Gaijin No More

Sleeping with the enemy

Cody's POV

This had to be the most miserable week in my whole life. Dating Kirk, even if it was only fake-dating, was not a pleasing experience.

Let me list the reasons why I didn't enjoy 'dating' Kirk Coleman.

First of all, he was rude. Manners meant nothing to him and it irked me greatly.

He was also arrogant. Somehow he had gotten this idea that he was the king of the universe and everything revolved around him. Not attractive at all.

And in addition, personal hygiene didn't seem to mean anything to him. His hair was always greasy and he smelled weird.

He smoked cigarettes too. Whenever he stuck his tongue down my throat, which was quite disgusting by the way, I felt like I was kissing an ashtray. Sounds pleasant, right?

Kirk was also rough. He was always pushing me, holding me too tight or manhandling me in some other way.

But most importantly, he wasn't Aiden. I didn't want to be kissed or held by anyone else except Aiden. I was starting to regret breaking up with him. Not only did I miss him like he was dead, every time I saw him he looked at me with sadness and pain in his eyes.

I hated myself for hurting Aiden that way. But there was nothing I could do about it now. I was far too deep in this mess and I could only hope Aiden got over me and moved on. Hopefully I would get over him too somewhere in the future.

I was lying face down on the couch in our living room, watching morning cartoons. I know I must've been a pathetic sight but at the moment I didn't give a shit.

“What's been going on with you lately? You're acting like a kicked puppy,” dad asked and sat down on the recliner. “And since when do you watch Animaniacs? I thought you hated that show.”

A side of my mouth quirked into a small, sad smile. “We broke up.” I told him quietly, not taking my eyes off the TV.

My dad shot me a disbelieving look. “Come again? Did you just say you and Aiden broke up?”

I sat up and nodded.

“Oh Cody, I'm so sorry,” he said with concern. He got up and came to sit next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and for a moment I felt like I was a child again.

Dad didn't ask any questions, of which I was grateful. I honestly didn't feel like talking about it. It was too painful to even think about it.

“I think you should go get dressed. You're going to be late from school,” dad murmured a few minutes later. I sighed but complied anyway.

As I climbed up the stairs, I heard the front door close, signaling that dad had left for work. I lazily put some clothes on, not caring that I possibly looked like a hobo. What reason did I have to dress up nicely? I most certainly wouldn't do that for Kirk.

Just as I was pulling a t-shirt over my head, I heard a knock on the front door. I frowned. Who could that be? Had my dad forgotten his keys? Or did the neighbor need something?

I trudged down the stairs, looking at the front door warily. Slowly I lifted my hand on the door knob before opening it, revealing Kirk standing on our porch.

I was taken aback. What the hell was he doing here?

“Hello love,” he greeted me with a mocking grin on his face.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, ignoring the false endearment in his greeting. I had already gotten used to him calling me sweetheart, love, baby, dear, et cetera, and now I had learned to ignore them.

Kirk lazily licked his chapped lips. “There's a little something that we have to do before going to school.”

I looked at him, confused. There was no other students here to witness whatever Kirk had planned. What good it was to do something when Aiden would not find out about it?

Noticing my confusion, Kirk pushed me aside and entered the house. “Cody, we are going to have sex. Now let's get you undressed.”

My blood ran cold and I could feel panic clenching my heart. I was in no way ready to have sex with anyone. How could Kirk expect me to have sex with him when I didn't even want to be in this so called relationship to begin with? Whatever, I was not going to sleep with Kirk. Not now, not ever!

Before I had time to protest, Kirk grabbed my arm and started pulling me upstairs. “I assume this is your room?” he said and pushed the door of my room open. He didn't wait for an answer. Instead he shoved me into the room and put his hands on the hem of my hoodie, attempting to take it off.

“W-Wait a second!” I finally got my voice to work. Kirk didn't listen, though. I was really starting to panic. My struggles were futile against Kirk's strength.

“This isn't the t-shirt you wore yesterday,” Kirk mumbled and ripped the shirt over my head. My face flushed deeply as I now stood in front of him in nothing but jeans and socks. Kirk looked around my room before spotting the light blue t-shirt I wore yesterday lying on the floor by my desk.

He quickly picked it up and tossed it to me. “Put that on.”

I was dumbfounded. Didn't he just say we were going to have sex? And now he was telling me to get dressed?

I didn't question him. I was too relieved to have something covering my upper body. Then Kirk walked back to me. Without a word he grabbed me again and tossed me on my bed. I yelped in surprise, my heart rate speeding rapidly again.

Kirk climbed on the top of me and tilted my head to side. Then he placed his lips on my neck and started to suck.

The feeling of his teeth nibbling my sensitive skin brought me back to my senses and I began to struggle violently. I didn't want this!

“S-Stop it!” I whimpered, pushing on his chest. He didn't budge, just continued assaulting my neck. I felt like crying. This was not how my first time was supposed to go.

After a few minutes Kirk pulled away to admire his work. My neck burned. It felt like he had tried to skin my neck with his teeth.

“Looks good,” Kirk said to himself and got up. I stayed on the bed, trembling like crazy. My breathing was uneven, and my eyes were filled with unshed tears. I was scared.

Then, only confusing me more, Kirk pulled me up on my feet.

“This may hurt a bit,” he warned me. I had no time to react before a stabbing pain coursed through my body. I gasped in pain and fell back on the bed, holding my left ankle.

“Good. Now try to walk,” Kirk told me. I looked at him incredulously. He had just kicked me on the ankle with steel toe boots and he expected me to walk? What was he, insane?

When I didn't do as he told me, he once again pulled me up on my feet, forcing me to take a few, unstable steps.

I hissed as my ankle throbbed in pain. What the fuck was this, some kind of weird foreplay?

“And as a finishing touch,” Kirk said and went to look something from his back bag. Soon he pulled out a hoodie. He gave it to me and told me to put it on. “Now it looks like we had sex and that you spent the night at my place.”

All the pieces seemed to lock into place. I let out a deep breath of relief. Thank God we weren't really going to have sex.

But now everyone would surely think we had had sex. My heart fell to my stomach. This would certainly be the last nail on the coffin for Aiden. He'd hate me once he saw me like this. Then there would be no chance of us ever getting back together.

It was silly, but all this time I had had a tiny spark of hope in me that we'd get back together at some point. Well, this erased my all hopes. Aiden wouldn't want me after he found out about this.
♠ ♠ ♠
You didn't really think I'd let Kirk touch Cody like that? Deflowering Cody is Aiden's job, there's no way around that fact.