Gaijin No More

Messages and a ghost from the past

Cody's POV

Aiden had solved things between him and his mom, fortunately. Though to me it seemed like things were still a little awkward when I was over at Aiden's house. His mother was just.. uhm... distant is probably the right word. I hope she'll get over it.

All in all, things were looking quite good. Aiden and I were doing well, though there had been a few almost serious arguments between us and dad had Laureen. She was great. My relationship with Aiden didn't bother her at all, she was youthful, had a good sense of humor and extremely attractive son. Don't tell Aiden I said that.

Her son's name was Ethan and he was twenty-three years old. She also had a daughter named Holly. She was twenty-one. I have never met either of them but Laureen showed me some pictures.

Though Laureen was now a big part of my life, I didn't really consider her my step-mom. She was way too cool for that. She was more like a little older friend.

Oh, and my dad was totally in love with her. He got this stupid look on his face whenever he was with her. I liked to tease him about it, and I always got him to blush like there was no tomorrow. Go me and go dad!

Yeah, life was good. No major problems or anything like that. For the first time in my life I felt truly at peace. You know, the feeling when things just go as they should or almost. Easy, fun life.

It was Friday once again and Aiden had asked me to spend a night at his house. I, of course, agreed. This way dad and Laureen could cuddle in peace or whatever they liked to do.

I was currently in my room, pissing off April by poking her sides. She hated when I did that and usually it ended with me having my hands scratched until they bled and April leaving the room, irritated.

“Ouch!” I yelped after one particularly harsh contact with her claws, pulling my hand back. “You know, this is kinda unfair when you have such weapons at the end of your paws while I only have these short and chipped nails,” I whined and sucked the blood from the wound. Yes, I know, my fault, I annoyed her. But it was still fun.

April let out a hiss and trotted out of my room. I shook my head and decided to pack some spare clothes and other necessary stuff. Aiden was supposed to call me once he and his family got back from visiting his grandparents. Which made me think I should go to see my grandma too. It had been a while since I had seen her and grandpa.

I opened my drawer and threw a few clothes on the bed, moving in to the bathroom to get my toothbrush and toothpaste. Oh, and eyeliner.

This time I also packed one of my stuffed animals. My other over-night visits at Aiden's house had been extempore kinda events so I hadn't really packed anything. Now I'd take Uncle Mike, my stuffed gecko, with me. Childish? Maybe, but I love it.

“Cody! Come here, please! I need your help,” dad hollered from his bedroom. I dropped Uncle Mike in my bag and skipped down the hall to my dad's room. He was standing in front of a mirror, holding two ties.

“What now?” I asked, leaning against the door frame.

“Which tie should I wear?” he asked and held the ties for me to see.

“It depends. What's the occasion?” I questioned and pondered between the ties. One was gray with thin black streaks on it and the other one was light blue with small dark blue spiders.

“I'm taking Laureen out. So, which on is it?” he explained.

“The blue one, definitely. It's cuter,” I grinned and went back to my room, dad yelling “thanks” after me.

I packed the rest of my stuff and slid down the rail of the stairs, though dad had several times told me not to do it. I have a right for my hobbies.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, signaling I had received a text message. It was from Aiden.

Gah, I'm so bored.

I smirked at myself and wrote a reply.

Shame on you. : D They're your grandparents, show some respect.

It's still boring compared to the company I could've right now. ; )

Oh yeah? And by that you mean who? Audrey Hepburn? I guessed Aiden was trying to get me to talk dirty with him, something which we had been doing quite often lately. I liked to tease him so I played clueless. It was so entertaining to see him get so frustrated when he couldn't get me to play with him.

You know who I mean. And if you don't start to behave, I'll have to punish you tonight. ; D

So you're threatening me now? What are you gonna do? : D

You'll see. Now go pack so I can drag your cute butt into my car faster.

I'm already one step ahead of you. ; )

Our little texting session was interrupted when dad once again yelled me. This time he wanted me to take the trash out. I rolled my eyes but grabbed the trash and headed to the door. I jumped a bit on start when the doorbell rang just a second before I grabbed the door knob.

Behind the door stood a woman, over her forties, I presumed. She had blondish hair that was cut short, reaching her chin. Her gray eyes were cool, but I could tell she was nervous. When she saw me she got this weird look on her face, a strange mixture of sadness and affection.

“Can I help you ma'am?” I asked politely.

“Oh Cody, you've grown so much,” she sighed. I gave her a confused look. Was I supposed to know her.

“Hey Cody, who's at the door?” dad asked from behind me, coming to check it himself. I turned my head to look at my dad, about to say I had no idea, but the completely stunned look on his face silenced me.

“A-Allison?” he asked in utter disbelief. The name stirred something in my memory, and soon the realization struck me too. I let out a barely audible whisper:
