Gaijin No More

Breaking up, again

Cody's POV

I choked back sobs as I sat on the floor in the dark closet. Aiden had just left and my heart had been ripped to pieces in the process. What Aiden had said to me hurt like hell, but I knew I kind of deserved it.

I rubbed my arms, trying to ease the pain that had been caused by Aiden's strong grip. There were going to be bruises, I was sure of that. My lips were also sore and I could taste the blood in my mouth when I licked them.

The physical pain eased the emotional pain a little. It took my mind away from the ache in my chest.

Then a new thought crossed my mind. Now that Aiden hated me, there was no need for me to keep dating Kirk. Aiden wouldn't want to have anything to do with me anyway.

That thought brought a little comfort to me. At least now I could go back to how things used to be before I met Aiden. I could wash my hands off this whole mess.

With that in mind I left the closet. I needed to find Kirk so I could tell him I wouldn't be doing this anymore.

I felt a little better now that I knew there was some light at the end of the tunnel. Breaking up with Kirk wouldn't make Aiden take me back but at least I could try to move on and I wouldn't need to be in any contact with Kirk ever again.

The last class was almost over. It amazed me how quickly the time had went by as I had been calming myself in the closet. I wasn't worried about skipping classes. I could always trust my dad to cover me if needed.

Soon enough the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I had no clue what Kirk's last class was so I went to wait by his locker. After five minutes of waiting I saw him walk down the hall towards his locker.

“Well hello there,” he said and reached his hand to touch my cheek. I stepped away from him and his touch.

“We're over Kirk. I'm not doing this anymore,” I stated firmly. I was done playing games.

The smug look on his face changed to shock and then to disbelief. “I don't think so Cody,” he said coldly. The hallway was empty now.

I quirked my eyebrow at him. “Too bad, since I'm done with you and this genius plan you and those girls figured out. I'm not going to pretend to be your boyfriend anymore and that's final.” I tried to leave but Kirk didn't let me. He stepped on my way and pushed me against the lockers.

“It's not up to you to decide when this is over and when it's not.” The look in his eyes was creepily calm. “Now be a good boy and give me a kiss so we can but this behind us.”

I shoved him away angrily. “I told you already I'm not doing this anymore! I love Aiden too much to keep hurting him like this." I paused for a second before adding in a small voice: "he hates me now.”

Kirk didn't seem to be fazed by my little outburst. “That's the thing you don't understand Cody. We have to keep dating each other until your actions or inactions don't hurt Miller anymore.”

Once again, I was confused. “What does that mean? And how will us dating reach that goal anyway?”

Kirk let out an unamused chuckle. “Are you really that dense, Cody? Hate is not the opposite of love.”

Great, now that asshole was getting philosophical. “Your point being?”

“We can't stop dating before all that Miller feels for you is indifference. Once all his feelings for you have disappeared, it will be safe to assume he won't try to get back together with you.”

It was definitely the end of the world when Kirk started to make sense. But even so, I still wouldn't continue with this shit. I couldn't handle it anymore.

“Well, Aiden is almost feeling that way so we might just end this thing right here. He wished me dead, do you really need further proof that he doesn't give a shit about me anymore?” Recalling what had happened in the closet almost brought tears into my eyes but I forced them back. I would never cry in front of Kirk.

Kirk clicked his tongue. He was getting frustrated. “Still not enough. If he bothers to tell you something like that, then it just proves he's feeling anger and hatred towards you. Now stop fucking whining and just go along with this.”

I shook my head violently. “No. You and Aiden's friends can go fuck yourselves. I should've never agreed to this shit.” I spun around and began to walk away, only to have Kirk's fingers squeezing tightly on my already bruised arm.

“Don't fucking talk to me like that, you little shit,” he growled, his brown eyes ablaze with fury.

I tried to wriggle free from his grasp, only succeeding in having him tighten his hold. “Let me go you psycho!” I yelled at him. I was starting to get pissed. I may be against unnecessary violence but this is where I drew the line.

In order to get free, I kicked Kirk harshly on his shin. He cried out in pain and his hold on me loosened enough for me to get free.

Kirk recovered sooner than I thought. “You're going to pay for that,” he threatened and the next thing I knew was the burning pain on my cheek as I fell on my back on the floor.

I lay there, dazed and holding my injured cheek. My teeth had cut the inside of my cheek and for the second time that day I tasted blood.

While I was trying to get rid of the little stars blurring my vision, I heard rapid footsteps nearing. Someone was running down the hallway but I was in too much pain to raise my head and take a look who.

“Touch him like that again and I'll fucking kill you.” A familiar voice growled, voice filled with malevolence and soon I heard a fist colliding with flesh as Kirk fell down on the floor too.