Gaijin No More

The Phone Calls and The Confrontation

Cody's POV

Aiden slowly slipped his hand under my thin t-shirt and stroked my sensitive skin teasingly. His fingers felt good against my bare skin and it took everything I had to keep from moaning out loud. With Aiden's fingers stroking my back and his lips on my neck, it was almost an impossible thing to do, but somehow I managed.

The lips that I loved to kiss were slowly sucking on my neck, leaving a mark behind without a doubt. My knees started to feel weak as I clutched Aiden's bare shoulders for support.

“A-Aiden...” I whispered weakly, pleasure coursing through my body like a tidal wave. I felt him grin against my neck and before I even noticed he had laid me down on the bed. Aiden had a predatory look in his brown eyes as he crawled on top of me. He quickly removed my shirt and attached his lips on my collarbone, determined to leave another mark there.

Small beads of sweat rolled down my forehead as I allowed myself get lost in the immense pleasure that Aiden's touches and kisses were giving me. My whole body was tingling and it felt like all of my blood had flowed down south.

With agonizingly slow pace one of Aiden's hands slid towards my aching hard-on, and I was sure I would burst before he even got started.

I let out a startled gasp when I woke up and snapped out of that embarrassing dream. My face felt hot and my forehead was wet with sweat. I felt a new wave of heat hit my face when I realized how stiff my lower regions were within my boxers.

Only after I had survived through my embarrassment did I notice what had woken me up. My cell phone was buzzing on my nightstand. I quickly grabbed the little device and glanced who was calling me in the middle of the night.


I sighed. This was the seventh time in three weeks when he was calling me when normal people were asleep. I would've been flattered if Aiden hadn't been wasted every time he called.

“Hi Aiden,” I answered the phone quietly, not sure what I should expect from the phone call. Last time he had called, he had asked me to google what side effects would a person have if they used pesticide and baking powder at the same time.

“Codyyy, c'mere and gimme some loving,” Aiden slurred and drew out the 'y' in my name. “I'm horny,” he continued, “I wanna feel your girly lips around my cock and cum down your throat.” His attempt to sound seducing failed miserably and the words he used made my heart sting.

I took a deep breath and tried to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat. “Aiden, you have no idea what you are saying. Go to sleep,” I replied.

Aiden whined something incoherent and I repeated my advice of going to sleep.

“Fine, be a cock teasing bitch. I'll find someone else to give me a blow-job.” With that he hung up on me.

I stared into darkness in shock. One thing I had learned about Aiden during the past two weeks was that he got mad easily when drunk. But still, I had never in million years expected him to talk to me like that. Did he have any idea how bad he made me feel by saying those things?

I put the phone back on the nightstand and lay back on the bed, swallowing my tears. What if it was true what Aiden said? Was I really a cock teasing bitch? It was true there had been hardly any sexual contact between Aiden and me. Only kisses and small touches. Was it not enough anymore? I didn't know how actively Aiden had had sex before we started dating. Was he getting bored with only kissing?

No matter how hard I tried to convince myself, I knew I wasn't ready to have sex with Aiden. True, we had been dating for quite a long time, almost four months if I wasn't completely wrong. But still, the thought of having sex freaked me out. I knew the basics of gay sex, I had searched it on the Internet once, out of curiosity. But still I felt incredibly nervous when I thought about having sex, even if it was with Aiden.

I buried my head into my pillow. I wanted to forget this night ever happened.

But then I started to worry about another thing. Was Aiden serious about having someone else to pleasure him?

I wanted to blame alcohol for making Aiden talk like that, but maybe there was a hint of truth in Aiden's words.

I shook my head vehemently. No, I did not want to think about it. Aiden would not betray me like that, would he? As far as I knew, we were in a serious relationship. Surely he respected that.

I wiped the tear that had succeeded in escaping from my eye. I would meet Aiden tomorrow and talk about this with him. I didn't want to receive anymore drunken calls and threats of finding someone else. I wasn't strong enough to deal with those.

The Friday morning came and I was on my way to school. I was pretty sure Aiden was going to have a massive hangover and that didn't ease my nerves. Dealing with a hungover boyfriend was not on the top of my list 'Things I want to do'.

What was the point of getting wasted on Thursday night anyway?

I found Aiden slouched over one of the picnic tables. He was alone, fortunately. I had nothing against his friends, but I'd rather talk to him alone about this.

Aiden was holding his head and occasionally sipping water from a water bottle. He had a frown on his face. All in all, the sight wasn't very welcoming.

“Hi,” I said quietly and sat opposite of him. He gave me a grunt as a response, keeping his eyes on the table. Shit, this wasn't a good start.

“Did you have fun last night?” I asked casually. Aiden shot me an evil look.

“Cut the crap and tell me what you want.” I was taken aback by his harsh words. Wow, his hangover was pretty bad.

I was quiet for a moment. Then I decided to go straight to the point. “You called me last night.”

Aiden looked at me, confused. “I did?”

I nodded. Great, he didn't remember. “You have been drinking quite a lot lately.” I tried not to sound accusing, but I couldn't stop a small hint of hurt from lacing my voice.

Aiden gave me a blank look. “So?”

I sighed in irritation. “I'm getting worried! You keep calling me in the middle of the night and sometimes you say pretty mean things to me.”

I could see Aiden was getting irritated too. “So now you're starting to nag about that? Me drinking a little?”

“I wouldn't nag about it if it really was only little, but it's not! Look at yourself, you're totally hungover and it's making you act like an asshole.”

“Oh, so now I'm an asshole? Well, have you thought there might be a reason for my drinking?” Aiden challenged.

“I wouldn't know, you don't talk to me about things like that anymore.” This time, I let my pain show.

Aiden let out a frustrated sigh. “I'm really not in the mood for this right now, Cody.”

I looked at him for a moment before standing up. “Come and find me once you're feeling better.” Then I walked away, hoping that some time today Aiden would come and talk to me.

To my disappointment, he did not do anything like that. I didn't see him again that day.
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Am I the only one still not getting any email notifications when a story I'm subscribed to is updated? It has been going on a while and it's starting to annoy me. >_<

And also, we are getting closer to the part of this story that I have been dying to write since I first started writing this. Therefore, I can't help but give you a small teaser:

"Cody, we are going to have sex. Now let's get you undressed." Btw, it's not Aiden who says that. x}