Gaijin No More

It's not over

Aiden's POV

Cody had just dumped me. Our relationship was over.

I couldn't fucking believe it!

I just stood there like an idiot as Cody ran away from me, after saying it was over between us. And I actually let him go, just like that!

Well, if Cody thought this was the end of all this, he had another thing coming. I was not ready to give it all up so easily. Something -- I didn't know what yet -- had made Cody to want to break up with me.

Okay, I admit, things hadn't been that good lately so I could see why Cody would feel like our relationship wasn't doing well, but were they really that bad that he'd want to break up? I don't think so.

Maybe it was just because this was Cody's first real relationship and he got scared? That we wouldn't be able to solve our problems? So it would be better just end it now than later when things possibly got really bad?

Yeah, that must be it. But that didn't mean I would just let this be and go on my merry way. Oh no, I would not let Cody go without fighting. Since he didn't know how to maintain a real relationship, then I would show and teach him how to handle these things.

But I still couldn't help feeling a little pissed. Was it so easy for Cody to let go and forget the time we spent together? All the memories and things we did together? The conversations? Didn't those things mean anything to him?

Be it as it may, I would get to the bottom of this whole mess.

I slammed the front door as I got home, relieving some of my pent up anger. I stomped upstairs after kicking my shoes off and marched straight to my wardrobe. Earlier that day I had spilled some coke on my shirt so I needed a new one.

After getting a clean shirt I went back downstairs while pulling the t-shirt over my head. I went to the kitchen where my mom was fixing snack for Ellie.

“Oh hi Aiden,” she greeted me with a smile. I grunted in response, grabbing a can of root beer from the refrigerator.

“So... How come I haven't seen Cody around? Is everything okay between the two of you?” Wonderful timing, mom. She couldn't have found a better moment to ask that.

“We broke up,” I answered gruffly.

My mom's face lit up though she tried to conceal it. She failed miserably, I'll tell you.

“Really? Oh honey, I'm so sorry!” Yeah, I bet you are.

I didn't bother to tell her how bad actress she was. Instead I concentrated on finishing my root beer.

“So, you'll probably start dating girls again, right?” she asked offhandedly, but I could see she was dying to hear my answer.

I gave her a dumbfounded look. Um, how about 'fuck no'?

“In your dreams, mom,” I said and left the kitchen.

“B-But you are not with Cody anymore! So why not go back to how things used to be? You dating girls and all?” she said and followed me. Apparently she still hadn't fully accepted my relationship with Cody. Maybe I should turn full time gay, just to piss her off.

I put on my shoes and opened the door. “I'm going to win Cody back,” I told her and stepped outside.

“What?!” she shrieked. “Aiden, honey, don't you think it would be for the best to just move on? Clearly you and Cody weren't meant to be.”

“Oh you would love that, wouldn't you? Just shrug this all off as a silly phase and have me bringing girlfriends home again? Well guess what mom. I don't want this to be over with me and Cody. What I want is to be his boyfriend and now I'm going to fight for him.” That being said I got into my car and drove off.

Soon I pulled over at Cody's house. I planned to confront him and, if everything went as I wanted, he'd take me back. Then we could forget this silly little mishap.

I knocked loudly on the door and waited for someone to open the door. Soon I heard footsteps and I got ready to knock some sense in to Cody's head.

To my disappointment it was his dad who opened the door.

“Aiden, hi,” he seemed surprised to see me.

“Is Cody home?” I asked without beating around the bush. I was anxious to find him and talk things through.

Bruce shook his head. “I'm afraid not. He said he was going out. I thought he would be with you.”

I cursed heavily in my head. I really didn't want to postpone this but now it seemed inevitable.

“Have you tried calling him?”

I felt like smacking myself. At times like these I can be a total moron.

“No I haven't, actually. Thanks.” I said bye to him and headed back to my car. Once in I grabbed my cell phone and called my missing boyfriend. I refused to think him as my ex.

He didn't answer. Fuck, was he now ignoring my phone calls? Or maybe he didn't have his phone with him.

I threw my phone away after a few more attempts of getting a hold of Cody. It looked like I had to wait until tomorrow, though I had a feeling in my gut that if I didn't get to speak with Cody soon, getting him back would only become harder.