Tear my heart out and Drink my blood (A Vampire Romance)

Goodbye Forever

~Rewind 18 years~
(Third person POV)
"Excuse me, Mistress I have some news on the women" he said as he bowed. "The women is about to give birth and he is with her."

"Very well, tell the others I will be there shortly." she replied with a glare. The man bowed as he left to tell the others that she was coming. She is or once was the mistress of Lucifer until he was caught with a human woman. The Queen of the Damned was furious she almost killed the women at first sight but Lucifer would not allow her to. Instead she threw her into the torture chambers, where this women was beaten senseless. A few months after the incident word got out that this human was pregnant with Lucifers child. The Mistress was enraged and planned to kill her and this unborn child that threatened her position.

Lucifer was also affected by his mistake, he would now be punished for having a relationship with a human. In many stories Lucifer is portrayed as a ruthless leader. He is actually very kind-hearted. God gave him this position and not even Lucifer can defy God. Where these contemptible stories came from he does not know. Maybe the mistress had something to do with it. She is cruel-hearted and cold. She is self-absorbed and only cares for herself.

Back to the women, the mistress hurried down the chambers in search of the horrid creature. Her mind filled with contempt and hatred towards this one being. She heard sounds of moaning and screaming towards the end of the hall. The room was crowded with black robed men all surrounding the girl. Lucifer was holding her hand while she began heaving. The mistress pushed her way through the men and her eyes landed on the pitiful creature.

The women was beautiful no doubt. Her natural long black her flattened around her face by sweat. Her oval wide gray eyes glistened with pain. Her nose at a perfect angle. Pale flawless face shining. She looked more like an angel then a human.

"Come on just a few more pushes Adrianna" Lucifers appealing voice cooed. Lucifer was very handsome. His sleek black hair and perfect face could never be matched. His eyes radiant ruby red. The mistress scowled at the true perfection laying in front of her. The mistress also beautiful but could never pass Adriannas beauty.

A chocked cry was heard and the spectators could tell that Adriannas light was fading. She was slowly dying. Her body could not take anymore. The beatings and now childbirth has taken a toll on her body. Lucifer couldnt help but cry out, although he was not supposed to he loved this breath taking young women and was tortured by her helplessness. The mistresses glower was fierce but her rejoice was easy to see.

Another cry filled the room this one was wailing. One of the men now held a shriveled body of a baby girl. "Its a girl." he announced.

"Can I please see her?" Adriannas weak voice asked. The man was sympathetic and let Adrianna hold on to her. "She is beautiful" Lucifer commented "Just like her mother." He smiled weakly and was graced with a smile from Adrianna. He bent down and kissed both girls for heads. The baby was ripped out of Adriannas hands and the mistress now held her.

"Pitiful" she spat. "Take it away" and she forcefully pushed the baby into the arms of the man who birthed the women. The man looked affectionately at the young one and did as she ordered.

Adriannas face was now streaked with tears as she saw her beautiful baby was taking away from her. She looked towards Lucifer and she mouthed I love you. He gently pressed his lips to hers and felt her last breath. When he released her lips he glanced at her dead face. She was pale and cold and her once luscious pink lips were colored blue. He soundlessly cried for his dead love.

He laid her down and waited for the robed men to take her away. The mistress was still standing there with a pleased look. "Now my dear what are we going to do with you?" she sneered. He looked at her wordlessly. She opened her mouth to say something, when she was suddenly interrupted by a yell.

"Milady, Milady, you must come in see the baby girl, she has the mark."
~Present Day~
(First person POV)
I stared at the rotten building that was once my home. The old couple that took care of me for the past 18 years waved goodbye to me. I was now 18, A legal adult. I was leaving this decaying town and starting a new life. The impatient taxi driver honked twice. I turned to the taxi and walked to the trunk. I opened it and put in my tattered suitcase that held all that belonged to me in the world. I shut the trunk and gazed once to my only family and couldnt help but run back and hug them both.

"Sally, Chuck Im going to miss you two very much. Please dont forget me" I cried. "Darling how could we ever forget you, you are all we have in this world. Whatever may happen you can always come back to us, we love you like a daughter please dont forget that." Sally answered. Chuck nodded in agreement. "Oh I almost forgot this letter was given to me and I was to give it to you on your 18th birthday. Im sorry I forgot."

"Oh um thank you. Its no problem. I love you guys too. Goodbye." I kissed both of them on the cheek, stuffed the letter in my pocket and ran back to the aggravated cabby. I opened the door and got in waving to them until the disappeared with the rest of my past. I would never come back here. There was nothing that held me. Chuck and Sally are very elderly and we both know they arent going to live much longer. The taxi man looked over his shoulder and asked where I was going. I told him the airport. He grunted in response and turned around. I laid my head on the chilled window and took a breath. The window fogged over.

It took 2 hours to get to the Chicago airport. I took my suitcase out of the trunk and paid the taxi driver. He sped away. I walked to my terminal went through booking and suitcase checking with ease. When it came time to the metal detector did I then run into trouble. I went through the machine 6 times before I figured out what kept making me beep. I forgot to take out my industrial piercings that were hidden behind my long black hair. I took them out went through the machine once more and was finally able to go through. I stopped by the restrooms to put back my piercings which consisted of an industrial piercing on both ears. Also two earrings on both too. A septum piercing and a lip ring in the middle of my bottom lip. I fixed my makeup which was so heavy that at first I couldnt keep my eyes open but got used to it. My dark hair was teased and I had a little pink bow in it. I left the bathroom satisfied. I still had time until boarding. I put on my ipod and hit shuffle. The first song that played was Pathetic, Ordinary by Alesana. I didnt hear them say boarding but I saw the people around me start to move and got in line. I went up to the ticket agent and handed her my boarding pass.

She smiled and said have a good flight. I smiled back and nodded. I walked down the connector with my suitcase rolling behind me. I was very jittery as I entered the plane. This was my first time on a plane. Ever since September 11th I have been frightened by the idea of flying.
I found my seat and put my suitcase in the overhead carrier. I sat in the aisle seat so I leaned over to look out the window. I heard an elderly voice say excuse me. I looked up and saw an old women standing next to me.

"Do you mind if we switch seats. I do not like the window very much." she asked. "Not a problem." I moved over and landed in the next seat. "Thank you" the women said. I smiled up. She sat down and started to talk to me. Her name was Marie. She was very kind. She asked me a lot of things and I answered her.

"So my dear child where are you headed?" she questioned. "I'm going to London. I was just accepted to the London University." I replied. "Oh my dear, I am also on my way to London. Congratulations on the acceptance." she said joyfully. I really liked this women. She reminded me of Sally. "My dear you know my name, what is your name? Of course if you dont mind telling me." she asked. "Oh how rude of me, no of course I dont mind. My name is Chasity Adrianna Luficoora."I gave her my full name. "What a beautiful name Chasity,it is so unique." she complimented. I blushed and timidly thanked her. Her next comment surprised me. "My you have beautiful eyes. They seem like they shine. Ive never seen such a bright gray color. What also surprises me is the little specks of red that make them so rare" she sounded astonished. I knew my eyes were weird but hardly anybody noticed the red in them. "Thank you. You are much to kind." I stuttered. "My child you made this trip better for me." I hardly noticed that we were about to land. I was so absorbed by this lady and our conversation. "Maybe well be lucky enough to sit next to each other in the flight from, Boston to London." "I hope so." I said.
We got of the plane and she went another way while I went to the restaurant area and ordered some coffee. I sat down and waited to board again..
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Okay hope ya like message plz!