Gaijin No More

Partying and thinking

Aiden's POV

The party was wicked like always. Todd really knew how to make everyone enjoy themselves and him being a total clown made this even easier. It was never boring when Todd decided to throw a party.

I had drunk quite a few beers and chucked down a few shots of whiskey, this all making me a bit tipsy.

Although I was having fun I still felt like something was missing. My thoughts constantly wandered to Cody and how I would be having much more fun if I was with him. I had become addicted to his smart little quips and random little comments. Actually his whole being was addictive.

“Aiden my man!” I heard someone exclaim so I turned around to look at Brady who had a beer on his right hand and a girl on his left.

“How's it going Brady bear?” I said grinning, using the nickname he hated on purpose. Brady cringed at first but then decided to ignore my remark.

“Ah, same old, same old, but what's going on with you? Haven't heard from you in ages!”

“Yeah, sorry about that. Been a bit busy lately,” I answered, offering an apologetic smile.

“Yep, busy fucking his new boyfriend,” Dan, who had appeared from somewhere, sneered and took a huge gulp from a whiskey bottle. I gritted my teeth at him, clutching the beer in my hand so tightly my knuckles started to turn white. Lately Dan had started to annoy me immensely, always making nasty comments about me being friends with Cody.

“Oh I see. Never would've thought you out of all people Aiden swung that way,” Brady said, believing Dan's words.

“Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not gay. Dan's just being an ass.” I shot the deathliest glare possible to Dan who just inspected his nails like we were talking about the fucking weather.

“You sure you're not gay? After all you are wearing eyeliner and now you've gotten your nose pierced. Seems pretty gay to me.” Dan was really starting to piss me off.

“A, a lot of straight guys wear eyeliner; B, even more straight guys have piercings and C, you are just being a prejudiced asshole,” I spat back, the urge of punching Dan growing.

“That's true honey, many straight guys do wear eyeliner and I find it kinda hot,” Dan's girlfriend Sheila piped in our conversation, kissing her boyfriend's cheek. Dan seemed to ignore Sheila's words and just kept glaring at me. I couldn't help but think that Sheila was too smart to be dating such an idiot like Dan.

“Maybe so but straight guys don't act like queers.”

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” I barked, gaining attention of some people near us.

“Next time you see Cody, pay attention to how you act around him.” I was going to throw some kind of an insult back at Dan but Todd came and interrupted us.

“Hey boys, play nice! This is a lovely Friday night, we have a party, booze and girls so there's no need to fight,” Todd said laughing and he handed me another beer, which I took gratefully.

“Yeah, but there's no other fags for Aiden.” I couldn't believe I considered that guy as my best friend.

“For the last fucking time Wieners, I am not gay.” I emphasized each word slowly and clearly, like talking to a mentally retarded person.

“Think about it Aiden.” Was the last thing Dan said before walking away, leaving me to try to control my rage towards a guy I thought was my friend.

“Take it easy Aiden, you know Dan can be an ass when he has alcohol in his body,” Sheila said softly before going after her boyfriend.

The whole ordeal between me and Dan had completely ruined my mood. It had also sobered me up a bit and I didn't feel like drinking anymore. I was now sitting on the back porch, looking up to the sky and just thinking. A half empty beer bottle stood next to me and the music blasted from the house behind me.

Whether I liked it or not, the things Dan had said were stuck in my head like a whore to her client. Had I really been acting like a gay?

The answer was no. I just had spent most of my free time with Cody, having fun with him and basically just hanging around with him. Same stuff I did with my other friends. Sure I may have been giving a bit more attention to Cody than I normally gave my other friends but that didn't mean anything.

Then a completely absurd idea crossed my mind. Could I think having a deeper relationship with Cody? Was it completely impossible for me to think dating Cody?

Now that I thought about it, it didn't seem so weird idea. Cody was cute, funny, unique, he didn't bore me and we shared many opinions but didn't agree on everything, he was stubborn and it was always a challenge when we got into an argument.

Plus he had good ass.

Okay, maybe the last part wasn't necessary but still. In summary, Cody would be worth dating, even though we were guys. If Cody was a girl I knew for sure that I'd go and date him, so why should his gender affect that?

Well, maybe because I didn't know if he liked boys. As far as I knew Cody hadn't dated anyone, but I could be wrong.

I felt the headache forming and decided to leave thinking these things for tomorrow. I decided to text Cody and ask what he was doing since I was getting a bit bored. I didn't want to go back inside yet.

After a few minutes my cell phone went off, telling me Cody had replied.

I'm having a movie marathon with my dad ; ) You?

Just sitting and being bored. Entertain me ; P
I grinned and sent the message. It was funny how something so simple as texting made the boredom fade away.

What am I, your personal clown? : D

Yup, that you are

Well I'm not there right now so you have to find someone else to entertain you : )

You're probably right. Well, I'll go check if there's someone at least half as entertaining as you ; D

Bastard : D G'night


I flipped my phone closed and went back in, but not to find someone to entertain me. I had decided to go home and sleep, the headache getting the best of me.

Just as I was heading to the front door, something hit my back and fell on the floor with a dull thud. I turned around and saw some kind of tube on the floor.

“To make things go smoothly. Wouldn't want Cody's first time to be too painful,” Dan's voice mocked and then I realized it was him who had thrown the tube at me. And it wasn't just any kind of tube. It was lube.

I picked the tube up and looked Dan calmly, smiling sweetly.

“Thanks a lot man, I'm sure I'm going to need this.” And with that I walked out, smirking smugly, knowing what I just said had surprised Dan. Once I got out I threw the tube into the bushes. If I happened to need that stuff, I'd get something that did not smell like strawberries.