Gaijin No More

Movies and eyeliner

Cody's POV

I was in my room looking for my eyeliner when my cell phone beeped, signaling that I had received a text message. The sound startled me and I bumped my head on my desk. Cursing silently I rubbed my now sore head and rose up from the floor, grabbing my phone from my bed.

The message was from Aiden and he asked if I was doing anything important. I answered no and asked why did he want to know that. A few minutes later came reply:

Good. Get ready, I'm on my way to pick you up ; )

I arched my eyebrow at this but didn't bother to ask what he had in mind. Instead I trudged over to my closet and pulled out a lime green hoodie. I put it on and grabbed my camera and cell phone, stuffing them into the front pocket of the hoodie. To my delight, my eyeliner was also in the pocket, making me wonder how had I forgotten it there.

I skipped down the stairs to the front door and just as I was about to open the door and leave, a hand grabbed the back of my hoodie, pulling me back. I turned my head and looked at my dad, confusion showing from my face.

“And where do you think you are going young mister?” he asked with a mock stern look on his face, a mischievous glint in his eyes as always.

“I was going to go and hang out with my friend,” I answered and swatted his hand away, crossing my arms over my chest, daring my dad to try and stop me.

My father raised one of his eyebrows, crossing his arms too.

“And who might this guy be, if I may ask?”

“Just one guy from school.”

“Is he the guy who you were with yesterday and the day before and the day before that and...”

“Okay okay, I get what you are saying,” I interrupted, blushing slightly. It was true, I had been spending awfully lot of my free time with Aiden recently. I just hadn't realized it.

My dad smiled at me and patted my head.

“It's good that you have made friends around here. I just got a little worried since you haven't really been at home lately.” Guilt rose up from my chest as I thought about it.

“I can cancel, you know, and stay home for a while --” this time my dad interrupted me.

“Nonsense son, just go and have some fun. Just make sure that you can save some time to me during the next weekend, there's a bunch of old horror movies on TV and I really don't want to watch them alone.” And as if of cue Aiden pulled over in front of our house.

“Sure dad, I think I can manage that,” I said smiling and left the house. I walked to Aiden's car and climbed in on the passenger seat.

“So, where are we going?” I asked and fastened the seat belt.

“I was thinking we could stop by Starbucks and then go to my place to watch a couple of movies. How does that sound?”

“Sounds like a plan. Why Starbucks though?”

“I'm in desperate need of some caffeine.” Aiden emphasized his point with a pained expression on his face and so we first stopped by the said coffee place. We got our drinks, me getting a mint mocha chip Frappuchino and Aiden getting a honey latte.

There was no one at home when we got to Aiden's house.

“Joshua is at his soccer practice and my mom and Steward took Ellie and Lizabeth to the mall shopping for new clothes, so we have the whole house for ourselves,” Aiden explained as he took me to his room.

I had never been to Aiden's house, but it seemed cozy. It was white two story house with a large kitchen and many bedrooms.

Aiden's room was big. There were a few posters covering the light brown walls along with pictures of him and his friends. Messily made bed stood against one wall and opposite of that was a small couch and a recliner with a TV and a coffee table. Kinda like an own living room.

A desk with a laptop was situated right in the front of a big window. A few pieces of clothing were lying on the floor but it only made the room look more appealing.

“I like your room,” I said and examined my surroundings.

“Yeah, well, it's okay. Now sit down while I go get some popcorn and soda.”

I nodded and flopped myself down on the couch, waiting for Aiden to return.

Aiden soon came back, carrying a bowl of popcorn and two cans of soda. The threw one of them to me and sat next to me on the couch.

We decided to watch The Hills Have Eyes first and then the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

I had to cover my eyes at some parts of the movies, (I know I'm a wimp so sue me), this of course made Aiden chuckle.

“Hey shut up, I have a low horror tolerance,” I said, defending my dignity, although it didn't help much since right after the words left my mouth I had to bury my face in my hands since things got a bit too violent for my taste.

“We can watch the Spongebob Squarepants movie after this if you want,” Aiden said. I looked at him with a doubtful look.

“Are you serious? You really have it?” I was starting to get excited. I loved Spongebob.

“Of course. I wouldn't want little Cody to have nightmares.” This Aiden said in a baby voice and I tried to punch his arm but he grabbed my wrist before it could make a contact with his arm.

We wrestled a moment before Aiden was able to lock me in place, pulling my arms behind my back.

“I won,” he said with a triumphant smile. I pouted and stuck my tongue out, totally acting like a five-year-old.

Aiden let go of my arms and was about to sit back down when his eyes caught something on the floor. He picked it up and examined it closely.

“What's this?” he asked and looked at me.

“That's my eyeliner,” I answered “I must have dropped it when we wrestled.”

Aiden looked thoughtful for a moment before asking: “How do you use it?”

“Like this,” I said and grabbed the pencil from him and applied some around my eyes.

“Can you put it around my eyes?” he asked, looking eagerly at the black pencil in my hand. “I want to know how it looks like on me.” I nodded and straddled Aiden's legs, telling him to tilt his head back.

Aiden's hand flew to my hips, making sure I wouldn't fall off as I carefully lined his eyes with my eyeliner. I couldn't help but shiver to his touch.

“That felt weird,” Aiden commented when I was done.

“Go check yourself,” I said and removed myself from his lap. Aiden went to the bathroom to check his eyes.

“This shit looks good,” he exclaimed as he walked back, looking pleased with the result. “Maybe I should start wearing this stuff too.”

“If you want you can have my eyeliner. I should have another one at home somewhere,” I said and handed the pencil to him.

“Wow, thanks,” he said smiling, accepting the pencil.

We resumed watching the movies until it was time for me to go home. Aiden gave me a ride home and before I could get out of the car he asked if I wanted to have a ride to school too.

“Sure,” I said with a smile on my face.

“I'll come to get you half an hour before school starts,” Aiden said and waved as he took off back to his home