look at those baby cheeks! You haven't changed much,” Aiden commented, making me snort.

During the first fifteen minutes didn't happen anything special, I did what babies do, first trying to learn to move properly and so on.

But then came the bath scene. I was around two years.

I was as naked as the day I was born, trying to run away from my mom who was trying to get me into the bathtub.

“Don't wanna, don't wanna!” I screamed and run in a circle, attempting to get away from the bathroom. Aiden tried to hide his laughter, but soon he couldn't contain himself. I groaned and hid my face into my hands.

In the end I lost the battle and had to bathe. I splashed the water all around the bathroom, getting my mom and dad wet.

In the next scene I was still naked, but this time I was sitting in front of a full length mirror. I had a thoughtful expression and I tapped my reflection on the mirror few times.

“What are you doing Cody?” dad's voice asked behind the camera and I turned my attention momentarily to him before looking back at the mirror. Once again I tapped the reflection, before nodding approvingly.

“Yeah, that looks good enough,” I stated in my toddler voice.

“What looks good enough?” dad questioned and I pointed my face in the mirror.

“This!” I exclaimed with a huge smile spreading across my face. Again Aiden got a reason to laugh with tears in his eyes.

“Oh God that's just too good!” even I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

“I was vain little shit, wasn't I?”

Sweetly vain little shit,” Aiden corrected me. I just rolled my eyes and stopped the video. We could watch the rest later.

“Enough of that,” I said and tossed the remote control on the coffee table, “I want to do something less embarrassing.”

“Well, I have a perfect idea,” Aiden stated with mischief, pouncing me. I shrieked in start, beginning to giggle madly when he attached his lips on my neck.

“I like the way you think,” I murmured and pulled his face away from my neck so I could kiss him on the lips.