Gaijin No More

Germs and piercings

Aiden's POV

I was on my way to the school cafeteria, planning on meeting Cody, like usually. Unfortunately I never made it to the cafeteria, since somebody grabbed my arm and yanked me into an empty classroom. Before I even had the time to realize what was going on, I found myself on my back on the top of one of the desks in the room.

“Don't you dare to move an inch,” a familiar voice growled and a pair of strong hands clutched the front of my shirt.

“Holy shit Dan, what the fuck is wrong with you? What's the meaning of this?” I asked frowning and sitting up on the desk, ignoring Dan's previous threat. I looked at my best friend's fuming face, thoughts of him being nuts filling my head.

“The question is, what's the deal with you ignoring your friends,” Dan said, crossing his arms over his muscular chest and glaring at me. I smiled sheepishly when his words sunk in. Had I really been that ignorant? The answer was: hell yes. I had been so caught up in getting to know Cody that I didn't even think about my other friends.

“I'm sorry Dan, you're right. I haven't paid much attention to you guys,” I apologized, rubbing the back of my neck. Dan snorted and leaned against the wall.

“It wouldn't bother us that much if you spent your time with anyone else but him,” he spat the last word like it was poison burning his tongue.

“Him? Do you mean Cody?”

“No, I mean David Hasselhoff. Of course I fucking mean that loser, for the past few weeks you have had him attached to your hip!” It was clear that Dan was mad. Wait, no he was beyond mad. And I had no idea why.

“It's true that I've been spending a lot of time with him but seriously, what's the big deal? I said I'm sorry, why are you so furious?” I asked defensively. This seemed to calm Dan down a little, but his eyes were still flaming.

“I just have a bad feeling about him,” he muttered under his breath. “What's so special about him anyway?” Dan's voice was challenging and he stared hard into my eyes.

“I don't know. He just interests me,” I shrugged, but I noticed Dan wasn't listening. Instead he was staring my face intently.

“What the hell is that stuff around your eyes?” he exclaimed, coming closer, never removing his eyes.

“Oh this? It's eyeliner.”

“Eyeliner? What the fuck, have you become a fag?!” Dan raised his voice in disbelief. “Goddamn I knew that loser had a bad influence on you.” Now it was my turn to start get pissed off.

“Just because I'm wearing eyeliner doesn't mean I'm a fag. And it wasn't like Cody forced me to try it, I asked him to show me how to use it.” It was hard to keep my voice calm, but somehow I managed not to show my anger “Besides, many girls like guys that wear it," I added, trying to make Dan see I was still pretty much straight.

“Yeah, whatever,” he huffed and grabbed the door handle, attempting to leave. “Oh, I almost forgot,” he mumbled to himself before turning back to face me. “There's party at Todd's house this Friday. I expect you to show up.” And with that he left.

“Don't worry, I will be there,” I yelled after him and jumped down of the desk.

Now that Dan had beaten some sense in to my head, I became more and more determined. I would go to that party and show I was still the same Aiden as before, now I only had a new friend.

Cody's POV

“Did it hurt?” Aiden asked me as he lay on the grass with his hands behind his head, staring at the clouds. I picked a small leaf from the ground and twirled it around in my fingers.

“Did what hurt?” I had to ask since, to be frank, I had no idea what he was talking about.

“When you fell from heaven.” This completely caught me off guard and I turned to look Aiden with wide eyes and mouth slightly open. He looked me into the eye with serious expression before he burst out laughing.

“You should've seen your face, it was priceless!” I smacked him on the head, blushing a bit. His line was cheesy as hell but I had always had a weak spot for cheesy things.

“You are sick,” I snorted. Aiden had finally stopped laughing and the serious look had returned to his face.

“But seriously, I meant your lip ring. Did it hurt to take it?”

“It stung a little,” I replied after thinking a moment. “But it wasn't all that bad. It was over sooner than I thought so I really didn't have time to think of the pain.”

“What did your dad think? You did ask his permission, didn't you?” I smiled as I remembered the day I got my lip pierced.

“No I didn't.” I let out a small laugh before continuing, “I was mad at my dad for not letting me to go out to photograph the night life of our city,” I said the last part with dramatic voice. “He thought it was too dangerous. So the next day I went and got my lip pierced, as if to show him how tough I was.”

“Wow. Did he get mad?” Aiden questioned eagerly.

“Actually he didn't. He just told me to make sure it didn't get infected or something.” I was quiet for a moment before I told the rest of the story. “Later I apologized for doing that behind his back. He said it was okay and he should accept the fact that I was growing up.”

We sat there in a comfortable silence before Aiden stood up and dragged me with him.

“C'mon, lets go,” he said, excitement dripping from his voice.

“Go where?” I asked and let him drag me to his car.

“I want to get a piercing too.” He was grinning like he just figured out the cure for cancer.

“Isn't this a bit too hasty decision?” I asked, smiling at Aiden's child like enthusiasm.

“Like you're the one to talk,” Aiden shot back and pulled over in front of the same place where I had gotten my piercing from.

And before I even noticed, I was sitting next to Aiden and holding his hand. He said he wanted to have something to squeeze if the pain was too much. But to be honest, I thought he was just scared. I didn't say it to him though.

He did squeeze my hand when the needle pierced the right side of his nose, but it wasn't hard squeeze.

“That didn't hurt much,” he said as we walked out of the shop, a silvery stud now decorating his nose. I just shook my head and sighed.

“You're crazy.”

“Yes, but that only makes you love me even more.”

“What makes you think I love you?” I played along, smiling devilishly.

“You... You don't love me?” Aiden pretended to be shocked. “I knew this! You have someone new! Is it another guy? Wait, I know! It's that guy Edward who has those freaky glasses! No, it's Tucker from tenth grade.” I shut Aiden up by placing my hand over his mouth, giggling like a school girl.

“Shut up silly, you are making a scene.” I felt Aiden grin under my hand and then something wet and soft touched my hand.

“Eww! That's disgusting!” I exclaimed and wiped my hand on his t-shirt.

“Hah, now you have my germs on you!” I glared at him and tip toed so I was able to lick his cheek.

“Hah, now you have my germs on you,” I mocked him and ran off towards his car so he couldn't put any more of his germs on me.

What I didn't know that if I had stayed next to him, I would've noticed the blush on his cheeks.

“Don't wait for the bus tomorrow when the school is over,” Aiden told me as he dropped me off to my house. I looked at him, confusion shining from my eyes.

“What for? I need to get home somehow you know”

“I'll give you a ride but first I want to take you somewhere.” Aiden gave me the I-know-something-you-don't-know -smirk before shoving me gently on my shoulder, signaling me to get out of the car.

“Wait, what? Where are you taking me?” I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

“You'll see tomorrow. Now get out of the car or do I have to carry you?” It would've sounded like a threat if Aiden hadn't smiled so sweetly at me, giving me the most innocent eyes he could.

“Okay, keep your secrets.” I fake pouted and got out.

“Don't worry, I promise it will be fun!” Aiden yelled after me. I waved my hand dismissively, now waiting eagerly for tomorrow to come.