Gaijin No More

Aiden finds out

Aiden's POV

A furious growl left my throat. Where the hell was he?! I hadn't caught a glimpse of him yet, and school was almost over! I had searched all of his favorite spots, waited outside his classes when they ended but I still hadn't found him.

Either he was doing very good job avoiding me or then he wasn't at school.

I preferred to think it was the latter. I didn't want Cody to avoid me. I wanted to find him, take him somewhere quiet and get him to take me back.

But it seemed like it wouldn't happen any time soon. There were only two classes left and I had no idea where to look for Cody.

As my last attempt I decided to go to wait for him by his locker. If he was at school he'd have to come by sooner or later.

After rounding the corner I saw something that ripped my heart to pieces within seconds.

Cody was there. But he was pressed against lockers by no other than my worst enemy, Kirk Coleman. And guess what the worst part was? They were kissing.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Cody, my sweet Cody was making out with the guy I loathed. A day after we broke up.
Why was this happening? This was not how things were supposed to be! Cody shouldn't have been anywhere near Kirk, much less kissing him.

I was in shock. I wanted to rip my eyes off them, but I could not. My eyes were locked on something that I though could only happen in my nightmares.

Kirk was holding Cody around his waist while Cody's hands rested on his shoulders. It was a nauseating sight. More than anything I wanted to rip Cody away from Kirk and beat the guy to death. How dare he touch Cody? Didn't I tell him to stay the fuck away from him?

I clenched my fists in anger and for a moment I was ready to go and rip them apart. But then I realized Cody wasn't protesting. He was actually letting Kirk kiss him.

And he was also kissing him back.

My anger disappeared and was replaced by sorrow. Was this the reason he wanted to break up with me? So he could date Kirk?

It couldn't be. I was far better boyfriend than Kirk could ever be. Such a low scumbag didn't deserve to even breathe the same air as Cody did.

How long had this been going on anyway? Did Cody get over me that quickly? Not even 24 had passed and he was already making out with a new guy.

Either he was turning into a whore or then he and Kirk had been playing around like this much longer, behind my back.

I shook my head furiously to get rid of those thoughts. Cody wouldn't do that to me. He couldn't have been cheating on me. It was a sheer impossibility, I was sure of it.

Though I could be wrong. Maybe Cody had hidden it so well I hadn't noticed anything. Maybe he and Kirk had had this thing going on for weeks and I didn't have any clue. Who knows if they had been laughing behind my back all this time.

Finally they parted but they still didn't stop touching each other. Kirk kept one of his arms around Cody's waist and began to lead him away. Cody leaned his head against Kirk's shoulder contently.

It was ridiculous but they actually looked happy. Even though I couldn't see their faces I could imagine they were smiling like two lovestruck puppies. It made me sick.

I turned around and left school. I didn't want to be there anymore. I couldn't be there anymore. The picture of Cody and Kirk kissing was burned on my mind and I wanted to be as far away from them as possible.

I had never felt this betrayed.

For the next few days I kept seeing Cody with Kirk. They were either kissing, hugging or holding hands. It was like they couldn't stop touching each other. Several times I had caught Cody with Kirk's tongue down his throat. It pissed me off greatly that he allowed Kirk to touch him like that. When Cody had been with me it had taken him a long time to get used to my touches and kisses. With Kirk there wasn't that problem, apparently.

When I once again saw them French kissing each other, I started to think that they were doing this just to annoy me. Honestly, couples made out all the time in school hallways, but with them it seemed like they were showing off their happiness in front of me on purpose.

It was like they tried to mock me.

Then, a week after I first saw Cody with Kirk, something happened. In the morning Kirk had Cody in his car as he drove to school. But it wasn't all. Cody was wearing the same t-shirt and jeans he wore yesterday and he had one of Kirk's hoodies on him.

On the top of that, Cody's neck was covered in hickeys. And he was limping slightly.

I could only come to one conclusion. They had had sex.

If my heart wasn't broken before, it sure was now.

How could Cody do this? For fuck's sake, he had been with Kirk for only a week and they had already had sex?! How the fuck was that possible?

We had been together for months and not once had we done anything sexual. It had always been kisses and hugs but never even a hand job. I would've loved to have sex with Cody but there was no way I would've pressured him into anything. I let Cody decide how far we went but I always though that at some point he would give his virginity to me.

But now he had blatantly whored himself out to Kirk.

I was furious. Something that I had already considered mine had been stolen from me. And I was not happy about it.

Later that day I searched Cody in my hands and pushed him into a nearest closet. I held him firmly and I knew it must've been painful for him. I didn't care. A part of me actually wanted to make him hurt, just like he had hurt me.

Once we were in the closet, I kissed him hard. I poured my every feeling into that kiss. Hurt, betrayal, sorrow, fury. I wanted Cody to know what he had done to me and what he would be missing from now on.

“You're such a little slut, Cody,” I hissed in his ear and kissed him again, earning a pain filled moan from him. I knew I was squeezing him too tight but I didn't care.

I could taste the blood that oozed from his abused lips. I licked it hungrily before shoving him away harshly.

“I hate you, Cody Adams. And I hope you die.” Those were my last words to him before I turned and left. I felt oddly satisfied. Kirk could have Cody for all I cared. Who would want to date a whore anyway?
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If I told you I can still make everything okay, would you believe me?