Gaijin No More

Stargazing and questions

Cody's POV

The week ended way too quickly, if you asked me. Before any of us noticed, it was already Sunday and my cousins had to leave. Time really flies when you have fun.

“Cody, come with us!” Olivia whined while clinging to my waist, giving me her famous puppy dog look. I smiled at her and freed myself from her grasp.

“I'd really like to come, but I have to go to school tomorrow.”

“You don't need school, I can teach you! Pretty please?” Olivia smiled sweetly at me and batted her eyelashes.

“I'm sure you could but I don't think my other teachers would like that idea.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes when she stuck her bottom lip out and pouted.

“Come on Liv, we need to get going. You'll see Cody when he comes to visit us,” Tom said and picked her up. Olivia frowned but it soon disappeared as I ruffled her strawberry blond hair.

“See you later kid,” Tom said to me smiling and carried Olivia to the car, placing her on the back seat.

“Yeah, see you,” Dean said and grabbed me into a bear hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

“You should go before they leave without you,” I said to him and removed my arms, patting him on his head.

“Nah, they can't leave without me, I have the gas money.” Dean patted his back pocket where his wallet was. “But seriously Cody, be careful with that Miller guy, okay? You'll never know what a guy like him has in his mind.”

On Friday afternoon we had been hanging out at the mall and Aiden had been there too with his friends. Tom had noticed how Aiden had stared at me quite a lot and asked if I knew him. I told them about how Aiden wanted to become my friend and how I thought it was a bit weird.

“Hey no worries, I think I can handle him,” I assured Dean.

“If he tries anything just call me and I'll come to kick his ass.” Dean blustered and stretched his skinny arms. I burst out laughing at his attempt to look menacing. He looked offended for a second before breaking into a grin.

“Yeah right. But anyway, you'd better move your ass to the car. Tom looks like he's not going to wait another moment,” I said and shoved Dean towards the car.

“Yeah yeah, bye now Cody-boy!” he waved at me and got into the passenger seat. I waved at them as they sped off down the street.

When Aiden said he would stick with me like a glue he wasn't lying. For the next two weeks he dragged me to sit with him at lunch (not that I was very reluctant about it) and sometimes he tagged along when I went for a walk. When he saw me in the hallways he came up to me and insisted on walking me to my next class. Needless to say, I was starting to get used to his presence around me. And to be honest, I enjoyed his company.

In our short time of knowing each other I had found out a lot of stuff about Aiden. For example that he lived with his mom, stepfather, little brother and two little sisters. His brother Joshua was 14 years old and quite a nuisance if you asked Aiden. Lizabeth was eleven and Ellie, his stepsister was only three.

Aiden's taste in music was similar to mine. We both liked Metallica and Good Charlotte, but Aiden was also a fan of Iron Maiden and Avenged Sevenfold. I found out that he liked to play drums, which was a bit surprising. He didn't seem like a drummer like guy. Maybe I really should stop judging books by their cover.

In summary, Aiden was pretty cool guy. At first I thought he could get along with anyone, but later I found out I was wrong. In our school was one guy he couldn't stand. He was Kirk Coleman, arrogant, selfish and cunning little bastard.

When we had talked about Kirk, Aiden had had so dark look in his eyes that it almost scared me. When I had asked why he hated him so much, he had just shrugged and said they had a nasty past together. I felt like Aiden didn't want to talk about it so I didn't pry.

To be honest, I didn't like Kirk much either. Something in the way he acted ticked me off. It was like he owned the whole world and everyone in it. Usually I couldn't stand that kind of behavior.

Anyway, now that we had gotten pass that boring normal information you wanted to know about your new friends, we had moved on totally random subjects. Like what's your shoe size, could you have your dick pierced, what do you think of sea urchins and stuff like that.

And now here we are, lying on the top of the hood of Aiden's electric blue Mitsubishi Evo IV, talking about random shit and gazing stars. I had told him it was relaxing to just look up to the sky and stare at the stars. He wanted to try it out immediately so we had driven up to the hill where you could see the lights of the city. It was perfect place for stargazing.

“Hey Cody?” came Aiden's voice from my right.


“I have a question for you.”


“What's your middle name?” I chuckled at the randomness of his question, although it shouldn't be that surprising anymore.

“Why do you wanna know that?” I asked, not removing my eyes from the sky. From the corner of my eye I saw Aiden lean his head on his palm as he looked at me.

“I've been wondering that for a while now,” he said with a smile. I turned my head to look at him.

“Well then it won't hurt you to wonder that a bit longer,” I teased him and flicked his forehead. He let out a small 'ow' and rubbed his forehead, pouting. I giggled at him and turned to look at the sky again.

“Come on Cody, tell me,” he whined and scooted closer to me. I just shook my head and grinned.

“Okay, then I'll guess. You need to tell me if I get it right." He sat up and crossed his legs, thinking for a moment.

“Is it Bruce?” He tried my dad's name, which wasn't that bad guess.

“Nope, I wasn't named after my dad. Next one.”

“Glen?” I shook my head, smirking. He would never guess my middle name.




“Wrong again,” I said in a sing-song voice. Aiden furrowed his eyebrows for a second before his eyes lit up.

“I know! It's Bartolomeo, isn't it?” I burst out laughing. The way he said it made it sound hilarious.

“Definitely not,” I was able to say between my giggles.

“Aaw, Cody tell me! I can't think of anything else.” Aiden crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. I sighed and gave in.

“Alright, alright. It's Hoyte,” I whispered the last part, hoping Aiden didn't hear me. I had always thought my middle name was weird.

“Hoyte? Wow, that's a cool name,” Aiden said in awe and laid back down on the hood.

“No it's not. It's weird,” I mumbled and wrapped my arms around myself. The air was getting colder and I only had a thin hoodie to cover my body.

“At least it's better than Ian,” Aiden snorted and placed his hands behind his head. I looked at him curiously.

“Is your middle name Ian?” He nodded and turned to look at me. I rolled over on my stomach and folded my arms under my chin.

We laid there in silence, before I started shivering pretty badly. Aiden noticed this and suggested we to get back to the town. It was close to midnight anyways and we'd have school tomorrow. I agreed and we climbed into the car and drove off.