Gaijin No More

The bomb dropped and upcoming problems

Cody's POV

My blood ran cold and dad's jaw must have dropped down all the way to China as the full meaning of Allison's words registered in our minds.

She wanted to take me to Chicago. With her. For good. And the look on her face clearly said there was no room for discussion. Not that it would've mattered, I was speechless. My brain couldn't come up with anything to say, as I was still in a shock.

Fortunately, dad wasn't.

“You have gained a twisted sense of humor, Allison.”

She turned her head to give dad an indignant look. “I assure you, I am very serious about this. I came here to take Cody to live with me.” She turned back to look at me. “Cody, sweetheart, I know you'll be happy in Chicago. We have a nice big house and your brother and sisters are dying to meet you.”

Stop right there. Brother? Sisters? This was too much to take and way too soon!

I saw dad open his mouth to say something back when a car pulled up on our driveway. What a perfect timing Aiden had, note the sarcasm. I didn't want him to get in the middle of this family drama.

“Your ride is here Cody. You should go and fetch your bag.” Dad gave me a pointed look.

I opened and closed my mouth a few times, making a non-verbal protest but dad kept his mind.

“Just go. Let us adults talk this through first.”

I gave a nod and went to get my bag. I could hear dad and Allison talking vehemently though I couldn't make out any words. I quickly grabbed my bag, petted April and then descended the stairs. Putting my shoes on I yelled 'bye' and then I was out of the door just as my parents' voices began to rise.

“Hi baby,” Aiden greeted me with a wide smile on his face. I murmured a small 'hi' back, not removing my eyes from the house before it disappeared as Aiden drove around the corner.

“Is everything okay?” Aiden asked, his tone casual.

“Yes. No. Yes! Ugh, I don't know,” I whimpered in frustration, banging my head against the window. Though I couldn't see it, I was pretty sure Aiden was frowning.

“Has something happened?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“Something bad?”

“It depends how you want to look at the situation.” I knew I wasn't giving much information but I wasn't sure how to tell this to Aiden. I was still trying to comprehend everything myself.

Aiden parked his car on their drive way and got out. I followed his example and just as I had shut the door behind me Aiden pushed me against it. Not hard enough to hurt, of course.

He placed his hands on the both sides of me, effectively making all my escape attempts empty.

I was expecting him to start asking more questions of what was bothering me but instead he claimed my mouth with his, kissing me with more strength and possessiveness I've ever been kissed.

In no time he had his tongue in my mouth, caressing and exploring. I was starting to feel lightheaded and my knees were like boiled spaghetti.

When Aiden finally let me have my mouth back, all I could say was 'wow'. That had to be the best kiss I'd received so far.

Aiden smirked cockily at my dazed face.

“Let's continue this inside. I don't want to give the neighbors free porn.” It was good my mind was still too fuzzy from the kiss, otherwise I would've most likely fainted to the spot.

Once we got in his room Aiden took my bag from me and threw it on the floor. Then he once again grabbed me and it was my turn to be tossed around. Good thing I landed on the bed and not on the floor.

“Now that there's no extra eyes or ears around, you're going to tell me what's going on.” While he was talking he had crawled on top of me. “No buts,” he finished with a mock glare.

I took a deep breath before dropping the bomb. “My mom came back.”

Aiden was completely still, the steady rise of his chest being the only sign of him being even alive. “Oh. Umm... That's interesting.”

“She wants to take me to Chicago with her.” That seemed to completely startle Aiden.

“What? Take you? To Chicago?” I nodded meekly.

Aiden got off me and stared at the ceiling, eyes wide in disbelief.

“Are you going to go with her?”

I was silent for a long time before whispering:

“I don't know Aiden. I really don't know.”